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Air Pollution in Delhi
Air pollution is generally caused by industries, factories, etc. Air pollution happens when
harmful substances are introduced into the Earth’s atmosphere. The gases may include
such as ammonia, carbon monoxide, methane. Air Pollution is one of the major issues not
only in India but across the world. It may cause skin rashes or diseases, even death to
humans. It may cause damage to food crops. The Badarpur Thermal Power Station is
also another major source of air pollution.
Air contamination in Delhi may have different reasons. Overpopulation in Delhi leads to
overuse of resources such as water, petroleum products put heavy pressure on the
environment. The city comparatively uses unclean engines in transportation such as using
old buses which releases more smoke. In general air pollution is caused by releases of
greenhouse gases which cause global warming. Mainly illegal industrial activities in Delhi
cause global warming.
#right problem:
Initial state:
The initial state of the problem is the original condition of the problem is that the air quality
in Delhi, the capital of India, is worse than 1,650 world cities according to the World Health
Organization survey. The Delhi Air Quality Index indicates that it is at a moderate level,
as it is between January and September (101–200) and then falls to a weak level (301–
400), serious (401–500) and finally becomes Dangerous (500+) between October and
December, the particle (PM) levels in Delhi have risen sharply, ie the PM2.5 was 440,
but the initial level should be 10, according to a WHO survey. It is estimated that air
pollution in Delhi kills about 2.5 million people annually; is the fifth biggest killer in India.
The biggest cause of death is emissions and other toxic substances.
Goal state:
The goal state of the problem is to improve air quality in Delhi through awareness programs
and implementing measures like using bicycles rather than vehicles, planting trees,
decomposition of crops.
Key Obstacles:
1. PM 2.5 is very high in the air such that the fresh air percent is very low.
2. The usage of vehicles is causing more pollution.
3. Pollution causes severe health problems for people residing in Delhi.
The scale of the problem:
The air pollution in Delhi is a city-wide problem.
Break it down:
1. Usage of vehicles causes air pollution
2. Factories release more harmful gases causing air pollution.
3. By planting, we can reduce global warming in which plants absorb carbon dioxide and release
Fishbone Diagram:
Gap analysis:
1. Reducing the use of fossil fuel vehicles and instead of using vehicles run using
electric power that can be obtained through solar etc.
2. Planting more trees can also be an existing solution that can play a crucial role in decreasing
pollution in the air by inhaling CO2.
3. Banning the burning of crackers.
Implementation of measures in Delhi to decrease air pollution as follows:
Use bicycles:
Use bicycles for shorter distances rather than vehicles. Bring awareness among the people
to use bicycles which are safe for us. Meanwhile, people should also be encouraged to use
Public Transport:
By gathering many passengers together in one vehicle rather than the individual passenger
using each vehicle releases more smoke. Public transport reduces traffic emissions of
climate. By reducing the emission of gases in dense cities, public transport cities can help
reduce smoking, meet air quality standards and reduce the risk of poor air quality for its
residents. Metro, overhead rail and transport administrations to make it helpful for
individuals to go by open vehicle moderately and securely as opposed to utilizing their own
Decomposition of the crop:
After completion of the crop in the agricultural land, they are burning the crop in the
agricultural land it leads to air pollution. To decrease the air pollution the crop should be
decomposed into the land by digging a pit and also which can be used as organic manure.
Using Electrical Vehicles and CNG Vehicles:
Generally, vehicles release toxic substances such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides.
Where the electrical vehicles do not emit air pollutants. Support utilization of CNG in
engine vehicles as it is a much cleaner fuel than oil or diesel by decreasing the
assessment and deals charge on CNG filled autos when contrasted with oil and diesel of
The pollution is not controlling even though all the measurements are implemented by
the government. Polices must give their best to take to check every running vehicle
pollution license and every vehicle is banned which is not having a proper license. When
you have a will to do things it automatically shows a way to achieve it. So, the government
should attempt to make the people self-monitor as a volunteer in controlling the pollution
to spread awareness about air pollution even though it may be a huge budget project for
the government.
According to CNN news article 21 of the world's 30 cities with the worst air pollution are
in India Ghaziabad, a satellite city of the capital New Delhi in Uttar Pradesh state, is ranked
as the world's most polluted city of our country, with an average PM2.5 concentration
measurement of 110,2 in 2019. That's far more than double the level which the US
Environmental Protection Agency regards as healthy it's nine times more. The study found
"significant declines" in PM2.5 levels across China from 2013-2017, coinciding with new
standards for thermal power plants and industrial boilers, the replacement of old factories,
and new emissions rules for vehicles, These recent actions have seen Beijing fall out of
the highest 100 most polluted cities in Asia in recent years, with overall pollution levels
10% lower across Chinese cities between 2017 and 2018, consistent with a report by
Greenpeace and Air Visual. Shanghai, is of the largest city of china and financial capital,
and has also made environmental advances, like adopting stringent recycling regulations.
The pollution controlling measurements are taken in Amsterdam, Bristol, china, Beijing,
shanghai may stand as best examples for this our country capital to get rid of this air
pollution to a maximum extent.
Source: Jillian Mackenzie, (2016, November 01). Air Pollution: Everything You Need to
Know.nrdc.org. Retrieved March 08, 2020, from https://www.nrdc.org/stories/air-pollutioneverything-you-need-know.