Assessment Rubric 4 Production is always clear and easy to Writing follow. There is proper and use of vocabulary. The Vocabulary information is correctly organized. Spelling There is always correct use of capitalization and punctuation. Spelling of words is correct. Always uses Grammar grammatical structures correctly. Neatness The general overview is neat, handwriting is clear. Mistakes are covered or corrected properly and neatly. 3 Production is usually clear and easy to follow. There is use of vocabulary related to the topic. The information is mostly correctly organized. There is usually correct use of capitalization and punctuation. Spelling of words is mostly correct. 2 Production is sometimes unclear and sometimes not easy to follow. There is not enough use of vocabulary. The information is not entirely well organized. 1 Production is usually unclear and not easy to follow. There is no use of vocabulary related to the topic. The information is not well organized. Poor use of capitalization and punctuation. Spelling of words is often incorrect and unchecked. Sometimes uses Rarely uses Usually uses grammatical grammatical grammatical structures structures structures correctly. correctly. correctly. The general The general The general overview overview is rather overview is is usually neat, untidy, handwriting untidy, handwriting is usually is often unclear. handwriting is clear. Most mistakes Mistakes are unclear. Mistakes are corrected properly sometimes are not corrected and neatly. corrected properly properly and and neatly. neatly. Fluctuating use of capitalization and punctuation. Spelling of words is often incorrect. Assessment