AppNav-Compress AppNav-UnCompress Async Auto-Template BDI BVI CDMA-Ix CEM CEM-ACR CEM-PG CTunnel Container Dialer EsconPhy Ethernet-Internal Fcpa Filter Filtergroup GMPLS GigabitEthernet IMA-ACR LISP LongReachEthernet Loopback Lspvif Multilink NVI Null Overlay PROTECTION_GROUP Port-channel Portgroup Pos-channel SBC SDH_ACR Service-Context Virtual Interface Compress Service-Context Virtual interface UnCompress Async interface Auto-Template interface Bridge-Domain interface Bridge-Group Virtual Interface CDMA Ix interface Circuit Emulation interface Circuit Emulation interface with ACR Circuit Emulation interface with Protection group CTunnel interface Container interface Dialer interface ESCON interface Ethernet-Internal interface Fiber Channel Filter interface Filter Group interface MPLS interface GigabitEthernet IEEE 802.3z IMA interface with ACR Locator/ID Separation Protocol Virtual Interface Long-Reach Ethernet interface Loopback interface LSP virtual interface Multilink-group interface NAT virtual interface Null interface Overlay interface Protection-group controller Ethernet Channel of interfaces Portgroup interface POS Channel of interfaces Session Border Controller Virtual SDH-ACR controller ran-pag-masohi.1#sh arp BD1233 Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Internet 346f.90ce.083f Internet 48 0020.85ff.5193 Internet 4 0020.85ff.0a95 ran-pag-masohi.1#sh arp vrf oam BD 1233 Type ARPA ARPA ARPA Interface BDI1233 BDI1233 BDI1233