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광학 입문 실험 보고서: 레이저, 렌즈, 거울

PHY 5341
I. Objective
The purpose of this experiment to introduce the students various equipment within the
lab: lasers, lenses, power meters, mirrors, and beam splitters. You should learn the basic
terminology and phenomenology of the equipment while learning how to use it without
hurting it. For example, use constant care to not get your finger prints on the optical
II. Introduction
Throughout our semester, we’ll be using a variety of optical components. The point of
this lab is to get your hands on these components to help develop your intuition of what
they do to light.
III. Procedure
1) Get a tour: The first part of your lab today will be getting a tour from your TA.
Your TA will show you all the basic equipment for you to play with today and
what to do to ensure you don’t break it. Your TA will show you:
a. A laser, how to turn it on, and now to avoid hurting it
b. A power meter to measure the power of a laser beam
c. Lenses, mirrors, beam splitters, how to place them in the laser path and
what parts are okay to touch vs. what parts may be damaged by your
finger prints. Note, some lenses cause the laser beam to converge while
others will cause it to diverge.
2) Start playing: Spend about 20 min playing with the various pieces of equipment
so you can get a feel for how they work and how you might be able to use them.
Your TA will assign you a lab station, a lab partner, and equipment to use. You
will verify with the TA that the equipment currently does not have significant
damage or finger prints before you begin.
3) Accomplish missions: Spend the rest of your lab time engaging with the
equipment to achieve all of the following missions. Once each mission is
accomplished, please demonstrate it to your TA before moving to the next
3.1) Make a laser larger than 4 cm diameter. Find a combination of optical
equipment that achieves the greatest expansion of the laser spot size. Pay attention
to how large the laser spot size is throughout the optical path by placing an index
card or a piece of paper in the beam path. What components did you use and what
components would you like to use if they were available?
Lab 1
PHY 5341
Concave lens 를 사용해서 반지름을 expansion 시킬 수 있다. Con cave 렌즈를
한 개 사용할 때 보다 두개 사용했을 때 더욱더 큰 반지름을 얻을 수 있었다.
3.2) Cause the laser to bounce back and forth between two mirrors such that
it bounces off of each mirror 3 times. What is the maximum many bounces can
you achieve?
The maximum is 4 거울의 반지름이 작아 반사의 횟수에 제한이되었다. 만약
더 큰 반지름의 거울을 사용했다면 더 많은 수의 bounces 를 얻을 수 있었을 것이다.
3.3) Measure the efficiency of the optical components. Create a configuration
that allows you to quickly measure the power before and after the laser goes
through a lens or bounces off of a mirror. What is the power of the laser beam
when it is initially created? How much power is lost when the laser bounces off of
a mirror? What could you do to make your measurements more accurate?
4) For your write up, everyone should type a 1-page lab summary of the mission
he/she accomplished best. What did you do? Why did that work? What did you
learn? What could you have done better?
Lab 1
PHY 5341