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Princeton Daily Clarion, Tuesday, August 1,1978
Page 4
Men charged with running
child prostitution ring
LOS ANGELES (UPI) Nine men ran an international
child prostitution ring using
girls as young as 4, including
the daughter of one of the
defendants, the Los Angeles
County Grand Jury charged
The children, including one
small boy, were sold during the
past three years for sexual use
by men, and movies and photos
were taken showing the chil­
dren having sex with adults and
with each other, officials said.
The pictures were printed in
a magazine published in Am­
sterdam, Netherlands, and one
“The presence of the three of
us indicates our extreme
interest in this case,” Pitchess
said. “It is a vile and
disgusting kind of offense, so
vile we can’t say much about
Van de Kamp said his office
had never before handled a
child prostitution case involving
girls so young. They ranged in
age from 6 to 12, he said, with
one of the girls apparently
having been used for sex since
the age of 4.
One 8-year-old girl is the
daughter of one of the men
indicted, he said. He did not
committed in Indiana.
identify the man.
He said some of the pictures
“In some cases, children
were reprinted in “kiddie porn”
actually were sold to adult men
magazines published in Europe.
for prices ranging up to $1,000,”
Some confiscated photographs
Van de Kamp said.
and movie films were shot at
Almost all of the children
Naked City at Roselawn, he
lived with their mothers alone,
said. He said they showed
but no charges were brought
children roaming the nudist
against the women, investiga­
resort’s grounds.
tors said.
Sandlin said he testified for
“There is no evidence the
two days last month before the
mothers were aware of what
grand jury in Los Angeles.
was going on,” said Police Lt.
Connie Speck of the child abuse
unit, and the children were
returned to their mothers’
custody under supervision of
social workers and police.
The defendants were charged
in a 44-count indictment alleg­
ing lewd acts with children
under 14, conspiracy to commit
lewd acts on children, to sell a
person for immoral purposes,
to send a minor to an immoral
place and to contribute to the
delinquency of a minor.
Llewelly added that the
Two of the defendants, Robin
chance that coal prices would Garrett, 58, of Huntington
go up was questionable.
Beach, Calif., and Thomas
The coal utilization proposal Liberto, 34, of Downey, Calif.,
has been passed in the U.S. were arrested early Monday in
Los Angeles.
It would mandate use of coal
In addition, Henry Johnson
by power generating plants and Jr., 50, of Sacramento, Calif.,
give the government power to was picked up in San Diego
force industrial operations to County; Michael Radulovich,
convert to coal — all in the 30, was arrested in Salt Lake
name of petroleum conserva­ City and Lester Henry, 40, was
arrested in Indianapolis.
Warrants were issued for
Charles Hughes, 35, of La
Puente, Calif., Timothy Wilcox,
30, of Castro Valley, Calif.,; Joe
Henry, 43, of New York City;
and Michael Blount, 40, of
Buckinghamshire, England.
of the suspects is being sought
for a rre s t in England, they
The indictments were an­
nounced at a joint news
conference by District Attorney
John Van de Kamp, Police
Chief Daryl Gates and Sheriff
Peter Pitchess.
Indiana man among 9 charged
in child prostitution ring
former employee of the Indiana
Department of Mental Health is
among nine men charged in an
international child prostitution
He is Lester L. Henry Jr., 40,
Indianapolis, who was arrested
Monday on an indictment
handed down in Los Angeles.
He was held in lieu of $300,000
bond. In court today, Henry
was expected to fight extradi­
"Enjoy your vacation, Senator - I '
Today’s editorial
Carter's good intentions
Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
found an ideal metaphor for the
Bonn economic summit — the
hills, form ing a fam iliar
landmark near the West German
capital. The W est’s leading
industrial nations represented at
Bonn shouldn’t be climbing their
separate hills, said Mr. Schmidt,
but should be pulling together up
the one big peak that confronts
them all.
The peak, of course, is the
unemployment and inflation that
afflicts their economies and the
trade imbalances undermining
the international m onetary
system, all being aggravated by
imported Middle Eastern oil.
But the pledges of cooperation
and the agreement on goals
communique at the end of the
sum m it couldn't hide the
problem at the base camp.
The climber expected to lead
the expedition, President Carter,
is still having trouble getting his
boots on.
The goals of the communique
are as beautiful as a mountain
sunrise. The United States will
practice fiscal restraint to head
off resurging inflation and check
its massive oil imports to restore
strength to the dollar. Japan and
Germ any, with their trade
surpluses, will stimulate their
domestic economies to increase
demand for imports from the
United States and other nations
with trade d eficits. B ritain,
Prance, Italy and Canada will
shape their economic policies
But the “ commitments” of the
seven toward those goals are
carefully hedged. “We will now
seek parliamentary and public
support for the econ om ic
m easures,” said Mr. Schmidt,
no doubt rem em bering the
largely unfulfilled promises of
the London summit a year ago.
This could be taken as a verbal
prod to Mr. Carter to get back to
parliamentary support for his
share of the Bonn commitments
looks as distant as the highest
knoll of the Siebengebirge.
Majority L eader
Robert Byrd’s phone call to
Bonn, promising action within
days of an important energy bill,
may have been calculated to
impress the summiteers. All it
could do, however, is remind
them that Mr. Carter’s energy
program as a whole is still
moving inconclu sively from
desk to desk in Congress, caught
in a stalemate on basic policy
issues that the White House has
been unable to break for more
than a year.
Mr. Carter’s commitments on
economic policy were equally
conspicuous for lack of evidence
that Congress is behind them.
His tax cut proposals are very
much up in the air, along with
the size of the deficit in the 1979
budget, and his promise of a
“very tight budget” for 1980 has
a ring all too familiar. He is
pinning more than
m ost
economists on the success of
other aspects of his anti-inflation
program, especially his call for
voluntary w age and price
The Bonn communique was a
recitation of intentions — all of
them good. Mr. C arter’s
contribution was what could be
expected from the United States,
whose economy historically has
been the stron g, productive
stabilizer in the Western trading
community and whose dollar has
been a benchmark of economic
However, this summit only
dramatized how far Mr. Carter
has to go before his own list of
good intentions amounts to any
more than that. Mr. Schmidt did
not conceal his worries about the
administration before the Bonn
summit, and despite the upbeat
tone of the communique, we
detect that he and others at the
foot of the peak are still waiting
for the right signal from
Washington before they shoulder
their packs for the climb.
Prop. 13: A family matter?
C alifornia’s
Proposition 13 is being dissected
: and analyzed just about
everywhere — even at the
convention of the A m erican
Home Economics Association in
New Orleans, La. A panelist
discussing the future of the
American family ventured the
opinion that our so-called tax
* rev o lt is evid en ce of a
“ backlash” against the drift of
traditional family responsibility
into the hands of government.
F lorence
Sk elly,
professional analyst of social
tren d s, b elieves people who
supported Proposition 13 were
expressing a willingness if not a
desire to take back some of the
government in the growth of taxsupported social programs in
recent years.
We’d like to believe she’s
right, not so much for the sake of
lower taxes but for the sake of
reversing the well-documented
decline of the family as the
conduit of moral and spiritual
values in our society.
One of the intriguing questions
r a ise d at New O rleans is
whether the myriad programs
and agencies dealing with social
problems in our society are not
them selves part of the problem.
H as their very e x iste n c e
encouraged a Let-George-Do-lt
attitude toward responsibilities
once shouldered by families?
Senior citizen programs, for
all their value, can weaken the
sense of personal obligation of
children toward their aging
parents. The same can be said
for youth programs that shift to
profession als som e of the
parental respon sib ility for
rearing their children. Day care
cen ters and sum m er school
programs which are casualties
of Proposition 13 fill an obvious
need in families with working
m others, but this b egs the
question of whether new
attitu d es toward m a rria g e,
divorce, parenthood and sex
roles in our society are not
ex a ctin g
dim inishin g the tim e that
families are together.
We can’t be sure whether the
vote on Proposition 13 meant as
much as some of the home
eco n o m ists at New O rleans
believe. Time will tell, as our
political process further reveals
priorities in the public mind.
Decisions must be made on
which programs and services
threatened by the new tax
limitation will be continued with
support from new sources of
revenue, and which will be cut
back or allowed to die.
If California
w ere
expressing impatience not only
with high taxes, but also with the
degree of authority w hich
government has assumed in
personal and family affairs, then
our June 6 “ revolt” was indeed
of profound dimensions. Lower
taxes benefit only the family
pocketbook. A renewed sense of
the im portance of concern,
responsibility and dependence
within a well-knit family would
have far greater benefits for the
future of our society.
a nd N e w s a n d D e m o c r a t
E s ta b lis h e d 1846
E d w a r d C an n o n C o c h ra n e I a nd E d w a r d C
(N e d ) C o c h ra n e l l C o P u b lis h e r s
M r s . J e a n H o ld e r , B u s in e s s M a n a g e r
G o lfo r d G o a d , P r o d u c tio n M g r .
M r s . J e a n n e H a r y , N e w s E d it o r
M r s . M u r ie l H a g g a r d , A d v e r t is in g M a n a g e r
M r s . B e tty H u r s t, C o m p o s in g S u p e rv is o r
P u b lis h e d
d a ily
S a t.,
S u n .,
h o lid a y s Second c la s s p o s ta g e p a id a t B r o a d w a y
a nd G ib s o n S tre e ts , P r in c e to n , In d 47670.
M e m b e r A u d it B u r e a u o f C i r c u l a t i o n s ;
A m e r ic a n N e w s p a p e r P u b lis h e r s A s s o c ia tio n ,
H o o s ie r S ta te P re s s A s s o c ia tio n ; In la n d D a ily
P re s s A s s o c ia tio n , In d ia n a R e p u b lic a n E d it o r i a l
A s s o c ia tio n .
S in g le c o p y 20c
T w o w e e k s b y c a r r ie r $1 50
F o u r w e e k s b y c a n e r S3 OO
B y M a il w h e re c a r r ie r s e r v ic e is n t a v a ila b le
in G ib s o n a n d a d jo in in g c o u n tie s $29 OO a y e a r
E ls e w h e r e $35 OO
P h o n e 812 385 2525
tion to California.
Henry, a sociologist, was
assigned to the Muscatatuck
State Hospital in Jennings
County, but resigned after a
June 29 raid at his mobile home
in Indianapolis in which pic­
tures were seized for evidence.
Indianapolis police detective
Jack E. Sandlin said there was
no evidence from any of the
pictures that any sex crimes
involving the children were
Indiana would benefit
from Carter coal plan
— Coal production in Indiana
could increase by 3 million tons
a year under President Carter’s
energy proposals, according to
an Indiana State University
Dr. Ralph Llewellyn, the
chairman of the ISU physics
department and a member of
the Indiana Academy of
Science Committee on Energy,
said the coal utilization portion
of the President’s energy
program would increase pro­
duction nationwide by 12
“The increase in production
would mean an increase in the
work force which would mean
new payrolls and new dollars
which would flow into the
economy of southwestern In­
diana,” Llewellyn explained.
He said it also would result in
the opening of an additional
mine each year in the rich
western and southern Indiana
Biorhythms may be used
to curtail accidents
NEW ORLEANS (UPI) Something new is being tacked
among the usual safety notices
and crew reminders on bulletin
boards of several oil rigs in the
Gulf of Mexico — “critical
days” drawn from biorhythm
charts of Ute workers.
It’s part of a new experiment
by Shell Oil to see whether
biorhythms, a theory that
recenUy has hit a wave of
popularity like fad foods or
astrology, can be useful in
preventing accidents among
industrial workers.
No results are in yet, but
The rod that broke
the fisherman’s back
GLADWIN, Mich. (UPI) —
While recovering from a tractor
accident IO years ago that
broke his back and cost him his
left hand, Mike Sec kina n
decided to learn how to make
fishing rods.
Today, Seckman runs a
thriving business designing,
producing and selling the rods,
and he hopes to start his own
custom fishing rod factory
staffed by other handicapped
persons and teen-agers.
“I don’t care what they say
got the pup
CHICAGO (UPI) - Curiosity
got the better of Hattie Griffin,
46, who spent more than nine
hours stuck head-first in a 5foot-deep hole.
The South Side woman’s dog
had dug the hole at an angle
under her neighbor’s garage
and had given birth to a litter
of pups in it Sunday night, the
woman said.
Ms. Griffin told police the dog
carried all but one of the pups
out of the hole and took them to
the Griffin residence.
The woman got stuck when
she tried to retrieve the last
pup. Her neighbor heard her
cries for help but couldn’t
locate her, so she called police.
They rescued her Monday
morning. She had been holed up
since 10:30 p.m. Sunday, she
told them.
Police were attacked by the
pup’s mother during their
rescue efforts, but both the
woman and the pup were
extricated after the dog was
about hiring the handicapped,
businesses just don’t want
you,” said Seckman, 34, a
father of five who worked at a
local carburetor plant until his
The plant moved from the
area while he was recupera­
ting, and he was forced to look
for work elsewhere. It was at
about that time that Seckman
found a passing interest in
fishing rods could lead to a new
“It was right after my
accident and I was fishing on
the Boyne River,” he said. “ I
saw this guy with a rod that I
really liked. I asked him, and
he told me where to get one.”
Seckman found he couldn’t
afford the rod, so he decided to
learn how to make one himself.
He spent “the whole day”
watching a craftsman at a
custom rod shop.
“He was really a nice guy,”
said Seckman. “He’s the one
who really got me started in
this business.”
Seckman's store has become
a haven for anglers seeking
fishing gear that doesn’t roll off
a mass-production line.
About half of his orders are
for custom rods. Much of his
business involves the produc­
tion of spin casting gear, but he
also makes fly rods ordered by
The demand for custom rods
has been increasing, Seckman
said, because anglers have
more leisure time and sport
fishing in Michigan has been
improved by conservation and
stocking programs.
“ Fishermen and people like
me are benefitting because of
the good fishing," he said.
“Things are just getting
Princeton Daily Clarion, Princeton, Indiana, US
Aug 1, 1978, Page 4
Shell safety specialist Rupert
Palmer discusses
Turner said the program is
worth a try.
judicial proposals
“We recognize going into it
that it doesn’t have any kind of
at Rotary meeting
satisfactory, scientific basis,”
Turner said. “We recognize
Judge Walter Palmer of Gib­
also that other people have
used it, it has reduced son circuit court was the guest
accidents (elsewhere) and if it speaker at the Princeton
has some value, we’re going to Rotary Club July 31 noon
use it and keep some people meeting.
from getting hurt.”
Palmer spoke about the
The theory of biorhythms proposed changes for the In­
states that behavior moves in diana judicial system. The
recurring waves — from high changes by the Indiana Judges’
to low and back again, with the
Association include a reassign­
“zero,” or “critical” point ment of jurisdictions so that
between them. The physical every 20,000 citizens has access
cycle runs 23 days, the to one circuit judge. This would
emotional 28 days and the mean one judge for Gibson
intellectual 33 days.
county plus another judge to be
If all three cycles cross into shared with an adjoining coun­
the critical zone on the same ty.
day, it’s considered by adher­
The next meeting will be Mon­
ents to be a good one to stay in
day, August 7, at the Hobday
Many c o m p a n i e s , both Inn. District Governor Jim E.
domestic and foreign, liave Rentschler will be the guest of
experimented with biorhythm the club and Ed Barton will
safety programs with some have the program. All members
success. Turner said he be­ are encouraged to attend.
lieves Shell’s — which is being
conducted with 200 employees
of the Marlin, Bay Marchand,
Rig ll and Rig 21 units — is the
Mrs. J o h n (Mari lyn
first in the offsore oil and gas
Stewart, Princeton, is in Git*
The employees’ birth dates General Hospital where she i
are fed to a Shell computer, derwent surgery on July 26.
which figures the biorhythms.
“Critical days” then are posted
on charts.
Turner said success of the
program at other companies
may have been self-generated
— that by posting “critical
days” and warning employees
to be extra cautious may have
reduced accidents whether or
not they actually were days on
which employees were acci­
Employees asked to partici­
pate in the voluntary Shell
program had mixed reactions.
Turner said, with some strongly
District Sales Manager
favoring it and others looking
on it skeptically as a form of
horoscope or black magic.
The company plans a oneOutstanding
year experiment, after which
Achievem ent
the safety records of the 200
employees will be compared
Tow ard
with other employees'. Ttimer
said it will be difficult to
determine if the program, has
been successful, but if it proves
effective it may be expanded
I N V i b i s t s I t s ! I.W V V
and used throughout the com­
I 4 ■UVX VWW 'S^
Parade of
Stars * *