Much Ado About Nothing - Journals DIRECTIONS: As we read Shakespeare’s M uch Ado About Nothing, you will keep a journal log. This log will allow you to analyze specific passages as well as answer guiding questions that will help contribute to your understanding of the text. You may also include, for extra credit, up to five passages from your outside reading choice (total possible extra credit points: 20). Please complete these journal entries digitally on this document and submit it on Schoology for each due date. D O NOT EMAIL ME JOURNAL ENTRIES - they will NOT be graded. Be sure to include evidence from the text to support your claims along with correctly formatted citations (act, scene, line #s). N O EVIDENCE/CITATIONS = NO CREDIT. Grading will be weekly (homework grade) and the whole journal will be taken as a project grade (at the end of the unit). Journal #1: Choose one of the states from the “Marriage - Elizabethan Style!” discussion board and expand on your opinion. Journal length - 250-350 words D UE: 04/6/20 Journal #2: C hoose one of the characters from Act I. Discuss your first impression of the character you chose. Describe their personality - would you be friends with this person? Do you notice similarities between their personality and yours? Explain. Journal length - 300-350 words. D UE: 04/13/20 Journal #3: A nalyze one of the following passages from Act I for characterization, theme, figurative language: DUE 04/13/20 I.1. lines 58-61 I.1.lines 233-37 I.3.29-30 Journal #4: U sing the Shakespearean insult chart, create FIVE Shakespearean insults and write them here. Then, post your top TWO and trade your other three insults with THREE other classmates on the Discussion Post on Schoology! DUE: 04/17/20 Journal #5: Consider all of this deception in Act II. What do you think the purpose of this deception is? Why don’t they just come out and say they like each other? Why use masks and stand-ins for wooing? (Length: 300-400 words) D UE: 04/20/20 Journal #6: What qualities do you look for in someone to fall in love with? Give examples and explain. LENGTH: 250-300 words. DUE: 04/24/20 Journal #7: Look at Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “We Wear The Mask”. In what way(s) do you “wear a mask” every day? LENGTH: 250-300 words. DUE 04/24/20 Journal #8: L ook at this quote from Hero regarding Beatrice. Is Hero being honest about how she sees Beatrice with regards to falling in love? Or is she simply trying to ensnare her cousin? How do you know? Explain your answer using the quote above. LENGTH: 450-500 words DUE: 04/27/20 “It’s true. Whenever she meets a man—no matter how wise, noble, young, handsome—she rearranges all his good qualities so they end up looking bad. If he has a fair complexion, she’ll say the pretty man should be her sister, not her husband. If he’s dark-skinned, Nature must have spilled some ink while drawing his foolish face. If he’s tall, she’ll say he’s a spear topped by an odd head; if he’s short, she says he looks like a badly carved miniature. If he’s talkative, he’s a weathervane, moving in all directions at once; if he’s silent, he’s a block that can’t be moved at all. And so she turns men inside out and never acknowledges the integrity and merit that a man has.” (Act 3, Scene 1, Lines 61-72) Journal #9: Does Claudio deserve Hero’s forgiveness? Why? LENGTH: 450-500 words D UE: 05/04/20 Required Passage Analysis - Much Ado About Nothing Journals 10-15 will cover ONE passage from EACH act that you feel is MOST significant. You will then analyze that passage for ONE of the following: ● Characterization ● Theme ● Figurative language ● Diction ● Author’s Style Analysis will be between 450-500 words per entry. All entries must include the full passage you are analyzing along with the correct MLA citation for that passage. D UE: 05/11/20