JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT Vol. 50, No. 3, May–June 2013 Lift Distributions for Minimum Induced Drag with Generalized Bending Moment Constraints David J. Pate∗ and Brian J. German† Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 The previous works of Prandtl, Jones, and Klein and Viswanathan addressed the problem of determining the lift distribution that minimizes induced drag for a given lift and specified bending moment. In these formulations, bending moment is considered to be a surrogate for wing weight. These classical methods require the bending constraints to be imposed at the same lift coefficient at which drag is minimized. In practice, however, it is commonly desired to minimize drag at a representative cruise lift coefficient while imposing the bending constraints at a limiting structural load condition, such as a maneuver lift coefficient. This paper presents an approach to extend the classical methods by allowing the bending constraints to be imposed at different lift coefficients than that at which induced drag is minimized. An example for a wing planform similar to that of a Boeing 737 shows that the penalty for optimizing induced drag at the maneuver lift coefficient as implied in the classical methods results in between a 1–10% increase in drag at cruise compared to the results from this new approach. It is expected that the new approach will enable the classical methods to be extended to practical applications in multidisciplinary wing design. ρ∞ σ Nomenclature AR b CD;i CIBM Ck CL CL;cruise CL;IBM = = = = = = = = CL;RBM CRBM c cl L l q∞ S v∞ y y y 0 y 0 0 Γ γ δ εIBM εRBM η η Λ λ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = aspect ratio wingspan, ft induced drag coefficient integrated bending moment coefficient constant of integration lift coefficient, L∕q∞ S cruise lift coefficient lift coefficient for the integrated bending moment constraint lift coefficient for the root bending moment constraint root bending moment coefficient wing chord, ft section lift coefficient lift, lb local aspect ratio, b∕c freestream dynamic pressure, lb∕ft2 wing planform area, ft2 freestream velocity, ft∕s distance in span direction, ft nondimensional distance in span direction nondimensional location of the center of lift nondimensional second moment of circulation circulation, ft2 ∕s nondimensional circulation, Γ∕v∞ b induced drag parameter, πARCD;i ∕C2L − 1 integrated bending moment ratio root bending moment ratio distance in the span direction, ft nondimensional distance in span direction sweep angle of the wing quarter chord, deg taper ratio = = freestream density, slug∕ft3 maneuver ratio Subscripts a a–d = = d des given IBM RBM = = = = = γ additional y associated with γ a , where γ a y CL associated with the mutual interaction between the γ a and γ d distributions def γ des y associated with γ d , where γ d y CL;des related to the design circulation distribution related to the given bending moment constraints integrated bending moment root bending moment def I. I Introduction NDUCED drag is the streamwise force acting on a lifting body caused by the downwash associated with lift. Prandtl [1] and Munk [2] demonstrated that minimizing induced drag for a planar wing at a given lift requires the downwash from the trailing vortices to be constant. This condition corresponds to an elliptic spanwise lift distribution. However, designing the lift distribution is not an issue of induced drag alone; in general, it is a multidisciplinary problem in which wing structural weight, stall characteristics, parasite drag, wave drag, and aeroelastic response must also be considered. Extensions to the classical problem of induced drag minimization have incorporated considerations of structural weight by imposing constraints on wing bending moment. Bending moment is a convenient surrogate for wing weight because it can be calculated directly from the lift distribution and is independent of details of the structural design. Prandtl [3], solved the problem of minimum induced drag subject to a constraint on integrated bending moment. His result showed that the corresponding optimal downwash distribution varies quadratically along the span. Jones [4], specified root bending moment as a constraint and showed that the corresponding downwash distribution is linear. Klein and Viswanathan [5] combined these two bending moment constraints into a unified formulation, such that one or both can be specified. DeYoung [6], extended Jones’s formulation to allow the bending moment to be specified at an arbitrary span location. Finally, Löbert [7] developed a formulation to determine optimal lift distributions constrained by the integral of section bending moment divided by section thickness, and he obtained an analytical result for the special case of linearly tapering thickness. Received 19 August 2012; revision received 2 November 2012; accepted for publication 13 November 2012; published online 16 April 2013. Copyright © 2012 by David J. Pate and Brian J. German. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Copies of this paper may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the $10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include the code 1542-3868/ 13 and $10.00 in correspondence with the CCC. *Graduate Research Assistant, Aerospace Engineering, 270 Ferst Drive. Student Member AIAA. † Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering, 270 Ferst Drive. Senior Member AIAA. 936 937 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 PATE AND GERMAN When designing a wing using these approaches, the wing is twisted such that the optimal lift distribution is achieved at a design lift coefficient. However, the shape of the lift distribution for a twisted wing changes with lift coefficient [8–10], and induced drag can increase significantly at off-design lift coefficients [11]. Although it is generally desirable to achieve minimum induced drag at or near a representative cruise lift coefficient, the structural limits of the wing must be designed to a high lift coefficient corresponding to a maneuver or gust load. This leads to a discrepancy between the lift coefficient at which minimum induced drag is desired and the lift coefficient corresponding to the bending constraints. This paper presents a solution that generalizes the Prandtl, Jones, and Klein formulations to address this discrepancy by allowing the lift coefficient for minimum induced drag to be specified separately from the lift coefficients at which the bending constraints are imposed. Modern methods for wing design have trended toward using multidisciplinary numerical optimization instead of analytical formulations with bending constraints. Kroo [12] developed a computational method for the design and analysis of subsonic lifting surfaces. The analysis included consideration of induced drag, viscous drag, wing weight, trim, and stall. The circulation distribution and the corresponding twist distribution were optimized for minimum total drag with constraints on lift, weight, and trim. Structural weight was calculated by integrating section bending moment divided by section thickness. Craig and McLean [13] developed a computer program along similar lines. The analysis includes the effects of aeroelastic twist and viscous section drag. They calculated drag at the cruise condition, but, differing from the approach in [12], they based the wing weight on the local wing section bending moment at a critical condition, such as a 2.5g maneuver. McGeer [14] explored optimization of the lift, chord, and thickness-to-chord ratio distributions to minimize induced drag subject to constraints on structural weight, compressibility drag, parasite drag, and section lift coefficient. The lift distribution is represented as a Fourier series, and the equations are solved in an iterative scheme. Weight is calculated based on the spanwise integration of bending moment divided by thickness. Wakayama and Kroo [15] conducted a multidisciplinary optimization study for a subsonic planform by seeking minimum drag subject to constraints on wing structural weight and maximum lift. Structural load cases included multiple cruise flight conditions at specific altitudes, Mach numbers, and aircraft weights, as well as a maneuver condition and a taxi bump. The structural model used to determine wing weight models the wing skin, spar, ribs, and stringers. The spanload was not a design variable; instead, it was controlled by a small number of twist design variables. Iglesias and Mason [16] developed a numerical approach to find the optimum spanload for a wing by minimizing induced drag subject to constraints on lift coefficient, pitching moment coefficient, and wing root bending moment. Root bending moment was used as the driving parameter to define the shape of the lift distribution. More recently, Ning and Kroo [17] conducted a conceptual wing design study that includes analysis of induced drag, viscous drag, wing weight, stall, and trim. They sought to minimize drag with fixed values of lift, wing weight, and stall speed, and they found that the results were sensitive to the ratio of maneuver lift coefficient to cruise lift coefficient. Donovan and Takahashi [18] considered the optimization of the lift distribution and subsequent twist distribution to minimize mission fuel burn for a fixed planform. Wing weight was held constant and the changes in induced drag were computed as wing twist was varied. The lift distribution was parameterized by the design lift coefficient and root bending moment. In a later study, Donovan et al. [19] explored the impact of root bending moment on the wing weight and mission performance of a business jet and a larger passenger aircraft. Changes in thickness were included in a detailed analysis of wing structural weight. The structure of a wing is typically designed to a limiting load condition corresponding to a high lift coefficient maneuver. Accordingly, Refs. [13–15,17] specify a maneuver condition separately from the reference cruise condition. McGeer [14] points out that minimizing drag at the maximum load condition can produce “extraordinarily high drag at cruise CL ’s,” and this behavior is demonstrated theoretically in [8,10]. More recently, Ning and Kroo [17] state that significantly different results are obtained by considering different lift coefficients for structural sizing. In previous work discussed in the literature, only numerical optimization methods have allowed bending moment constraints to be imposed at independent lift coefficients. The purpose of the present paper is to extend the classical analytical optimization methods to enable a similar capability for specifying the bending constraints at independent conditions. Analytical methods have the advantage of providing insight and transparency that may be lost in numerical optimization. Additionally, it is expected that the proposed method can be used within a broader multidisciplinary design optimization framework as a means to reduce the number of design variables needed to control the twist distribution. The paper begins by reviewing the work in [5] and then develops compact new relations that transparently illustrate the geometric nature of the bending moment problem. Next, the formulation is generalized to allow specification of minimum drag at a different lift coefficient than that of the bending moment constraint. Finally, this method is applied to an example wing to illustrate its benefits. II. Overview of Previous Formulations Prior to presenting the results of Prandtl, Jones, Klein, and Viswanathan we introduce the notation that will be used to express the resulting equations in a compact and intuitive form. For a circulation distribution that is symmetric with respect to the x axis, the coefficients of lift, root bending moment, integrated bending moment, and induced drag are respectively expressed as Z CL AR 1 −1 dy 2AR γy Z 1 dy γy (1) 0 Z 1 CRBM AR y dy yγ (2) dy y 2 γy (3) 0 1 CIBM AR 2 Z 1 0 and CD;i 1 AR 2π Z 1 Z −1 1 −1 γy γη dη y − η dη dy (4) Here, γ Γ∕v∞ b is the nondimensional circulation, and y is a nondimensional spanwise variable. Note that γ cl c∕2b from the Kutta–Joukowski Theorem. Equation (2) is related to dimensional root bending moment as Z b∕2 b L 0 yy dy q∞ S CRBM 2 0 This indicates that root bending moment is equivalent to integrated shear load as defined in [5]. Equation (3) is related to dimensional integrated bending moment as 2 Z b∕2 Z b∕2 b L 0 ηη − y dη dy q∞ S CIBM 2 0 y Next, consider the elliptic circulation distribution, which is defined as q γ 0 1 − y 2 γy Equation (1) can be used to show 938 PATE AND GERMAN γ0 2CL πAR γy and Eqs. (2) and (3) then indicate 2 CRBM γelliptic C 3π L (5) 1 CIBM γelliptic CL 16 (6) where C1 , C2 , and C3 are constants of integration. Rewriting the logarithm in terms of the more compact inverse hyperbolic cosine used by Jones gives q 2C2 2 1 − y 2C1 γy C3 π 2C 2 3 − C3 1 − y 2 2 2 y 2 cosh−1 1∕jyj 3 π Finally, we define the following ratios: def Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 εRBM CRBM CRBM γelliptic q 2C 1 − y 2 2C1 2 C3 π p C 1 − 1 − y 2 2 3 p − C3 1 − y 2 2 − 2 y 2 ln 3 π 1 1 − y 2 (7) (11) Substituting Eq. (11) into Eqs. (1–3) gives the following equations relating C1 , C2 , and C3 to CL , CRBM , and CIBM : def εIBM CIBM CIBM γelliptic We call εRBM the root bending moment ratio and εIBM the integrated bending moment ratio. The expressions for CRBM γelliptic and CIBM indicated in Eqs. (5) and (6) can be substituted into γelliptic Eqs. (7) and (8) for arbitrary lift distributions, allowing εRBM to be expressed as εRBM 3π CRBM 2 CL (9) CIBM CL (10) 2 3 π∕4 # C1 1∕5 4 C2 5 π∕48 C3 (12) 3 32 −4 24∕π CL 15π∕2 −48 54 CRBM 5 CIBM −24 160∕π (13) which can be inverted to give 3 2 6∕5π C1 30 4 −2 4 C2 5 AR C3 6∕π 2 Therefore, Eq. (11) can be expressed in terms of CL , CRBM , and CIBM . Instead of substituting CL , CRBM , and CIBM for C1, C2 , and C3 , a simpler and more natural expression can be obtained by using Eqs. (9) and (10) to obtain and εIBM to be expressed as εIBM 16 3 " π 4∕3 CL 4 CRBM 5 AR 2∕3 1∕π π∕16 1∕10 CIBM 2 (8) Together, the root bending moment ratio and the integrated bending moment ratio will be referred to as the bending ratios. A bending ratio above unity indicates that the lift is shifted more toward the tips than an elliptic distribution, and a bending ratio below unity indicates a shift in loading toward the root. By relating the bending moments of a distribution to that of an elliptic distribution the bending ratios provide an intuitive reference. Additionally, the bending ratios depend only on the shape of a distribution and not its amplitude, which is defined by CL. The root bending moment ratio is similar to the concept of root bending moment relief (RBMR) used by Donovan and Takahashi in [18] and to the concept of root bending moment reduction used by Iglesias and Mason in [16]. A. Klein Circulation Distribution The work of Jones and Prandtl is effectively superseded by the generalized formulation of Klein and Viswanathan [5]. We, therefore, base our discussion on this general formulation, which specifies lift, root bending moment, and integrated bending moment as constraints. The results of Jones and Prandtl, respectively, correspond to the special cases in which only lift and root bending moment or lift and integrated bending moment are specified. The constrained minimization problem is min CD;i γ γ s:t: CL γ − CL;des 0 CRBM γ − CRBM;given 0 CIBM γ − CIBM;given 0 The details of the steps to find the solution using variational calculus can be found in [5]. Klein and Viswanathan [5] showed that the solution of the constrained optimization problem results in the circulation distribution γy q 2CL 66 − 170εRBM 105εIBM 1 − y 2 πAR 302 − 5εRBM 3εIBM y 2 cosh−1 1∕jyj 3 − 203 − 8εRBM 5εIBM 1 − y 2 2 (14) When εRBM 1 and εIBM 1 this expression becomes the elliptic distribution. The form of Eq. (14) indicates that the scale of the circulation distribution is determined by CL, and the shape is determined by εRBM and εIBM . It is also noteworthy that Eq. (14), is linear with εRBM and εIBM . Therefore, although nonlinear with y, any linear function of γ, such as section lift coefficient, will be linear with εRBM and εIBM . Similarly, any quadratic function of γ will be quadratic with εRBM and εIBM . From Eq. (4) and the definition of the induced drag parameter δ def δ πARCD;i −1 C2L (15) The induced drag parameter of this distribution is δ 57 − 32εRBM 18εIBM 40ε2RBM 15ε2IBM − 48εRBM εIBM (16) From the Kutta–Joukowski Theorem, the section lift coefficient can be related to the local aspect ratio and the circulation distribution as 2lyγ y cl y (17) b∕cy is the nondimensional where the local aspect ratio ly inverse of the chord. For a given y0 , Eqs. (14) and (17) can be combined as 939 PATE AND GERMAN q cl y 0 4ly 0 66 − 170εRBM 105εIBM 1 − y20 CL πAR 302 − 5εRBM 3εIBM y 20 cosh−1 1∕jy 0 j 3 2 2 − 203 − 8εRBM 5εIBM 1 − y 0 B. Jones and Prandtl Special Cases For the special case in which only lift and root bending moment are specified the solution can be found by omitting C3 from Eq. (11) and conducting the same process for replacing the remaining constants, C1 and C2 . This gives Jones’s solution: Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 CL AR π 4∕3 C1 ; 2∕3 1∕π C2 CRBM CL C1 3 3∕π −4 ; AR −2 3π C2 CRBM q 2CL 3 − 2εRBM 1 − y 2 γy πAR 6εRBM − 1y 2 cosh−1 1∕jyj a) Jones distributions for different values of RBM (18) Using Eq. (3), the εIBM of this distribution can be expressed in terms of εRBM as εIBM 8εRBM − 3 5 (19) Similarly, when only lift and integrated bending moment are specified, C2 is omitted from Eq. (11) to give Prandtl’s solution: CL AR π π∕4 C1 ; π∕16 π∕48 C3 1 −12 CL 4 ; πAR −3 48 C3 CIBM q 2CL 3εIBM − 2 1 − y 2 γy πAR 3 41 − εIBM 1 − y 2 2 CIBM C1 b) Prandtl distributions for different values of IBM Fig. 1 Samples of the Klein distribution for the Jones and Prandtl special cases. def y 0 (20) Therefore, y 0 and εRBM may be considered interchangeable. Similarly, the second moment of circulation y 0 0 is defined as The corresponding εRBM is εRBM 3εIBM 2 5 def y 0 0 (21) The induced drag parameter for the Jones distribution [Eq. (18)] is δ 8εRBM − 12 (22) and the induced drag parameter for the Prandtl distribution [Eq. (20)] is δ 3εIBM − 12 (23) Sample circulation distributions are shown in Figs. 1a and 1b for Eqs. (18) and (20), respectively. These figures illustrate the similarity of the Prandtl and Jones distributions. The location of the center of lift is marked for each distribution by the black curve in the inset of Fig. 1a. The center of lift, or moment arm of lift, of a general circulation distribution is represented by the parameter y 0 and is defined using the first moment as R1 R y dy y dy yγ AR 01 yγ 2C 4 R0 1 R1 εRBM 1 RBM 3π C γ y d y AR γ y d y L 0 −1 2 R1 2 R dy AR 01 y2 γy dy CIBM y γy 1 R0 1 R1 1 εIBM C 16 γ y d y AR γ y d y L 0 −1 2 which implies that y 0 0 and εIBM are also interchangeable. More specifically, y 0 and y 0 0 provide an alternative geometric interpretation of εRBM and εIBM . Note that the apostrophes in y 0 and y 0 0 indicate the degree of the moment and not differentiation. C. Additional Discussion of Induced Drag The solutions for the induced drag parameter given in Eqs. (16), (22), and (23) are quadratic with εRBM and εIBM because induced drag is a quadratic function of circulation, and circulation is a linear function of εRBM and εIBM . Figure 2 shows contours of induced drag parameter as a function of εRBM and εIBM from Eq. (16). The contours form a paraboloid centered at εRBM ; εIBM 1; 1. The major principal axis of the contours is shown as a solid gray line. When εRBM and εIBM follow this line δ remains very low. However, when εRBM and εIBM trend in a direction perpendicular to this line, parallel to the minor principal axis, δ increases rapidly. The contours are shown on a base 10 logarithmic scale due to the very large values of δ that are possible. 940 PATE AND GERMAN and 1.2 10 εIBM 1.0 1.1 IBM 0.10 0.01 1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 RBM Fig. 2 Contours of Eq. (16) and the induced drag parameter of the Klein distribution. Figures 3a and 3b demonstrate the distribution shapes that correspond to traversing the major or minor principal axes of Eq. (16). Each curve is labeled by its εRBM ; the corresponding εIBM is not shown but can be found for the major and minor principal axes, respectively, using εIBM 25 p 2929 εRBM − 1 1 48 (24) 25 − p 2929 εRBM − 1 1 48 Figure 3a shows distributions that are very similar to the Jones and Prandtl distributions in Figs. 1a and 1b, whereas Fig. 3b shows distributions that are radically different. The values of εRBM and εIBM can be specified independently in the Klein distribution, but if they do not correlate closely to align with the major principal axis defined in Eq. (24), a very inefficient distribution will result. The slope of the major principal axis is approximately 1.648. The corresponding slopes of Eq. (19) and Eq. (21) are 1.6 and 1.667, respectively. The fact that these three slopes and Figs. 3a, 1a, and 1b are so similar indicates that there is little practical difference in reasonable instantiations of the Klein distribution as compared to the Prandtl and Jones distributions. Additionally, the Prandtl and Jones distributions themselves are quite similar to one another. III. Off-Design Relations The circulation distributions described in Sec. II are defined by specifying bending moment constraints at the same lift coefficient at which the induced drag is minimized. To generalize these methods to include bending moment constraints at off-design CL s, the off-design characteristics of a twisted wing must be considered. We provide a summary of off-design behavior in this section. To begin, we consider the additional circulation distribution γ additional , which is the circulation distribution produced by the untwisted wing. It is assumed that γ additional and CL both scale linearly with angle of attack. Furthermore, because γ additional is determined by the untwisted wing, it vanishes as CL vanishes. Therefore, we can define the distribution γ a as def γ a y a) Major principal axis (25) γ additional y CL which implies that γ a is fixed for a given planform and can be found by calculating the circulation distribution of the untwisted wing at a nominal angle of attack and then dividing by the resulting lift coefficient. The subscript a will be used to denote parameters associated with γ a . When a circulation distribution is specified [e.g., Eq. (14)] it is called the design distribution γ des , and the corresponding lift coefficient is called CL;des . The wing is twisted to achieve γ des at CL;des , and the scale of this twist is determined by CL;des. When Eq. (14) is used as a design distribution, εRBM and εIBM are called εRBM;des and εIBM;des , respectively. We define γ d as def γ d y γ des y CL;des Dividing γ des by CL;des removes the dependency on CL;des , which serves to scale γ d to a lift coefficient of 1. The subscript d will be used to denote parameters associated with γ d . Finally, from the derivation presented in [11], with the presumption of potential flow and a linear lift curve, a general circulation distribution can be represented as CL;des γ d y CL − CL;des γ a y γy b) Minor principal axis Fig. 3 Klein distributions following the major and minor principal axes of Eq. (16). (26) In on-design conditions (CL CL;des ), Eq. (26) simplifies to γ des y, and in off-design conditions (CL ≠ CL;des ), Eq. (26) γy includes a contribution from γ a . The implementation of Eq. (26) is shown in Figs. 4a and 4b for a Jones distribution with εRBM 0.9 and a trapezoidal wing with AR 7, λ 1, and Λ 30 deg. The curves in Fig. 4a were generated by varying CL;des while holding CL constant, and the curves in Fig. 4b were generated by varying CL while holding CL;des constant. The moment arm of each curve is indicated by the thick 941 PATE AND GERMAN and cl y 0 CL;des cl;d y 0 CL − CL;des cl;a y 0 (29) B. Nonlinear Relations Except for the special case in which the design bending ratios (εRBM;des and εIBM;des ) are equal to the bending ratios of the untwisted wing (εRBM;a and εIBM;a ) the off-design bending ratios will be nonlinear functions of CL . Using Eq. (9) to replace CRBM in Eq. (27) with εRBM leads to Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 εRBM CL;des C εRBM;d 1 − L;des εRBM;a CL CL (30) Note that εRBM;des does not depend on CL;des , which implies εRBM;des εRBM;d . If εRBM;des εRBM;a then this equation simplifies to imply that εRBM is always equal to εRBM;a . Otherwise, εRBM is a nonlinear function of CL . The behavior of this relation is demonstrated in Fig. 5 for a rectangular wing with an aspect ratio of 12. The label on each line indicates how the design root bending ratio is related to the untwisted root bending ratio of this wing. The integrated bending moment ratio can be expressed in the same way as a) Design distributions for various design lift coefficients with CL = 1 εIBM CL;des CL;des ε 1− εIBM;a CL IBM;d CL (31) C. Induced Drag As shown in [11], the expression for a general circulation distribution [Eq. (26)] can be used to write a general form of the induced drag polar as CD;i C2L 1 δ πAR (32) where b) Off-design distributions for various lift coefficients with CL,des = 1 Fig. 4 The implementation of Eq. (26) for the Jones distributions. black line labeled y 0 . In Fig. 4b, the moment arms of the curves with a small lift coefficient are negative and are not shown. A. Linear Relations will be linear Equation (26) implies that linear functions of γy with CL and CL;des . For example, the root bending moment of a general circulation distribution can be decomposed into contributions from γ a and γ d as CL;des 2 C C δd 2 L;des 1 − L;des δa–d CL CL CL 2 C 1 − L;des δa CL δ (33) The terms δd and δa are the induced drag parameters of γ d and γ a , respectively, and δa–d is the induced drag parameter of the mutual interaction between γ a and γ d (in the context of the mutual induced drag theorem). Z1 y dy yγ CRBM AR 0 Z1 L;des γ d y CL − CL;des γ a y dy yC AR 0 Z1 Z1 d y a y dy CL − CL;des AR dy yγ yγ CL;des AR 0 0 Considering Eq. (2) this becomes CRBM CL;des CRBM;d CL − CL;des CRBM;a (27) where CRBM;d and CRBM;a are the root bending moment coefficients of γ d and γ a , respectively. Integrated bending moment and section lift coefficient can be decomposed similarly as CIBM CL;des CIBM;d CL − CL;des CIBM;a (28) Fig. 5 Off-design εRBM of a rectangular wing with AR 12 and εRBM;a 1.073. Each line corresponds to a different εRBM;des with CL;des 0.5. 942 PATE AND GERMAN coefficients for the root bending constraint and the integrated bending constraint as CL;RBM and CL;IBM , respectively, and the cruise lift coefficient at which induced drag should be minimized as CL;cruise . We define the maneuver ratio for the root bending moment constraint as σ RBM CL;RBM CL;cruise and we define the maneuver ratio for the integrated bending moment constraint as Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 σ IBM a) The RBM CL;IBM CL;cruise If the bending constraints are imposed at the same maneuver lift coefficient, or when only one is specified, the subscript is omitted, and σ is referred to as simply the maneuver ratio. Equation (32) indicates that twisting a wing for minimum drag at a high CL;RBM will likely cause unnecessarily high-induced drag at a lower CL;cruise due to the quadratic term. However, it is possible to translate the lift coefficient for the bending constraint by leveraging the linearity of CRBM and CIBM with CL , which is demonstrated by Eqs. (27) and (28). In particular, the bending constraint CRBM;given at CL;RBM can be translated to CRBM;des at CL;des as derivative from Eq. (34) CRBM;des CRBM;given ∂CRBM CL;des − CL;RBM ∂CL (35) and, similarly, the bending constraint CIBM;given at CL;IBM can be translated to CIBM;des at CL;des as CIBM;des CIBM;given b) The Fig. 6 IBM derivative from Eq. (34) According to [11], the parameter δa–d varies linearly with γ d and, therefore, it depends linearly on εRBM and εIBM . Additionally, δa–d is zero when both εRBM 1 and εIBM 1. The implication is that, for a given wing, the relationship between δa–d , εRBM , and εIBM for the Klein distribution [Eq. (14)] can be expressed in the form δa–d (36) Translating the bending constraints represents determining the bending moment at CL;des that corresponds to the specified bending moment at the desired maneuver CL. Equations (27) and (28) imply that the partial derivatives ∂CRBM ∕∂CL and ∂CRBM ∕∂CL in Eqs. (35) and (36) can be expressed as The derivatives from Eq. (34) for several trapezoidal planforms. ∂δ ∂δ εRBM − 1 a–d εIBM − 1 a–d ∂εRBM ∂εIBM ∂CIBM CL;des − CL;IBM ∂CL (34) The two derivatives in Eq. (34) depend only on the additional distribution, which means that they depend only on the wing planform. Figures 6a and 6b show the value of these derivatives for several trapezoidal planforms. The data for these figures were calculated using a discrete Weissinger model [10,20]. Calculating these derivatives required only one execution of the model using a finite difference scheme based on the fact that δa–d 0 when εRBM 1 and εIBM 1. To summarize, Eq. (32) gives the induced drag of a given wing for any Jones, Prandtl, or Klein distribution at any CL and CL;des . The ∂δa–d a–d terms δa , ∂ε∂δRBM , and ∂ε can be calculated from three seperate IBM aerodynamic analysis executions. ∂CRBM 2 ε CRBM;a 3π RBM;a ∂CL (37) ∂CIBM 1 CIBM;a εIBM;a 16 ∂CL (38) where εRBM;a and εIBM;a are the bending ratios of γ a . Therefore, these two partial derivatives can be calculated for a given planform using one calculation from an aerodynamics model to compute γ a . The parameters εRBM;a and εIBM;a depend only on the planform, and some example values are demonstrated in Figs. 7a and 7b. When the constraints are defined using the bending ratios and the maneuver ratios, Eqs. (35) and (36) become εRBM;des σ RBM εRBM;given 1 − σ RBM εRBM;a (39) εIBM;des σ IBM εIBM;given 1 − σ IBM εIBM;a (40) Equations (39) and (40) can be directly substituted into Eq. (14) along with CL;des to give the solution for minimum induced drag at CL;des subject to bending constraints at independent lift coefficients. A. Method of Generalization IV. Generalization for Constraints at Arbitrary Lift Coefficients Typically, the limiting root bending moment occurs at a maneuver condition corresponding to a high lift coefficient, but the induced drag should be minimized at a lower lift coefficient, such as a representative cruise condition [14,17]. We will refer to the lift The method for generalizing the problem of induced drag minimization to allow bending constraints at arbitrary lift coefficients is summarized as follows: 1) Given a typical cruise condition (CL;cruise ) and a limiting maneuver condition (εRBM;given at CL;RBM and εIBM;given at CL;IBM ). 2) Use Eqs. (2), (3), (9), and (10) to calculate εRBM;a and εIBM;a . This requires one calculation from an aerodynamics model, such as a 943 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 PATE AND GERMAN a) RBM,a b) IBM,a Fig. 7 for use in Eq. (39) for use in Eq. (40) εRMB;a and εIBM;a for a set of trapezoidal planforms. vortex lattice method, for the untwisted planform at a nonzero angle of attack to obtain γ a . 3) Use Eqs. (39) and (40) to translate the bending constraints to εRBM;des and εIBM;des at CL;des , which is likely chosen to be CL;cruise . 4) Use Eq. (14) with CL;des , εRBM;des , and εIBM;des to find the design circulation distribution that minimizes induced drag at CL;des subject to the bending moment constraints. 5) Finally, twist the wing to obtain the design distribution, where the spanwise twist angle is the sum of the geometric and aerodynamic twist as measured by the zero lift angle of attack relative to the root. When using a lifting line method, the geometric and aerodynamic twist can be represented explicitly in the governing equation (e.g., [8,21]). When employing a method that is not based on lifting line theory, a technique, such as that presented in [22], can be used to determine the required twist. The outcome of this method is, therefore, a design lift distribution and a corresponding wing twist distribution. Because only the total twist is defined, there is still freedom to control the balance between aerodynamic and geometric twist as needed for other wing design considerations. B. Mach Number In some cases, the Mach numbers for the cruise and maneuver flight conditions may coincide, but in general, the Mach numbers may differ. Equations (39) and (40) use the linear relationship between the bending moments and CL , but the bending moments are nonlinear with Mach number. According to the Prandtl–Glauert compressibility correction [23], the effect of compressibility is to p stretch the wing by a factor of 1∕ 1 − M2 in the stream direction. This change in effective geometry causes a change in the bending a) b) Fig. 8 The variation of the bending moments with Mach number for various trapezoidal wings with CL 1. moments obtained at a given lift coefficient. However, this change is relatively small and, therefore, is not included in the presented method. The variation in εRBM and εIBM with Mach number is shown for several trapezoidal wings in Figs. 8a and 8b. The bending moments are calculated at CL 1. Note that the labels on the vertical axis do not go to zero, as the variation with Mach number is small. V. Example Application Recall that the original problem statement in [5] was to minimize induced drag at a specific lift coefficient at which bending moment constraints were also specified. The generalization in Sec. IV allows for induced drag to be minimized at a different lift coefficient that is independent of the lift coefficients of the bending constraints. The purpose of this section is to illustrate the drag penalty for minimizing induced drag at the maneuver lift coefficient, which is the condition at which the structural constraints are likely to be specified. Section III developed relations for the bending ratios and induced drag for an off-design lift coefficient. Whereas Eqs. (27) and (28) showed that CRBM and CIBM are linear with CL , Eqs. (30) and (31) showed that εRBM and εIBM are not. Figure 5 illustrated this nonlinear behavior for εRBM for off-design values of CL . Using these values of εRBM in Eq. (22) gives the on-design induced drag behavior for the Jones distribution and is shown in Fig. 9. These curves do not represent the drag that would be realized by a wing with fixed twist. Rather, they each describe the locus of minima for a wing with a given root bending moment, meaning the induced drag parameter that would be realized if CL;des had been chosen at a given CL . This Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 944 PATE AND GERMAN Fig. 9 On-design induced drag parameter of a rectangular wing with AR 12 and εRBM;a 1.073. Each curve corresponds to a different εRBM;des with CL;des 0.5. a) Induced drag parameter for several values of CL ,des on-design induced drag serves as a basis for comparing the off-design induced drag. Figure 2 demonstrated that εRBM and εIBM must correlate closely to avoid large drag penalties, and because Sec. II.B showed that the Jones and Prandtl distributions are similar, the following example illustrates only the Jones distribution and a corresponding root bending moment constraint. Without loss of generality CL;RBM is, henceforth, selected to be unity. For the example, we consider the planform shown in Fig. 10 that is similar to that of a Boeing 737, with an approximate aspect ratio of 9.2, taper ratio of 0.26, and quarter-chord sweep angle of 25 deg. The aerodynamic parameters for this planform were calculated with a discrete Weissinger model [10,20]. A. Matching the Root Bending Moment of the Untwisted Planform The first case considered is to twist the wing using a Jones distribution, such that the root bending moment is the same as that of the untwisted planform. Figures 11a and 11b show the results for twisting the wing to four different design lift coefficients: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1, which correspond to maneuver ratios of 4, 2, 4∕3, and 1. The curve corresponding to CL;des 1 represents twisting the wing to minimize drag at the maneuver lift coefficient, which does not involve using the generalization presented in Sec. IV. The dotted line describes the induced drag parameter of the on-design distribution at the corresponding CL and serves as the greatest lower bound for the twisted wings. For comparison, the dashed line shows the induced drag parameter of the untwisted wing. Figure 11a shows the induced drag parameter and Fig. 11b shows the percent increase in induced drag as compared to the on-design induced drag (the dotted line in Fig. 11a). The curve corresponding to CL;des 1 shows the penalty for not using the proposed generalization and, instead, optimizing drag at the same CL as the bending constraint. The penalty for minimizing induced drag at CL;des 1 when cruising at CL 0.5 would be approximately a 1.2% increase. b) Percent difference between CD,i of the twisted wings and the CD,i of the design distribution Fig. 11 Comparison of four design lift coefficients for the B-737 with εRBM equal to that of the untwisted wing. the figure. The on-design drag is not shown because it is indistinguishable from the other curves. Figure 12b indicates that the penalties for induced drag are similar to those from Fig. 11b. C. Examining a Range of Root Bending Moment Reductions Instead of observing off-design behavior by varying CL and CL;des , we now examine the penalty for minimizing drag at the maneuver lift coefficient instead of the cruise lift coefficient. In particular, we compare the drag for CL;des CL;cruise to the drag for CL;des CL;RBM 1 for a range of specified root bending moment ratios, all calculated at CL CL;cruise . Figure 13 displays these penalties for CL;cruise 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75, which correspond to σ 4, 2, and 4∕3 (with CL;des CL;cruise ). The penalty is calculated as B. Reducing the Root Bending Moment of the Untwisted Planform The second case considers a 10% reduction in root bending moment from that of the untwisted wing. As suggested previously by Fig. 9 the on-design induced drag parameter is no longer independent of CL , because εRBM varies nonlinearly with CL . This explains the different behavior seen in Fig. 12a as compared to the previous case. Although the curves for each CL;des appear to be very close together, the vertical scale is large. Differences can be seen in the inset in Fig. 10 B-737 planform. 100 CD;i C L;des CL;RBM CD;i C − CD;i C L;des CL;cruise L;des CL;cruise CL CL;cruise Figure 13 demonstrates the fact that very large penalties in induced drag occur when the cruise lift coefficient is much lower than the maneuver lift coefficient. On the other hand, if the two lift coefficients are close, the penalty is small. Because the penalty depends on the maneuver ratio σ CL;RBM ∕CL;cruise , the curve marked by σ 4 would also indicate the penalty when CL;cruise 0.375 and CL;RBM 1.5, for example. The dotted line in Fig. 13 marks the root bending moment ratio of the untwisted wing (εRBM;a ). This figure indicates that potentially large induced drag penalties can be expected 945 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 PATE AND GERMAN a) Induced drag parameter Fig. 14 Variation of section lift coefficient with εRBM;given for the B-737 planform. presented in Sec. IVon the section lift coefficient, consider Eq. (29), which is restated for convenience here: cl y 0 CL;des cl;d y 0 CL − CL;des cl;a y 0 The section lift coefficient cl;d y0 is calculated based on the Jones distribution as q 4ly 0 cl;d y 0 3 − 2εRBM;des 1 − y 20 πAR 6εRBM;des − 1y 20 cosh−1 1∕jy 0 j (41) b) Percent difference between CD,i of the twisted wings and the CD,i of the design distribution Fig. 12 Comparison of four design lift coefficients for the example wing with εRBM reduced 10% from that of the untwisted wing. if the suggested generalization is not used, and the wing is instead twisted to minimize drag at the maneuver lift coefficient. D. Section Lift Coefficient Along with wing weight, it is also important to consider the section lift coefficients near the wingtip to indicate whether the design should be altered to avoid tip stall. To examine the effect of the generalization Fig. 13 The percent increase in induced drag at CL CL;cruise in terms of σ (maneuver ratio) and εRBM;given as compared to a design for σ 1. where εRBM;des is found from Eq. (39) with CL;RBM , CL;des , and εRBM;given . The section lift coefficient cl;a y 0 results from analysis of the untwisted wing. Figure 14 illustrates the results for the sample wing with y 0 0.85, CL;RBM 1, and CL;des 0.5. If a constraint on section lift coefficient is specified for a certain condition, such as the maneuver, Fig. 14 and the previous equations can be used to determine the limit for εRBM;given. For example, if cl 0.85 < 0.9 at CL 1, then εRBM;given < 0.9. VI. Conclusions Prandtl, Jones, and Klein and Viswanathan each solved a variation of the problem of determining the design circulation distribution to minimize induced drag subject to bending moment constraints, which are assumed to be surrogates for constraints on wing weight. In this paper, these solutions were presented in terms of the bending ratios εRBM and εIBM , which, respectively, relate the root and integrated bending moments to those of an elliptic distribution with the same lift. A significant disadvantage of these classical formulations is the fact that the bending moment constraints are applied at the same lift coefficient for which induced drag is minimized. In practical design contexts, the bending constraints should be applied at a maneuver lift coefficient, and induced drag should be minimized at a representative cruise or loiter lift coefficient, which is much lower. A wing with fixed twist can potentially pay a large penalty in induced drag if the classical methods are used in a way that does not manage the discrepancy between these two lift coefficients. This paper has presented a generalization of these classical methods to allow the bending moment constraints to be specified at independent lift coefficients, thereby increasing the applicability of these techniques for aircraft design. First, εRBM and εIBM were introduced as natural parameters to define the distributions given by Prandtl, Jones, and Klein and Viswanathan. Next, it was shown that the induced drag of a given wing twisted to a Klein distribution for any CL, CL;des , εRBM , and εIBM can be expressed using only three executions of an aerodynamics model, such as a vortex lattice Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND on February 5, 2020 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032074 946 PATE AND GERMAN method. The generalization was then derived by using the linearity of CRBM and CIBM with CL to translate the bending constraints from CL;RBM and CL;IBM to CL;des . Finally, the penalty for applying the classical techniques without this generalization was demonstrated for a wing similar to that of a Boeing 737. The resulting induced drag penalty for minimizing drag at a maneuver lift coefficient of 1.0 instead of a cruise lift coefficient of 0.5 was approximately 1.2%. This new generalized method can be used in the early phase of wing design when the planform size and shape is still being determined. Given a mission and maneuver condition, wing twist can now be controlled directly by just one or two design variables (εRBM , εIBM , or both), instead of representing wing twist as a piecewiselinear composition or curve defined by several control points. In addition to reducing the number of design variables, the formulation also serves to eliminate the need for numerical optimization for minimizing induced drag because the optimal results are presented analytically in closed-form algebraic expressions. Although the present method considers changing only wing twist, it could be used in the context of a more general wing planform optimization approach. The method involves several presumptions that do not fundamentally limit its generality. It is presumed that the wing is rigid, operates in a potential flow, and has a linear lift curve. It is also presumed that the bending moment ratios of the untwisted wing do not vary significantly with Mach number. The most significant presumption in the application of these methods to problems in aircraft multidisciplinary design is that root bending moment or integrated bending moment suffices as a surrogate for wing weight. However, this presumption does not influence the validity of the mathematical approach for the generalization presented in the paper. The concept of translating bending constraints is valid for other linear functions of the circulation distribution. Additionally, the generalized method allows multiple load conditions to be imposed at independent lift coefficients and then translated to a common lift coefficient to find the single constraint that is active. Acknowledgment The authors would like to recognize Rob McDonald of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, for his helpful suggestions throughout this work. References [1] Prandtl, L., “Applications of Modern Hydrodynamics to Aeronautics,” NACA TR-116, 1923. [2] Munk, M. M., “The Minimum Induced Drag of Aerofoils,” NACA TR-121, Jan. 1923. [3] Prandtl, L., “On Wings with Minimum Induced Drag,” Zeitschrift Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt, Vol. 24, Nov. 1933, pp. 305–306. [4] Jones, R. 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