PAI LUM KUNG FU KICKING SEQUENCE Salutation-Bow Starting position: Step back into left lung--hands in open guard position. 1. Right front kick--chamber foot 2. Right side kick--chamber foot 3. Right rear kick--chamber foot 4. Step forward into right lunge 5. Left front kick--chamber foot 6. Left side kick--chamber foot 7. Left rear kick--chamber foot 8. Step forward into left lunge 9. Right roundhouse kick--chamber foot 10. Right hook kick--chamber foot 11. Step forward into right lunge 12. Left roundhouse kick--chamber foot 13. Left hook kick--chamber foot 14. Step forward into left lunge 15. Right inside crescent kick--strike left hand 16. Right outside crescent kick--strike right hand 17. Step forward into right lunge 18. Left inside crescent kick--strike right hand 19. Left outside crescent kick--strike left hand 20. Step into right lunge 21. Left front stomp kick--hands in chamber 22. Left rear stomp kick 23. Left stomp kick to left side 24. Left stomp kick to right side 25. Natural stance 26. Right front stomp kick 27. Right rear stomp kick 28. Right stomp kick to right side 29. Right stomp kick to left side 30. Step back into left lunge 31. Right forward instep spin top kick 180 32. Left forward calf spin top 180 33. Left rear instep spin top 180 34. Right rear calf spin top 180 35. Natural stance, guard position Salutation-Bow