Suggested Scheme - EE Curriculum 9.0 for Batch of 2019 (Fall 15 - Spring 19) - Total 42 Courses & 142 Credit Hrs. Semester 1 - Fall 15 Code Year 1 (35) TITLE Semester 2 - Spring 16 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code CORE 102 CORE 101 Rhetoric & Communication 3 0 L&E TITLE LB What is Modernity 3 0 H&S Mathematics-4 NS Natural Sciences-2 Energy 3 1 QR CS 110 Computational Thinking I * 3 1 FR COMP Computing-2 Calculus I 3 0 M MATH 102 Calculus II 3 0 M EM&E Economy, Mgmt. & Enterprenuership-2 PHY 101 Mechanics 3 0 NS PHY 101L Mechanics Lab 0 1 NS F EE Program - Foundation courses-8 Electric Circuit Analysis 3 1 F PHY 102 Electricity & Magnetism 3 0 NS B EE Program - Breadth courses-5 EE 172 Digital Logic and Design 3 1 F D EE Program - Depth courses-5 17 Subtotal Semester 3 - Fall 16 TITLE Code 18 IDEE Semester 4 - Spring 17 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code CORE 201 Pakistan & Modern South Asia 3 0 H&S CORE 202 MATH 201 Differential Equations 3 0 M EE 241 EGR 291 TITLE CP Hrs. Cat EE Program - IDEE ** - 2 EE Program - Senior Design Project - 2 University Liberal Core - Forms of Thought TH LB Hikmah I 3 0 PT L&E Language & Expression Electromagnetic Theory 3 0 F FR Formal Reasoning Engineering Workshop 0 1 F EE 212 Electric Network Analysis 3 1 F H&S Historical & Social Thought CS 224 Object Oriented Programming & DM * 3 1 COMP EE 252 Signals and Systems 3 1 F QR Quantitative Reasoning CS 111 Computational Thinking II * 3 1 COMP EE 373 Microcontrollers and Interfacing 3 1 B PT Philosophical Thought EE 213 Basic Electronics 3 1 F PHY 102L Electricity & Magnetism Lab 0 1 NS Subtotal 19 Subtotal Semester 5 - Fall 17 Code TITLE 19 CP Hrs. TH LB Cat Code TITLE Hrs. Cat TH LB Science, Technology & Society 3 0 NSM&A B CORE 301 Hikmah II ** 3 0 PT CORE 302 MATH 205 Linear Algebra 3 0 M EE 322 Analog and Digital Communication 3 1 EE 331 Electrical Machines 3 1 B ME xxx IDEE I *** 3 0 IDEE EE 361 Feedback Control Systems 3 1 B EE 202 Engineering Design 1 2 CP, SDP EE 354 Intro to Probability & Random Variables 3 0 F EE xxx EE Elective I 3 1 D 17 Subtotal Semester 7 - Fall 18 Code TITLE Creative Practice Changes from EE Grid 8.9 ver 3 1 SCI 200 relaxed if STS & NS elective taken. Also, a free elective in place of SCI 200 added in 7th semester. 2 Requirement of 42 courses is still applicable for comleting the EE Majors 17 Semester 8 - Spring 19 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code TITLE Hrs. TH LB Cat XX xxx Free Elective 3 0 Jehan-e-Urdu (The World of Urdu) 3 0 L&E ME xxx IDEE II **** 3 0 IDEE EGR 401 Engineering Economics 2 0 EM&E EE 491 Capstone Design Project I 0 3 CP, SDP EGR 402 Technology Mgmt. & Entrepreneurship 2 0 EM&E EE xxx EE Elective II 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective IV 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective III 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective V 3 1 D EE 492 Capstone Design Project II 0 3 CP, SDP Subtotal NSM&A Natural Scientific Method & Analysis Semester 6 - Spring 18 Subtotal Year 4 (35) University Liberal Core-11 (9+2)- see below M ENER 101 Subtotal Year 3 (34) Cat TH MATH 101 EE 111 Year 2 (38) Legend & Requirements Hrs. URDU 102 17 Subtotal 18 * Theses three courses constitute the computing core. The computing core requirement can also be met by taking: (i) Computational Thinking I, Computational Thinking II and Object Oriented Programming & Design Methodologies, OR (ii) Logical Problem Solving, Computational Thinking I (offered Spring 2017 or later) and Object Oriented Programming & Design Methodologies. Second option is not available to those who have passed CT I before taking LPS. ** or any other course meeting the requirement of Philosophical Thought, such as Introduction to Philosophy, etc. *** Any free Elective (University-wide) - adviseable to take a CS elective **** Inter-disciplinary Engineering Elective. These are elective Engineering courses outside the EE domain. Suggested Scheme - EE Curriculum 9.0 for Batch of 2020 (Fall 16 - Spring 20) - Total 42 courses & 142 Credit Hrs. Semester 1 - Fall 16 Code Year 1 (36) TITLE Semester 2 - Spring 17 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code CORE 101 Rhetoric & Communication 3 0 L&E CORE 102 CORE 1XX Logical Problem Solving * 3 1 FR CS 110 TITLE LB What is Modernity 3 0 H&S Computational Thinking I * 3 1 COMP Mathematics-4 NS Natural Sciences-2 COMP Computing-2 Energy 3 1 QR PHY 101 Mechanics 3 0 NS Calculus I 3 0 M MATH 102 Calculus II 3 0 M F Electric Circuit Analysis 3 1 F EGR 291 Engineering Workshop 0 1 F B EE Program - Breadth courses-5 EE 172 Digital Logic and Design 3 1 F D EE Program - Depth courses-5 18 Code TITLE 18 Subtotal Semester 3 - Fall 17 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code TITLE EM&E Economy, Mgmt. & Enterprenuership-2 IDEE Semester 4 - Spring 18 CP Hrs. TH LB Cat EE Program - Foundation courses-8 EE Program - IDEE ** - 2 EE Program - Senior Design Project - 2 University Liberal Core - Forms of Thought CORE 201 Pakistan & Modern South Asia 3 0 H&S CORE 202 Hikmah I 3 0 PT L&E Language & Expression Math 201 Engineering Mathematics 3 0 M EE 241 Electromagnetic Theory 3 0 F FR Formal Reasoning PHY 101L Mechanics Lab 0 1 NS EE 212 Electric Network Analysis 3 1 F H&S Historical & Social Thought PHY 102 Electricity & Magnetism 3 0 NS EE 252 Signals and Systems 3 1 F QR Quantitative Reasoning CS 224 Object Oriented Programming & DM 3 1 COMP EE 373 Microcontrollers and Interfacing 3 1 B PT Philosophical Thought EE 213 Basic Electronics 3 1 F Subtotal NSM&A Natural Scientific Method & Analysis 18 Subtotal Semester 5 - Fall 18 Code TITLE 18 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code TITLE Hrs. TH 3 0 NSM&A 3 1 B 3 0 IDEE 1 2 CP 1 D 1 NS 3 0 PT CORE 302 Linear Algebra 3 0 M EE 322 EE 331 Electric Machines 3 1 B ME xxx IDEE I *** EE 361 Feedback Control Systems 3 1 B EE 202 Engineering Design EE 354 Intro to Probability & Random Variables 3 0 F EE xxx EE Elective I 3 Electricity & Magnetism Lab 0 17 Subtotal Semester 7 - Fall 19 TITLE Cat Analog and Digital Communication Hikmah II** (or Ethics) PHY 102L LB Science, Technology & Society CORE 301 MATH 205 Code CP 18 Semester 8 - Spring 20 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code XX xxx Free Elective 3 0 ME xxx IDEE II *** 3 0 IDEE EGR 401 URDU 102 TITLE Hrs. Cat TH LB Jehan-e-Urdu 3 0 L&E Engineering Economics 2 0 EM&E EE 491 Capstone Design Project I 0 3 CP, SDP EGR 402 Technology Mgmt. & Entrepreneurship 2 0 EM&E EE xxx EE Elective II 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective IV 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective III 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective V 3 1 D EE 492 Capstone Design Project II 0 3 D Subtotal Creative Practice Semester 6 - Spring 19 Subtotal Year 4 (35) University Liberal Core-11 (9+2)- see below M ENER 101 Subtotal Year 3 (35) Cat TH MATH 101 EE 111 Year 2 (36) Legend & Requirements Hrs. 17 * These three courses constitute the computing core. ** or any other course meeting the requirement of Philosophical Thought, such as Introduction to Philosophy, etc. *** Inter-disciplinary Engineering Elective. These are elective Engineering courses outside the EE domain. Subtotal 18 Changes from EE Grid 8.8 & 8.9 1 PHY 102L moved to sem 6 from 5 (from grid 8.8) 2 SCI 200 relaxed if STS & NS elective taken. Also, a free elective in place of SCI 200 added in 7th semester. Suggested Scheme - EE Curriculum 9.0 for Batch of 2021 (Fall 17 - Spring 21) - Total 42 Courses & 140 Credit Hrs **** Semester 1 - Fall 17 Code Year 1 (35) TITLE Semester 2 - Spring 18 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code TITLE LB What is Modernity 3 0 H&S Data Structures and Algorithms* 3 1 COMP Mathematics-4 NS Natural Sciences-2 Rhetoric & Communication 3 0 L&E CORE 102 Energy (or a Quantitative Reasoning) 3 1 QR CS 110 Programming Fundamentals* 2 1 FR PHY 101 Mechanics 3 0 NS Calculus I 3 0 M MATH 102 Calculus II 3 0 M F EE Program - Foundation courses-8 Digital Logic and Design 3 1 F EGR 291 Engineering Workshop 0 1 F B EE Program - Breadth courses-5 EE 111 Electric Circuit Analysis 3 1 F D EE Program - Depth courses-5 CS 101 Subtotal 17 Subtotal Semester 3 - Fall 18 Code TITLE 18 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code TITLE COMP Computing-2 EM&E Economy, Mgmt. & Enterprenuership-2 IDEE Semester 4 - Spring 19 CP Hrs. TH LB Cat EE Program - IDEE ** - 2 EE Program - Senior Design Project - 2 University Liberal Core - Forms of Thought CORE 201 Pakistan & Modern South Asia 3 0 H&S CORE 202 Hikmah I 3 0 PT L&E Language & Expression Math 201 Engineering Mathematics 3 0 M EE 241 Electromagnetic Theory 3 0 F FR Formal Reasoning PHY 101L Mechanics Lab 0 1 NS EE 212 Electric Network Analysis 3 1 F H&S Historical & Social Thought Natural Science (NS) Elective 3 0 NS EE 252 Signals and Systems 3 1 F QR Quantitative Reasoning CS 224 Object Oriented Programming & DM* 3 1 COMP EE 373 Microcontrollers and Interfacing 3 1 B PT Philosophical Thought EE 213 Basic Electronics 3 1 F Subtotal NSM&A Natural Scientific Method & Analysis 18 Subtotal Semester 5 - Fall 19 Code TITLE 18 CP Hrs. TH LB Cat Code TITLE Hrs. TH LB Cat CORE 301 Hikmah II (or Ethics) ** 3 0 PT CORE 302 Science, Technology & Society 3 0 NSM&A MATH 205 Linear Algebra 3 0 M EE 322 Analog and Digital Communication 3 1 B EE 331 Electric Machines 3 1 B ME xxx IDEE I ** 3 0 IDEE EE 361 Feedback Control Systems 3 1 B EE 202 Engineering , Design & Innovation 1 2 CP, B EE 354 Intro to Probability & Random Variables 3 0 F EE xxx EE Elective I 3 1 D 17 Subtotal Semester 7 - Fall 20 Code TITLE 17 Semester 8 - Spring 21 Hrs. TH LB Cat TITLE Code Hrs. TH LB Cat XX xxx Free Elective*** 3 0 Jehan-e-Urdu 3 0 L&E ME xxx IDEE II **** 3 0 IDEE EGR 401 Engineering Economics 2 0 EM&E EE 491 Capstone Design Project I 0 3 CP, SDP EGR 402 Technology Mgmt. & Entrepreneurship 2 0 EM&E URDU 102 EE xxx EE Elective II 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective IV 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective III 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective V 3 1 D EE 492 Capstone Design Project II 0 3 CP, SDP Subtotal Creative Practice Semester 6 - Spring 20 Subtotal Year 4 (35) University Liberal Core-11 (9+2)- see below M ENER 101 EE 172 Year 3 (34) Cat TH CORE 101 MATH 101 Year 2 (36) Legend & Requirements Hrs. 17 * Theses three courses constitute the computing core. ** or any other course meeting the requirement of Philosophical Thought, such as Introduction to Philosophy, etc. *** Any free Elective (University-wide) - adviseable to take a CS elective **** Inter-disciplinary Engineering Elective. These are elective Engineering courses outside the EE domain. Subtotal 18 Changes from EE Grid 8.9 1 SCI 200 relaxed if STS & NS elective taken. Also, a free elective in place of SCI 200 added in 7th semester. EE Curriculum 9.0 for Batch of 2022 (Fall 18 - Spring 22) - Total 42 Courses & 137 Credit Hrs. Semester 1 - Fall 18 Code Year 1 (34) TITLE Semester 2 - Spring 19 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code TITLE Cat University Liberal Core-10 (8+2)- see below M Mathematics-4 NS Natural Sciences-2 Rhetoric & Communication 3 0 L&E CORE 102 What is Modernity 3 0 H&S Programming Fundamentals 2 1 FR MATH 102 Calculus II 3 0 M COMP Computing-2 Mechanics 3 0 NS EM&E Economy, Mgmt. & Enterprenuership-2 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 1 COMP F Calculus I 3 0 M PHY 101 NS XXX Natural Science (NS) Elective 3 0 NS CS 110 EE 101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 2 2 F EGR 291 Engineering Workshop 0 1 F B EE Program - Breadth courses-6 EE 111 Electric Circuit Analysis 3 1 F D EE Program - Depth courses-5 MATH 101 Code 16 TITLE 18 Subtotal IDEE Semester 4 - Spring 20 Hrs. TH LB Cat Code TITLE DP Hrs. TH LB Cat EE Program - Foundation courses-9 EE Program - IDEE ** - 2 EE Program - Senior Design Project - 2 University Liberal Core - Forms of Thought CORE 201 Pakistan & Modern South Asia 3 0 H&S SCI 200 Scientific Method 3 0 NSM&A L&E Language & Expression Math 201 Engineering Mathematics 3 0 M EE 241 Electromagnetic Theory 3 0 F FR Formal Reasoning PHY 101L Mechanics Lab 0 1 NS EE 212 Electric Network Analysis 3 1 F H&S Historical & Social Thought Digital Logic and Design 3 1 F EE 252 Signals and Systems 3 1 F QR Quantitative Reasoning Linear Algebra 3 0 QR, M CS 224 Object Oriented Programming & DM 3 1 COMP PT Philosophical Thought Basic Electronics 3 1 EE 172 MATH 205 EE 213 Subtotal NSM&A Natural Scientific Method & Analysis 18 Subtotal Semester 5 - Fall 20 Code TITLE Hrs. TH LB Cat Code 2 0 EM&E CORE 202 Microcontrollers and Interfacing 3 1 B EE 322 EE 331 Electric Machines 3 1 B EE 361 Feedback Control Systems 3 1 B EE 354 Intro to Probability & Random Variables 3 0 F EE 373 Subtotal TITLE CORE 301 ME xxx Hrs. TH LB Cat Hikmah I 3 0 PT 3 1 B ME xxx IDEE I ** 3 0 IDEE EE 202 Engineering, Design & Innovation 1 2 CP EE xxx Seminar on Advanced Topics in EE *** 1 0 B EE xxx EE Elective I 3 1 D 17 TITLE CP Analog and Digital Communication Subtotal Semester 7 - Fall 21 Code 18 18 Semester - Spring 22 Hrs. Cat Code 0 PT URDU 102 0 D EGR 401 TH LB Hikmah II (or Ethics) * 3 IDEE II ** 3 TITLE Hrs. Cat TH LB Jehan-e-Urdu 3 0 L&E Engineering Economics 2 0 EM&E EE xxx EE Elective II 3 0 D EE xxx EE Elective IV 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective III 3 1 D EE xxx EE Elective V 3 0 D EE 491 Capstone Design Project I 0 3 CP, SDP EE 492 Capstone Design Project II 0 3 CP, SDP Subtotal Creative Practice Semester 6 - Spring 21 Technology Mgmt. & Entrepreneurship EGR 402 Year 4 (32) LB CS 101 Semester 3 - Fall 19 Year 3 (35) TH CORE 101 Subtotal Year 2 (36) Legend & Requirements Hrs. 16 * or any other course meeting the requirement of Philosophical Thought, such as Introduction to Philosophy, etc. ** Inter-disciplinary Engineering Elective. These are elective Engineering courses outside the EE domain. *** A seminar course on advanced topics in Electrical Engineering - CR/NCR based Subtotal 15 Changes from Batch 2021 1 one additional EE Foundation course added in EE Program requirements - EE 101 “Introduction to Electrical Engineering” in 1st semester with 2+2 Cr Hr 2 Moved DLD course from 1st to 3rd semester 3 Moved OOP from 3rd to 4th semester 4 Moved Microcontrollers course from 4th to 5th semester 5 Introduced a seminar course (1+0) on advanced topics in Electrical Engineering