Uploaded by Dion Kapnias

Ankle & Foot Palpation Guide: Injury Assessment & Treatment

Palpation of the ankle and foot
1. Lateral malleolus and higher up fibula feel for tenderness ; site for avulsion fracture
(longer layoff, treat as severe sprain, pain on bone)
2. ATFL, CFL, PTFL  feel for tenderness, pain, swelling
3. Moving along the anterior border of the fibula, palpate for syndesmosis injuries  pain may
be felt reasonably high up fibula
4. base of 5th metatarsal  tenderness may suggest stress fracture
5. Find lateral tubercle of calcaneus; in between this and base of 5th met is cuboid
 5th and 4th metatarsal articulate with cuboid
 To confirm cuboid, ask patient to extend toes and feel for EDB
6. Feel along shafts of metatarsals 1-3; each one individually articulates with medial, middle
and lateral cuneiform respectively.
7. Feel anterior border of ankle joint  pain may suggest impingement
8. Feel medial malleolus - feel for tenderness; higher up tibia may suggest shin splints
9. Move inferior to feel deltoid ligament, looking for tenderness, pain, swelling
10. The last bony prominence as you move directly inferiorly is the sustentaculum tali
11. Between this and the medial cuneiform is the navicular  common site of stress fractures
12. Palpate posterior calcaneus and achilles tendon  particularly medial belly of achilles; feel
for tenderness
13. Feel medial calcaneus; pain often indicative of plantar fasciitis (heel spur symptom of this
Treatment of PF
Bowig laterally in prone
Motor control to correct foot posture
Strengthening of calf, intrinsic muscles
Stretching of calf