1. bam sorting samtools sort -@ 12 -o sort.bam 2. make bedgraph STAR --runMode inputAlignmentsFromBAM --runThreadN 12 --inputBAMfile sort.bam --outWigType bedGraph -outWigStrand Stranded --outWigNorm RPM --outFileNamePrefix pref → 아웃풋에서 str1의 값들을 음수로 바꿔줘야 함 conversion python code import sys with open(sys.argv[1],'r') as f : out = open("minus.FT3_7_Signal.UniqueMultiple.str1.out.bg","w") for i in f : i.rstrip("\n") ls = i.split("\t") ls[3] = -float(ls[3]) print(ls[0],"\t",ls[1],"\t",ls[2],"\t",ls[3],file=out) out.close() 3. make bigwig bedGraphToBigWig bedgraph/str2.bg /data/Reference/GRCh38/star_index/chrNameLength.txt bigwig/str2.bigwig bedGraphToBigWig bedgraph/minus.str1.bg /data/Reference/GRCh38/star_index/chrNameLength.txt bigwig/str1.bigwig * created by reference indexing → move bigwig file to IGV ➔ visualization * str1 = * str2 = + ** Which of the unique and unique multiple of the bedgraph output is your choice