General Liability Insurance - How Does It Work? When you start to think about car insurance, and you think about General Liability Insurance coverage, you are thinking about coverage. You are thinking about insurance coverage. And when you buy a policy like this you are buying into a risk. You can't avoid this risk, because that is what you buy. It is just that you can do things to mitigate the risk. If you don't think about General Liability Insurance coverage, then you are buying into a risk. There are no policies that cover you 100%. Not even fully comprehensive coverage. This means that if you drive your car and someone is injured in a collision with you, or if you get a ticket and you don't pay it, and you don't file an injury claim with your General Liability Insurance, then that is a risk you will have to own up to. That's a risk you made when you bought your General Liability Insurance coverage. You are not immune from paying for that risk. For more information on small business general liability insurance read here. But if you want to know what it's like to own up to the risk of owning your General Liability Insurance, then you should read the small print of your General Liability Insurance policy. The policy is actually very transparent. If you look up the details on your General Liability Insurance policy you can find out the details of your General Liability Insurance coverage. The policy is a little like a legal contract. You are going to get a document that outlines the terms of your insurance policy. This document is going to be very clear and very easy to understand. At the top of the page of the policy you will find a table, which has a gini coefficient on it. The gini coefficient is going to tell you what percentage of the liability that you are responsible for covered by your General Liability Insurance policy. When you buy a General Liability Insurance policy like this, you are essentially covering yourself and your car with a protection system. The protection system will do its job by charging you less if you are at fault.