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Year 7 Language Booklet: Grammar & Punctuation Exercises

Year 7 Language Booklet
Parts of Speech
Almost all words have a “part of speech”. Which part of speech a word has depends on
how it is used in a sentence. Here is a list of the eight parts of speech:
Task 1: Parts of Speech
Match the part of speech with its correct definition.
Provides the action in a sentence – a `doing’, `being’ or `having’ word.
Provides the name of a person, place or thing e.g. The car drove quickly
through the streets.
Links words so that their relationship to one another is clear e.g. The book was
placed on the desk.
Is used to connect words, phrases, clauses and sentences e.g. and, or, but.
Replaces a noun in a sentence e.g. he, she, they, you, them.
Gives information about a verb e.g. She walked quietly in the room.
Expresses an exclamation, shows emotion e.g. `Hey! What do you think you’re
Describes a noun or pronoun e.g. The red car sped through the night.
Task 2: Grammar
Read the following passage and underline all the nouns and pronouns.
Jenny raced happily down the beach. She had her surfboard with her. She was with her friends. They
were all going to have an enjoyable day on their surfboards. Once in the surf she lay on her new
surfboard and effortlessly paddled out to the first line of breakers. She smilingly thought this was
excellent surf. Fearlessly, she took the second wave. It shot her quickly along, gathering speed all the
time. The wave rose under her. Then she felt it suddenly falling. She was now on a thrilling ride to
the beach
Task 3: Punctuation
Connect each punctuation mark with its function from the list.
Full stop
Question mark
completes a sentence with a question.
indicates a brief pause within a sentence.
emphasises a sentence.
placed at the end of most sentences.
Task 4: Punctuation
Correct the punctuation in the following sentences.
1. That car’s tyres need replacing, They are dangerously worn.
2. The new bowling club is now finished? it will open for business on Monday.
3. No one could have anticipated the disaster It was just a freak accident.
4. `Do you have a dollar coin I could borrow!’ asked Jai.
5. There were over fifty guests at the wedding it was lovely to see so many people
could attend!
6. `We’re going to crash.’ exclaimed Natalie.
Task 5: Punctuation
Capital letters are used for the first letter of a sentence and proper nouns (or names). They
are also used for the personal pronoun I, and for the main words in titles of things such as
books, poems and plays.
Correct the following sentences by using capital letters in the right places.
1. michael and andrew went to the cinema on friday afternoon.
2. the red baron was a german Pilot who flew many missions in world war one.
3. my sister and i were silver medallists at the commonwealth games held in brisbane.
4. `You’ll need some physiotherapy on that knee,’ said doctor chang.
5. `I’d prefer to buy a washing machine made by simpson,’ said alison to the sales assistant.
Task 6: Types of Nouns
There are four types of nouns:
 Common nouns: we use for all the things around us. They do not need a
capital letter.
 Proper nouns: begin with a capital letter and name specific people, places or
 Collective nouns: a collective noun is used to name groups of people or
 Abstract nouns: there are the names we give to feelings, personal qualities or
states of being.
There is five of each type of noun in the box. Use these nouns to fill the spaces in the
lists below the box.
Manchester United
Common nouns
Proper nouns
Abstract nouns
Collective nouns
Task 7: Pronouns
Pronouns take the place of nouns already mentioned.
Which word highlighted in the sentence is a pronoun?
1. The penguin ate all the fish provided by its zookeeper.
2. `Who left the cash drawer open?’ asked the cashier.
3. The girls downloaded their favourite new video clip from the Internet.
4. Hundreds of people waited to see if they could get a ticket to the show.
First person
Second person
Third person
I, me, mine, myself
You, yours, yourself
He, she, it, him, her, hers,
its, himself, herself, itself
we, us, ours, ourselves
You, yours, yourselves
they, them, theirs,
5. The other competitors don’t know that I can’t swim very well.
6. When the power went out, we had just served up dessert.
7. The actors really appreciated the applause the audience gave them.
Note: Possessive pronouns do not use an apostrophe.
Remember that
means `it is’
Remember that
means `belonging to it’
Task 7: Person
The term person is based on the pronouns that are used in a piece of writing. The pronouns
may either be singular (one, only) in number, or plural (more than one).
First person pronouns take the place of the person speaking.
Second person pronouns take the place of the person spoken to.
Third person pronouns take the place of the person spoken about.
Write down whether the following sentences are in the first, second or third person.
1. They were the first people in the queue.
2. You are to follow my instructions carefully.
3. We are about to enter the race.
4. I like the musical styles of country, western and rock and roll.
5. Her jewellery, worth several million dollars, was kept in the bank’s vault.
6. You don’t want to miss the opportunity of a lifetime.
7. The boy sprinted up the steps and slammed the door.
8. Jane wondered whether she should ride her bike to the shops or walk with her friends.
9. I would love to Paris when I get older.
10. A man is reported to have left the building in the early hours of the morning.
Task 8: Commas
Commas are used:
To separated items in a list or a
To separate an adjective string:
To mark off a point of a
sentence which is not essential
to a sentence:
Examples of different ways commas are used
Please give your name, date of birth, address and the school
which you are currently attending.
We thought the waterfall was spectacular, large, thunderous
and after our long trip, refreshing.
As we travelled along the river, we saw tropical rainforest on
both sides.
My brother, who is ten, managed to swim safely ashore.
Place commas in the correct places in the following sentences.
1. When the oranges squelched against the wall the juice oozed downwards.
2. When we arrived at the National Park the ranger greeted us like long lost friends.
3. During the interview she thought very carefully about the question.
4. The archaeologist who was very famous found another Egyptian tomb.
5. Regardless of the weather tomorrow’s training session will be going ahead.
6. My four favourite foods are lasagne roast chicken baked potatoes and spaghetti.
7. Alan Chang my best friend is coming to stay.
8. Arriving at the accident scene he found confusion and distress.
9. As the day was fine we decided to go on a picnic.
Task 9: Verbs
Verbs are action words. They show nouns doing, having or being various things.
Which word highlighted in the sentence is a verb?
Look for ing to
Identify some
types of verbs.
Past tense verbs often end
in ed.
1. Tom drove his guests to the airport.
2. Jenny practises her piano playing every day.
3. Timmy will be performing at the local theatre’s musical production this week.
4. I drank three litres of water during my training session at the gym.
5. My uncle watches television all day on Sundays.
6. We ordered milkshakes at the café.
7. I lived with my grandparents for two years.
8. She rode her bike to the shops.
9. We collected a lot of money for the charity.
10. I have been carefully cleaning the house in preparation for the celebration.
Task 10: Using the right tense
Verbs tell us when things are happening.
In the present
In the past
In the future
A bird is flying.
A bird flew.
The bird will fly.
In these exercises, complete each of the sentences by inserting the past tense of one of the
verbs in the boxes.
1. The escaped criminal was …………………………………… this morning.
2. Major Mitchell ……………………………. Inland areas of Australia.
3. Although it was raining heavily, we ………………………………… our walk.
4. The bystander …………………………… the bag-snatcher to the police.
5. The teacher said Michael had ……………………………… a whole term.
6. We ……………………………….. the boys to keep trying to solve the problem.
7. Sam …………………………….. the whereabouts of his brother.
8. The couple ………………………………… their twentieth wedding anniversary.
Task 11: Using the right tense
1. The thief ……………………………… he stole the jewels.
2. Sam ……………………….. to school because he thought he was late.
3. The pirate ……………………… the treasure under the rocks.
4. Brian ……………………………….. the answers to three sums.
5. The boy ………………………… for a new job at the paper shop.
6. I …………………………… to John’s invitation by return of post.
7. The teacher was not ……………………….. he was working as hard as he could.
8. The astronomer ………………………… the heavens through his telescope.
Task 12: Choosing the right verb
Read the following text and choose the correct word to fill each gap.
Jane and Susie went to the kitchen and (1) some sandwiches of ham, tomato and cheese for
the picnic they had planned for the afternoon. Jane (2) the picnic basket and put in the
wrapped sandwiches. She also (3) a bottle of lemonade from the fridge and half a block of
chocolate. Susie (4) two pears from the fruit bowl and the two girls (5) the basket and set off
for the beach.
1. make
2. finded
3. packed
will pack
4. adds
5. took
Task 13: Punctuation
Insert commas in the correct places in the sentence.
1. After eating breakfast I went to the beach pool for a swim.
2. My sister who has red hair likes to wear high heels.
3. At the wedding the choir sang two songs before the bridal party arrived.
4. My four favourite places to visit are Rome London and Paris.
5. Before we took off the pilot warned me that the flight would be quite noisy.
6. The group who were remaining behind were grateful for the rest.
7. The show was exciting imaginative and informative.
8. He has not to my knowledge been here today.
9. He felt weary angry frustrated and bored.
10. Since the last visitor had left it was decided that the gates could be closed.
Task 14: Adjectives
Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They can describe people, objects, places, fellings
and ideas.
Things to know: Adjectives can also show which noun is being referred to in a sentence, for
example, this book, those people.
Hint: when comparing two things, adjectives may end in er.
Which word or words in the sentence are adjectives?
1. The fluffy cat purred on the red rug.
2. The ancient library was full of interesting books.
3. I went for a long walk through the dense forest.
4. Juliet is taller than Louisa.
5. My chocolate cake turned out better than yours.
6. The golden sun was high in the blue sky.
7. She looked towards the distant and mysterious hills.
Task 15: Adjectives
Read the following paragraph and underline the adjectives in one colour and the nouns they
describe in another colour.
It was a wild and windy night. As the wispy clouds sailed across the yellow
moon, I saw an ugly witch riding a bristly broomstick. She wore a tall, pointed
hat on her head and a black cat with shining eyes rested on her shoulder. I
could hear the witch’s evil cackle as she flew off into the cold, midnight air.
Task 16: Spelling
Write the correct spelling of the underlined word in the following sentences.
1. Our neighber was mowing the lawn.
2. We intended to releese the injured bird as soon as it was better.
3. We need to come up with a practicle solution.
4. I get annoyed when my little sister keeps copiing everything I do.
5. I entered a competition for amature photographers.
6. Despite knowing I’d be in trouble, I did not want to disonest.
7. The corner shop has a wide veriety of snack foods for sale.
8. The magician made his assistant dissappear.
9. I spied a familliar face in the crowd.
10. There was a queue of people waiting at the automatic teller mashine.
Task 17: Possessive Apostrophes
Apostrophes can be used to show possession; that something belongs to someone.
For singular nouns, write ‘s after the noun.
the girl’s doll
the doll belongs to one girl
 For plural nouns that end in s , just add ‘ to the noun.
the girls’ doll
the doll belongs to some girls
 When two or more nouns are involved, write `s after the last noun.
Lucy and Abby’s doll
the doll belongs to Lucy and Abby
Write these phrases, including the apostrophes.
1. the boys ruler
2. the dogs bone
3. the squirrels tail …………………………………………………………………….
4. the bus wheels ……………………………………………………………………..
5. three boys rulers ……………………………………………………………………
6. two dogs bones………………………………………………………………………
7. five squirrels tails…………………………………………………………………….
8. four buses wheels …………………………………………………………………..
Write these phrases and include the apostrophes.
1. the persons food ……………………………………………………………………………….
2. the mans team ……………………………………………………………………………………
3. the womans clothes …………………………………………………………………………….
4. the childs toys ……………………………………………………………………………………..
5. the peoples food ………………………………………………………………………………….
6. the mens team ……………………………………………………………………………………..
7. the womens clothes ………………………………………………………………………………
8. the childrens toys ………………………………………………………………………………….
Rewrite these sentences using apostrophes to show possession.
1. We went in the car of Uncle Mike.
2. She borrowed the cardigan of Tina.
3. We stroked the dog of Robert and Jane.
4. Jerry opened the cage of the budgie.
5. We went to the house of Toby.
6. She borrowed the bike owned by Bill.
7. I wore a coat owned by Jessica.
Task 18: Adverbs
Adverbs add further meaning to verbs, telling how, when, where and why things
are happening. They can also add meaning to other adjectives or other adverbs.
Which word correctly completes the sentence?
1. The carpenter sanded the table …………………………………
2. The lifeguard swam …………………………… to rescue the young swimmer.
swiftness swiftly
3. The torch is shining more ………………..since I changed the batteries.
4. We walked back to the classroom very ………………
slowly slow slower
5. The choir sang …………………….. at the wedding.
beautiful beautifully
Task 19: Adverbs
Which word in the sentence is an adverb?
1. The early train to the city was especially busy.
2. Our evening was ruined when the waiter spoke rudely to me.
3. The space shuttle glided in to land smoothly.
4. He sighed wearily before closing the door.
5. The crowd cheered loudly at the end of the game.
6. We shouted joyfully when we heard the news.
7. They whispered anxiously about the news after the teacher left the room.
Task 20: Figurative language
Writers often wish to make comparisons in order to make descriptions more lively and vivid
Simile: where two things are compared using the words `as’ or `like’ to suggest a similarity.
For example: She moved like a feather dancing in the breeze.
Metaphor: where one thing is said to be another.
For example: She was a feather dancing in the breeze.
Write down whether the following sentences contain a simile or metaphor.
1. The words stung like acid. ………………………………
2. The thundering voice of the teacher boomed through the speaker………………………….
3. The experiment was as dangerous as dynamite…………………………………
4. He felt like he was in a deep, dark dungeon……………………………………..
5. His head was spinning with ideas……………………………………………..
6. It wasn’t long before their relationship turned sour…………………………………..
7. He moved like an aggressive lion, waiting for his prey…………………………………….
8. She was a firecracker on the loose……………………………….
9. You are the sunshine of my life…………………………………..
10. His life had turned into a nightmare…………………………….
Task 21: Contractions
In contractions, the apostrophe is used to indicate that a letter or letters have been left out.
isn’t – is not
he’ll – he will
shouldn’t – should not
haven’t - have not
Which two words have been used to create the following contractions?
1. they’ll ……………….. ………………….
2. aren’t ………………… …………………
3. I’ll
4. wouldn’t ………………. …………………
5. could’ve ………………. ………………….
6. would’ve …………….. ………………….
Which word or words correctly complete the sentence?
1. The tiny boat ……………………… stay afloat in such wild seas.
2. I ……………………bought an extra ticket if I’d have known you wanted to go with us.
will have
would of
3. In my opinion, ………………….. never be a better golfer than Tiger Woods.
the will
4. You ……………………… tell Mum about the surprise party we’re planning.
Task 22: Conjunctions
Conjunctions and connective join words or parts of sentences. They link one idea with
another to provide a logical flow to a sentence. For example, Jane and Tom ran across the
Choose a conjunction from the box to fill the spaces in these sentences.
1. We must wait here ……………………………. the bell rings.
2. Sam did not play ……………………... his leg was still sore.
3. John washed the dishes ………………………. Sam dried them.
4. Cork float …………………….. they are put in water.
5. We left the classroom …………………………. the bell rang.
6. We must leave …………………… it gets dark.
Task 23: Conjunctions
Rewrite each of the following pairs of sentences as one sentence using a suitable
1. I was so happy. I yelled for joy.
2. He cannot come. He has not tidied his bedroom.
3. You may have a pear. You may have an apricot.
4. He has not replied. I have written twice.
5. It is the truth. You believe it or not.
6. Give me the tools. You wish me to fix it.
7. Michael will do nothing. He is paid.
8. The man ate a hamburger. He boarded the bus.
Task 24: Figurative Language
Personification is used when human qualities are given to an animal, plant, idea or event.
For example, The sunflowers danced gracefully in the wind.
Write down whether each of the following is an example of a metaphor, simile or
He looked at me like a fox and then slunk away into the darkness. …………………………
She was a volcano in her anger. …………………………..
The audience was as silent as a cemetery. ……………………………………
Winter’s icy fingers reached my uncovered face. ………………………………..
5. The appalling music shouted at me all through the night. ……………………………..
6. The rabbit shot along the track like an express train. ……………………………..
7. Paul held the baby as if it was made of glass. ……………………………..
8. That netball team is murderous. ………………………………..
9. The sun smiled down on the sparkling blue sea.
10. The baby cried like a squawking bird.
Task 25: Commas
Place a comma or commas in the correct places in the following sentences.
1. I was born on Monday 19th July 1996. (Only one comma)
2. Unless I complete my project I won’t be able to go shopping on Saturday.
3. When we were in the bush we were warned to stick together.
4. ohn if you take too long to get dressed you’ll be late for school.
5. When the whistle blew everyone sprinted down the track.
6. If it doesn’t rain this afternoon we’ll go to the park.
7. Bill who was ten helped Michael up the stairs.
8. Tomorrow bright and early we leave for Sydney.
9. If I can I’ll come and visit you.
10. Sally have you finished your work yet?
Task 26: Direct Speech
Punctuate the following examples of direct speech using the correct punctuation.
In writing direct speech, the actual words used by a speaker are enclosed in a single
inverted commas or quotation marks.
Example, `I have finished the sweeping,’ said Myles.
 Notice the single inverted comma before the first word spoken (‘) and after the last
word spoken (‘).
 The closing quotation mark comes after a full stop, comma, question mark or
exclamation mark.
I should be able to help you with your mathematics said John’s father.
Do you think I can compete in the finals asked Jennifer.
James and I are going to the shopping centre said Paul.
Would you like to purchase the dress asked the shop assistant.
We must all try harder yelled the coach.
Remember to brush your teeth before you go to bed Dad shouted at me.
Jenny asked who owns this dear little puppy.
Get down commanded the sergeant.
Joe has more apples than me grumbled Gary.
Your dinner is ready yelled Marion.
Why is the baby crying so loudly inquired Susan.
Tom said I may be late tonight.
Going up to her mother, the small girl whispered Please Mummy can I have that dress
Watch out cried Jane.
Michael said Look at the pretty flowers.
I am leaving shortly said Heidi.
How was your day at work Paul asked in a concerned voice.
I’m so tired exclaimed Lucy.
Louise can come along, can’t she said Lucy.
What are you doing tomorrow Steve asked Karen.
Task 27: Prepositions
A preposition shows the connection between nouns and pronouns in a sentence.
The boy is in the room.
The preposition `in’ shows the relationship between `the boy’ and `the room’.
Common Prepositions
forCommon prepositions
Underline the preposition in each of these sentences.
1. He is leaning against the table.
2. The book is under the chair.
3. The burglar climbed over the fence.
4. The garage is situated behind the house.
5. The frightened boy fled from the bully.
6. I can see the plane beyond the treetop.
7. We must wait here until she comes.
8. The soldiers marched towards the enemy lines.
Task 28: Prepositions
Which preposition correctly completes the sentence?
1. The learner driver scored one point …………………… the pass mark on her driving test.
among below
2. A large crowd of shoppers stood ……………………….., watching the entertainer.
3. Protective walls were built ………………………… many ancient cities.
through around across
4. Bears hibernate ………………….. the winter months in some countries.
5. You can connect to our computer network …………………………... home.
6. The woman fought a brave battle …………………… the fierce dog.
7. We walked ………………….. the hardware store.
8. The thieves ran . ……………….. before the police could stop them.
Task 29: Figurative Language
A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to make a point. It is like the opposite of
“understatement.” It is from a Greek word meaning “excess.”
•I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
•I have a million things to do.
Write down whether each sentence contains a simile, metaphor, personification or
I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
The sun peeked through the clouds.
I’ll die if Dad doesn’t buy me that new game.
Her rose lips softly kissed the man.
Her face screwed up like an angry handbag.
The jelly fished danced gently through the waves.
He ran like a graceful panther through the long grass.
The curry burnt my lungs.
The waves released their anger on the rocks.
Task 30: Interrupted speech
When what is being said is interrupted with a statement such as `he said’ a comma is
placed before and after `he said’. If the speaker has finished a sentence a full stop is
used after `he said’.
`I am not afraid of ghosts,’ he said, `because I have never seen one.’
`I will go to sleep now,’ he said. `Tomorrow we will talk about what I saw.’
Punctuate these sentences correctly.
1. On Halloween said the leader we will all dress as ghosts.
2. When I heard rattling chains he muttered I sat up in bed.
3. As I ran down the corridor he gasped I saw it pass through the wall.
4. Sounds through the night he complained kept me awake.
5. I have heard several of Roald Dahl’s stories before, he replied but not this one.
6. Where is the key she asked I thought I left it on the table.
7. People believe the house has been haunted for centuries the guide informed us
however no one has ever seen a ghost here.
8. I am not frightened he announced I am just being careful.
9. We won’t come until you light a candle the girls told him we don’t like the dark.
Task 31: Parts of speech
Find one of each part of speech in this text.
The teacher, Mrs Chapman, had worked long and hard to explain punctuation and grammar
to her students. It was now time for her students to begin to use these skills in their writing.
Do you think they will? Yes! The students will eagerly write excellent stories using the
correct punctuation and grammar.
Task 32: Verb tenses
Underline the verbs not in the present tense. Write the sentences correctly in the present
1. I am 10 years old and I enjoyed playing football with my Dad.
2. There are five people in my family and we all ate dinner together.
3. I liked playing rounders but everyone else likes playing hockey.
4. People crossed the road when the green man appears.
Task 33: Sound devices
Onomatopoeia: refers to words that sound like the noise they describe e.g. crack, bang,
Alliteration: is where there is repetition of consonant sounds in words near each other e.g.
slid silently; crunched and cracked; brittle, broken, bristling
Write down whether the following sentences display the following
1. The moon is a balloon. …………………………………
2. His face looked like a twisted sandshoe. ……………………………….
3. Angus climbed the hill of life without too much trouble. …………………..
4. She waited a thousand years for her fiancé to buy a ring. ………………………….
5. The angry clouds raged over the sky. …………………………..
6. Sneakily, skilfully he climbed through the window. …………………………
7. The walls cracked and split from the damage. …………………………………
8. His legs were swollen tree trunks. ………………………………
9. The brooding trees watched the children lost in the forest. ………………………………
10. I’ve changed the baby’s nappy a hundred times today. ……………………………….
Task 34: Semi-colons/colons
A punctuation mark used to introduce a list of items, extra information or a quotation.
In his backpack he carried: a wallet, sunscreen, a drink, a jumper and a phone.
A punctuation mark used to separate two main clauses.
I really love ice-cream ;vanilla is my favourite flavour.
Add a colon or semi-colon to each sentence.
1. I have never been to London I have always wanted to go there.
2. John didn’t feel well he came to school anyway.
3. For the cake I need chocolate, almonds, eggs and sugar.
4. We ordered printer paper, red pens, blue pens, pencils and ink.
5. Richard wanted to stay his parents said no.
6. To make a kite you need dowel, tissue paper, string and sticky tape.
7. Kendra never liked dogs she preferred cats.
8. On the one hand she had money on the other she didn’t want to spend it.
9. At the beach I like to read, swim, surf, walk and play Frisbee.
10. I enjoy reading mystery stories I enjoy writing them as well.
Task 35: Spelling activity
 When making a word ending in o plural, add es.
 Look out for homophones – words that have the same sound but a different spelling
and meaning.
 When adding ing to a word ending in e, remove the e.
 When making a word ending in a vowel plus y plural, add s.
 Look out for words with a silent g.
 When making a word ending in a consonant plus y plural, replace y with ies.
Each sentence has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct spelling for the word beside
the sentence.
I didn’t know the answer so I took a wild gess. …………………………….
Her toes went num because she had been leaning on one foot for so long. ………………
Our neighbour grows his own tomatos in his vegetable garden. ……………………………..
Authorities feared that swine flu would spread rapidly throughout the poppulation.
5. Australian trades manafactured goods with other countries in the Asia Pacific region.
6. The woman’s application for a housing loan was excepted by the bank. ……………………
7. The moon glowed with a gostly pale light. …………………………….
8. The two neighbours became bitter enimies because of an argument about a fence.
9. I sat down and began writeing a letter. …………………………..
10. It was hard to navagate into the harbour because of a thick fog. ………………………..