Teaching Tips of using whiteboard. Is your whiteboard presentation clear to a student seeing it for the first time? Try looking at your writing as though you were a student in your own class. Keep these three points in mind while planning your board presentation: 1. MAKE ALL WORK LEGIBLE. Obscured work is valueless. Follow your lesson objective, do not explain or model other topics or grammar builder, and return to objectives, you will mix the students acquisition. 2. Always give students time to copy what you have written. Give students time to write and understand your modelling and structure explanation in your board. 3. Organize your board work. The way you organize material on the board is the way students will organize material in their notes. Modelling and instruct a lesson, always requires presence of whiteboard in the class. Teacher should organize whiteboard, and how to use it. For example I use different parts of whiteboard to students, to not mix everything. Right side of blackboard I use as for new vocabulary words, Middle for modeling and instruct to explain the subject. On the top right side for H/w. You can change the location, it is not so important, but be sure students become familiar with this locations. Even on white board I use colored markers, green is for vocabulary, black for modelling and instruct. Red to underline, emphasize, point on mistake.