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Psychological Research Tools: Chapter 2 Presentation

Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
The Tools of Psychological Research
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
The Scientific Method
• Recall: Psychology is the scientific study of
behavior and mind
Four main steps of scientific investigation:
– Observe
– Detect Regularities
– Generate Hypothesis
– Observe
Also need operational definitions: specify
concepts in terms of measurements
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
What’s It For? Unlocking the Secrets of
Behavior and Mind
• Goals of psychological research:
– observing and describing behavior
– predicting behavior
– explaining behavior
– treating participants ethically
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Descriptive Research: Learning Goals
1. Describe the techniques and goals of
descriptive research.
2. Explain how psychologists conduct
naturalistic research.
3. Discuss the gains and costs of case studies
and surveys.
4. Explain how statistics can summarize and
help interpret data.
5. Describe the purpose of psychological tests.
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Goals of Descriptive Research
Goal: Observe and describe behavior
– Not: Explain causes (we’ll get to that later!)
– Reactivity
• Did individuals change their normal
behavior because they were being
– External validity
• Do your observations apply to real life?
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Naturalistic Observation:
Focusing on Real Life
Record naturally occurring behavior in reallife situation (not a laboratory)
– E.g.: children playing at a day care center
Can reduce reactivity by
– Participant observation
– Measuring behavior indirectly
Can verify external validity of experimental
Does not allow determination of cause and
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Case Studies: Focusing on an Individual
• Focus on a single case, usually an individual
– Usually involves gathering a lot of
information on background, behavior of
that individual
Excellent for generating hypotheses
Potential problems:
– External validity: Is that one individual
– Verification: Is that one individual being
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Surveys: Focusing on the Group
• Gather a limited amount of information from
many people
– Often, but not always, in the form of a
Potential problems:
– Obtaining a representative sample of
– Can’t obtain in-depth information
– Are respondents’ answers accurate?
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Sampling From a Population
• Population: The group the researcher wants
to learn about
– Example: United States residents
Sample: The subset of the population who
participates in the survey
Random sampling: Everyone in population
has an equal chance of being selected
– Often difficult, but best for ensuring a
representative sample
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Psychological Tests: Assessing Individual
• Achievement tests: Measure current level of
knowledge or competence in a subject
• Aptitude tests: Measure potential for success
in given profession or area of study
• Intelligence and personality tests: Measure
ability, or an individual’s tendency to act in
certain ways
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Statistics: Summarizing and Interpreting the
• Research projects yield observations (data);
researchers attempt to draw conclusions
based on the data
• Potential problems:
– How can you avoid introducing own
– How do you generalize your findings to a
larger population?
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Measures of Central Tendency
• Summarizes observations in a single
representative number around which scores
– Mean: Arithmetic average of set of scores
– Mode: Most frequently occurring score in
– Median: Middle point in set of scores
Median, mode less affected by extreme
scores than the mean is
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
• Variability: How much the scores in a set
differ from one another
– Example: Two classes might have the
same average exam score, but one set of
scores might be much more spread out
Range: Difference between the lowest score
and the highest score
Standard deviation: Average distance of
scores from the mean
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Inferential Statistics
• Help researchers to decide
– whether a sample is representative of a
– the likelihood that results are due to
– Example: Does a gender difference in
scores mean there’s a “real” gender
difference, or is the difference due to
Statistical significance: probability that
outcome due to chance is less than .05.
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Predicting Behavior: Correlational Research
Learning Goals
1. Define correlation and explain how
correlations can be used to predict behavior.
2. Explain why correlations cannot normally be
used to determine the cause of behavior.
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Correlational Research
• Correlation coefficient used to summarize
whether two measures vary together
– Positive correlation: One measure goes up,
the other tends to go up as well
– Negative correlation: One measure goes
up, the other tends to go down
– Zero correlation: Knowing value of one
measure does not allow you to predict
value of the other measure
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Correlation Coefficients
• Range from -1.00 to +1.00
• Absolute value: strength of relationship
– Closer to |1.00|: stronger relationship,
better able to predict one variable from the
Sign: direction of relationship, positive or
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Correlations and Causality
• Measures may be correlated, but that doesn’t
mean one caused the other
– Example: Does watching violent television
cause a child to become aggressive?
Third variables: A common link that could
explain the correlation
– Example: Perhaps certain kinds of parents
allow violent television and encourage
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Experimental Research: Learning Goals
1. Explain how and why experiments are
2. Discuss the difference between independent
and dependent variables.
3. Explain what is meant by experimental
control, how it allows for determination of
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Learning Goals, continued…
1. Describe the problems created by
expectancies and biases and how these
problems are solved.
2. Discuss the problems associated with
generalizing experimental conclusions.
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Experimental Research: How and Why
• Experimenters actively manipulate
environment in order to observe effect on
– Example: Deliberately expose one group of
children to violent show, another group to
nonviolent show, and observe behavior of
each group
Differs from simply recording, observing
behavior: Manipulating allows determination
of causality
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
• Independent variable: Aspect of the
environment that is manipulated or changed
– Must involve at least two conditions
• Example: Violent show / nonviolent
Dependent variable: Behavior that is
measured or observed
– Example: Aggressive behavior. Hypothesis
tested by observing effect of manipulating
independent variable
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Experimental Control and Causality
• Experimental and control groups must be
similar except with regard to independent
There must be no confounding variables
– Confounding variables: Uncontrolled
variables that change systematically with
the independent variable
– Internal validity: confounding variables
Random assignment: Each participant has
equal chance of ending up in any group
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Experimental Research: An Illustration
Does marijuana impair
memory? In this brief
description of a research
project, the answer is yes.
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Does Marijuana Impair Memory?
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Expectancies and Biases
• Participants may guess what the researcher
expects to find, change behavior accordingly
Ways of reducing expectancy effects:
– Mislead about the purpose of the study
– Equate expectations for the experimental
and control groups
• Give placebo to control group
• Single-blind studies
• Double-blind studies
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Generalizing Experimental Conclusions
• Must consider: Would participants have
behaved the same way outside of the artificial
laboratory situation?
– Example: Would children in the television
study behave the same way at home or
External validity: Do the results generalize to
real-world situations?
– Note: Many “lab” findings do appear to be
externally valid
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Ethical Principles of Psychological
Research: Learning Goals
1. Explain the principle of informed consent.
2. Discuss the roles of debriefing and
confidentiality in research.
3. Discuss the ethical issues involved in animal
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Informed Consent
• Process of gaining permission and providing
explanation of:
– Any risks (physical or emotional) or other
factors that might affect decision to
– What procedures are involved
Participant must given written consent
Participant may stop without penalty
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Deception in Research
• May be necessary to guard against reactivity
and expectancy
Only justified if scientific, educational, or
applied value is clear, and if there is no other
way to answer research question
Should not cause physical or emotional harm,
or affect willingness to participate
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Debriefing and Confidentiality
• Debriefing: After the experimental session is
over, telling participant more about the true
– Explain any deception that took place
Confidentiality: Researcher does not discuss
personal information obtained from the
research without permission
Psychology, Fifth Edition, James S. Nairne
Chapter 2
Ethics of Animal Research
• Benefits of animal research:
– Increases experimental control
– Increases range of possible projects
Ethical issues in animal research:
– Informed consent can’t be obtained
– May involve injury or death to the animal
Ethical guidelines:
– Care for animals properly
– Minimize pain and discomfort
Study collections