Taxability for Government I] Taxable Services by government (central, state, UT, local authority) Sr. Nature of services Supplier Recipient Liability Other conditions no. Govt. Non-govt. to pay GST 1 S = speed post Govt. Exempt Taxable FCM Recipient can be any entity A = agency (postal [e.g. IT whether business or not. L = life insurance dept.) notice by E = express courier post] Note: Agency service includes mutual fund, bonds, payment of bills, collection of dividend etc. For exempted postal services refer to exempted services below. GST is levied on services to non-govt. entities, to avoid competition between govt. and non-govt. enterprises. As the above services are also provided by non-govt. entities. 2 Vessel/aircraft Govt. Taxable Taxable FCM Recipient can be any entity A] related services whether business or not. inside or outside the airport. 2 Transport of goods Govt. Taxable Taxable FCM Recipient can be any entity B] or passenger whether business or not. 3 Renting of Govt. Exempt Taxable FCM Recipient can be any immovable entity whether business or property not. Consideration > `5,000. RCM 4 Any other services Govt. Exempt Taxable Recipient should be business entity T/O of PY > 20 lac/10 lac. consideration > ` 5000 e.g. Service provided by police to PSU or corporates etc. licence by govt. to extract natural resources such as coal, oil etc. II] Exempted Services by government Postal services, such as basic mail services (post), post card, registered post, money order, pension etc. provided exclusively by postal department. Registration services such as registration under GST, companies etc. Certification/auditing/checking etc. e.g. ISI, food quality, pollution control, fire safety etc. Passport/VISA/death certificate/birth certificate/bonafide certificate etc. Govt. employees providing services for loading, unloading, inspecting, stuffing at port during holidays etc. Service provided to Govt. for training programs of govt. departments for which total expenses are borne by Govt. Note: Following are not included in the definition of Government: a. Regulatory bodies (e.g. RBI, SEBI, IRDA etc.) b. Government companies. c. Local bodies d. Statutory body/corporation constituted by parliament/state legislature. Penalties/fines paid to non-govt. entity will attract GST, however fines/penalty paid to Govt. is exempt from tax. Mawani & Supreme Professional Commerce Academy