Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 Introduction The term "laser" originated as an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation". Laser is a device that generates light by a process called STIMULATED EMISSION. Laser has become a valuable tool in a variety of fields starting with medicine to communications. Laser produces a highly directional and high intensity beam with narrow frequency range than that available from the common types of light sources. So, laser is a light source but it is very much different from many traditional sources. Lasers are more widely used as a high power electromagnetic beam rather than a light beam. In 1960, the first laser (Ruby Laser) was produced – using a ruby crystal as the amplifier and a flash lamp as the energy source. 1|Page Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 Quantum Behavior of Light In 1900, Max Plank proposed that light consists of discrete bundles of energy. The amount of energy of each bundles is “hv”. These bundles of radiant energy called quanta. In 1905, Einstein gave the name photon to the quantum of light energy. A photon represents the minimum energy unit of light. Each photon carries an amount of energy proportional to the frequency of the light wave, as given by: E = hv = hc/λ Where: h is Planck’s constant = 6.62607004×10-34 m2kg/s, v is the frequency, c is the speed of light and λ is the wavelength. It is obvious that the higher the frequency of a photon, the more energy it possesses. The interaction of light with matter is better explained using the concept of the photon rather than by the wave concept. When light interacts with matter, the energy exchange can take place only at certain discrete values for which the photon is the minimum energy unit that light can give or accept. Photon energy is usually expressed in terms of electron-volts (eV). The photon energy ( in eV) corresponding to light of wavelength λ is given by: E = 12,400 / λ Where λ is the wavelength in Angstrom unit (1x10-10 m) Example 1 The He-Ne laser system is capable of lasing at several different IR wavelengths, the prominent one being 3.3913μm. Determine the energy difference (in eV) between the upper and lower levels for this wavelength. Solution: Example 2 The CO2 laser is one of the most powerful lasers. The energy difference between the two laser levels is 0.117 eV. Determine the frequency and wavelength of the radiation. Solution: 2|Page Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 ENERGY LEVELS The light energy cannot take arbitrary values but must be multiples of photon energy hv. It was similarly established that the electrons in an atom cannot have arbitrary amounts of energy, but they take only discrete energies. This is a consequence of the Bohr’s postulate of permitted orbits. In each of the permitted (stationary) orbits, the electron has a specific amount of energy and cannot possess any other energy value. The energy of electron at a very large distance from the nucleus is purely kinetic energy and it is assigned a positive value. As the distance between nucleus and electron decreases, the kinetic energy decreases. The energy levels are schematically represented by horizontal lines drawn to an energy scale. For example, electron orbits and the corresponding energy levels of the hydrogen atom are shown in figure below. Electron orbits and the corresponding energy levels of several types of atoms. The atom is in its lowest possible energy level when the electron is in the innermost orbit, closest to the nucleus. Then, the atom is said to be in the ground state. An electron in this ground state is stable and moves in this orbit continuously without emitting energy. If electron in ground state absorbs energy in some way, it will go to a higher energy level and the atom is said to be excited. 3|Page Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 The passing of an electron from one energy level to another level within the atom occurs in a jump which is called a quantum transition. The electron transitions may be induced by a variety of ways. Interaction with light photons is one of the means of supplying energy to orbital electrons which causes upward electron transitions and sends the atom into its excited state. POPULATION The atoms of each chemical element have their own characteristic system of energy levels. The energy difference between the successive energy levels of an atom is of the order of 1 eV to 5 eV. The number of atoms per unit volume that occupy a given energy state is called the population of that energy state. The population N of an energy level E depends on the temperature T. Thus, N = e – E/kT ….. Boltzmann’s equation Where k is known as the Boltzmann constant =1.38064852 × 10-23 m2 kg s-2 K-1 In a material, atoms are distributed differently in different energy states. The atoms normally tend to be at their lowest possible energy level which need not be the ground state. At temperatures above 0 K, the atoms always have some thermal energy and therefore, they are distributed among the available energy levels according to their energy. At thermal equilibrium, the number of atoms (population) at each energy level decreases with the increase of energy level. 4|Page Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 ABSORPTION AND EMISSION OF LIGHT In an atom, an electron in the ground state is stable and moves continuously in that orbit without radiating energy. When the electron receives an amount of energy equal to the difference of energy of the ground state and one of the excited states (i.e. outer orbits), it absorbs energy and jumps to the excited state. There are a variety of ways in which the energy may be supplied to the electron. One way is to illuminate the material with light of appropriate frequency ν = (E2 - E1)/h. The photons of energy hν = (E2 - E1) induce electron transitions from the energy level E1 to the level E2. Atomic excitation and de-excitation is shown in figures below. a) Absorbing energy, electron jumps from an inner orbit to an outer orbit. b) Energy level representation of excitation and de-excitation of the atom. However, the electron cannot stay in the outer orbit (excited state) for longer time. The Coulomb attraction due to the positive nucleus pulls the electron back to the initial inner orbit and the electron returns to the ground state. The excited electron has excess energy equal to (E2 – E1) and it has get rid of this energy in order to come to the lower energy level. The only mechanism through which the electron can lose its excess energy is through the emission of a photon. Therefore, the excited electron emits a photon energy hν = (E2 - E1) and returns to the ground state. This is the visualization of emission of light according to Bohr’s quantum theory. When we see light from any source, we actually “see” electrons jumping from excited states to lower states. This type of emission of light which occurs on its own is known as spontaneous emission and is responsible for the light coming from candles, electric bulbs, fire, stars, sun etc. conventional sources of light. 5|Page Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 EINSTEIN’S PREDICTION Einstein predicted in 1917 that there must be a second emission process to establish thermodynamic equilibrium. For example, if we illuminate a material with light of suitable frequency, the atoms in it absorb light and go to higher energy state. The excited atoms tend to return randomly to the lower energy state. As the ground state population is very large, more and more atoms are excited under the action of incident light and it is likely that a stage may be reached where all atoms are excited. Therefore, Einstein suggested that there could be an additional emission mechanism, by which the excited atoms can make downward transitions. He predicted that the photons in the light field induce the excited atoms to fall to lower energy state and give up their excess energy in the form of photons. He called this second type of emission as stymie on as stimulated emission. THE THREE PROCESSES Let us consider a medium consisting of identical atoms capable of being excited from the energy level 1 to the energy level 2 by absorption of photons. Let the levels be denoted by El and E2 and their populations be Nl and N2 respectively. Let the atoms be in thermal equilibrium. In the equilibrium condition, the number of atomic transitions upward must be equal to the number or downward transitions. Thus no net photons are generated or lost. However, when the atoms are subjected to an external light of frequency v, the following three processes occur in the medium: (1) Absorption An atom residing in the lower energy level E1 may absorb the incident photon and jump to the excited state E2 as depicted in figure below. This transition is known as induced or stimulated absorption or simply as absorption. 6|Page Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 Corresponding to each absorption transition, one photon disappears from the incident light field and one atom adds to the population at the excited energy level E2· This process may be represented as: A + hν → A* Where A denotes an atom in the lower state and A* an excited atom. Absorption process (a) induced absorption (b) Material absorbs photons. (2) Spontaneous Emission An excited atom can stay at the excited level for an average lifetime τsp. If it is not stimulated by any other agent during its short lifetime, the excited atom undergoes a transition to the lower energy level on its own. During the transition, it gives up the excess energy in the form of a photon, as shown in figure below. This process in which an excited atom emits a photon all by itself and without any external impetus is known as spontaneous emission. The process is represented as: A* → A + hν Spontaneous emission process (a) Emission (b) Material emits photons. Important Features: 1. The process of spontaneous emission is not amenable for control from outside. 2. It is essentially probabilistic in nature. 3. The instant of transition, direction of propagation, the initial phase and the plane of polarization of each photon are all random. They are different for different photons emitted by various atoms. 7|Page Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 4. The light is not monochromatic. 5. Because of lack of directionality, the light spreads in all directions around the source. The light intensity goes on decreasing rapidly with distance from the source. 6. The light is incoherent. (3) Stimulated Emission An atom in the excited state need not to “wait” for spontaneous emission to occur. If a photon with appropriate energy hν = (E2 - E1) interacts with the excited atom, it can trigger the atom to undergo transition to the lower level and emit another photon, as shown in figure below. The process of emission of photons by an excited atom through a forced transition occurring under the influence of an external agent is called induced or stimulated emission. The process may be represented as: A* + hν → A + 2hν Stimulated emission process (a) Emission (b) Material emits photons in a coordinated manner. Important Features: 1. The process of stimulated emission is controllable from outside. 2. The photon emitted in this process propagates in the same direction as of the stimulating photon. 3. The emitted photon has exactly the same frequency, phase and plane of polarization as those of the incident photon. 4. The light produced in this process is directional, coherent and monochromatic. 5. High Intensity. 6. Light Amplification: The outstanding feature of this process is the multiplication of photons. For one photon hitting an excited atom there are two photons emerging. The two photons are in phase and travel along the same direction. These two photons stimulate two excited atoms in their path and produce a total four photons which are in phase and travel along the same direction. These four photons can in 8|Page Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 turn stimulate four excited atoms and generate eight photons and so on. The number of photons builds up in an avalanche like manner, as illustrated in figure below. POPULATION INVERSION When an atomic system is in thermal equilibrium, photon absorption and emission processes take place side by side, but because N1 > N2, absorption dominates. However, laser operation requires obtaining stimulated emission exclusively. To achieve a high percentage of stimulated emission, a majority of atoms should be at the higher energy level than at the lower level. The non equilibrium state in which the population N2 of upper energy level exceeds to a large extent the population N1 of the lower energy level is known as the state of population inversion. Pumping In order to realize and maintain the state of population inversion, it is necessary that atoms must be continuously promoted from the lower level to the excited level. Energy is supplied to the laser medium in order to rise atoms from the lower energy level to the excited level and maintaining population at the excited level at a value greater than that of the lower energy. So, Pumping is the process by which atoms are raised from the lower level to the upper level of energy. 9|Page Medical Laser – Laser Basics Lec.1 Pumping Methods The most common methods of pumping make use of light and electrons, in order to create the state of population inversion are: 1- Optical Pumping: Is the use of photon to excite the atoms. Optical pumping is suitable for any laser medium which is transparent to pump light. 2- Electrical Pumping: This method can be used only in case of laser materials that can conduct electricity. Active Medium An active medium is a medium which, when excited, reaches the state of population inversion, and eventually causes light amplification. The active medium may be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Metastable States and Pumping Schemes Longer – lived upper levels from where an excited atom does not return to lower level at once, but remains excited for a time, are known as metastable state. (a) Three level energy diagram (b) Four level energy diagram. 10 | P a g e