Uploaded by Julie Marie Norris

Environmental Science Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment 1
Topics 1.1, 1.2., 1.3, and 2.3
1. Use the image to Identify and Justify the environmental value or viewpoint it is portraying.
Identify: Provide an answer from a number of possibilities (One word)
Justify: Provide evidence to support or defend a choice. (A sentence or more)
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Summative Assessment 1
Topics 1.1, 1.2., 1.3, and 2.3
a. Consider the following Environmental Issue facing your community. Texas legislatures want
to make a high speed train between Dallas and Austin. It will require a path approximately a
mile wide through much of the prairies and grasslands through Hill country. Texans will be
able to transfer from city to city in a fraction of the current time it takes to commute.
Suggest: Propose a solution, hypothesis, or other possible answer. (1-2 sentences)
Why is this a problem?
What should we do about it?
Change our lifestyle.
We should work and live nearby, and travel
to further cities rarely. Our communities
should be shrinking not expanding.
This is a good thing.
It will expand the economies of both
cities. This technology in high speed
transportation should be supported.
b. Choose one of the following: Deep Ecologist, Environmental Manager, or Cornucopian.
Briefly describe their viewpoint on the environmental issue above. [2]
Describe: Give a detailed account (Brief so 2-4 sentences)
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Summative Assessment 1
Topics 1.1, 1.2., 1.3, and 2.3
3. Analyze an environmental movement or event and its effect on history. [5]
Analyze: Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure
Some essential elements I’m looking for: When was it, How did it happen, What were the
reactions, What changes in laws and/or practices did it cause. Does it still have an effect on
perceptions today? (7-10 sentences)
4. Using the following diagram. Annotate and Label it to show at least one transfer and one
transformation that occurs in the process of water going from the lake to the ocean. [2]
Label: Add labels to the diagram
Annotate: Add brief notes to a diagram or graph.
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Summative Assessment 1
Topics 1.1, 1.2., 1.3, and 2.3
a. Outline why this lake may be considered an open system. [1]
Outline: Give a brief account or summary. (1-2 sentences)
b. Identify two outputs from this lake. [2]
Identify: Provide an answer from a number of possibilities (2 brief statements / words)
6. When you watch the weather that is a model made by the computer. The weather station can
take readings from 5 or 6 locations across the state and uses that to make predictions. Evaluate
this model. [4] Evaluate: Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.
(3-5 sentences)
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Summative Assessment 1
Topics 1.1, 1.2., 1.3, and 2.3
7. Outline an example of Entropy. [2] Outline: Give a brief account or summary (1-2 sentences)
8. I enjoy spending time at the pond in the woods. Sometimes when I visit it is crystal clear and I
can see that there are hundreds of fish darting between the rocks and chasing bugs on the
surface. Other times when I visit the pond it is solid green and looks like my child’s slime
experiment. The algae is so thick that the only fish I can see are the dead ones floating on the
top. I have noticed that the algae overgrowth seems to happen soon after the nearby farms
plant their crops or a big rainstorm. I think their fertilizer is causing it. Normally, the next visit
would be the beautiful pond I had grown to love. But this last year has been different. The last
several times I visited the pond it was green and smelly. I am sad that it may be ruined.
a. In the ecosystem described above, Identify the equilibriums. [2]
Identify: Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. (1 to 2 sentences)
b. In the ecosystem described above, Predict if the ecosystem has reached a tipping point and
if so identify the new equilibrium. [2] Predict: Give an expected result.
c. Prior to this last year, identify if the ponds ecosystem was stable or unstable and why. [2]
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Summative Assessment 1
Topics 1.1, 1.2., 1.3, and 2.3
9. Over the weekend I tried to make you chocolate chip cookies. It was my own personal recipe. It
has 3 types of chocolate and practically melts in your mouth. The secret to the recipe is the
oven. I bake them at a low temperature for a longer amount of time. Luckily, my oven has a
thermostat. It heats up, and then when it reaches 300 degrees it turns itself off. If it cools down
too much it turns itself on and heats up. I made the first dozen and called my daughter, Alexis
in to taste test. She announced to her brother that they were the best cookies she’s ever eaten.
Soon he came and ate cookies and then another. I started to bake more cookies and more kids
kept coming. I just kept baking and baking. I think the whole neighborhood ate cookies. Alexis
said to tell you sorry. ☹
a. From the fictional story above, Outline a positive feedback loop. [1]
b. From the fictional story above, Outline a negative feedback loop. [1]
Outline: Give a brief account or summary (2 sentences)
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Summative Assessment 1
Topics 1.1, 1.2., 1.3, and 2.3
11. Consider the sulfur cycle.
a. List the storages and flows associated with this cycle. [5]
List: Give a sequence of brief answers with no explanation
b. Draw a system diagram of this cycle using the parameters we learned with boxes as
storages and arrows as flows [5] Draw: Represent by means of a labelled accurate
Smile your first ESS exam is done, and Wonder how does the Man in the Moon cut his hair. [2]
Eclipse it!!
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