˃ 豐澤 生活新啟發 : 銷售收據 SALE RECEIPT (客戶存單CUSTOMER COPY) 分店地址 STORE ADDRESS 購買日期 DATE OF PURCHASE 20-Sep-16 Campo, Macau Rua Campo No, 62-92 Ljs. A, B, D Edif. Macau Tel: (853) 28329157 Fax: (853) 28329070 收據編號RECEIPT NO 9150/5312109 售貨員 出貨點 單價 數量 金額 SALESPERSON STOCKOUT UNITPRICE HKD QTY AMOUNT HKD 5,588.00 1 產品資料編號 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CODE 1 MN8L2ZP/A, IPHONE 7 AAPPMN8L2ZPA 639532 9150 5,588.00 359164072702492 APPLE - MN8L2ZP/A PLACE OF MANUFACTURING: Unknown 1-year warranty: labour + parts REPAIR Telecom Digital Services Ltd OR SERVICE *Unit 01-03, 12/F Ginza Plaza, ADDRESS: 2A-2H Sai Yeung Choi St, Mongkok, Kln. *Room 1003, Block B, Sea View Estate, 4-6 Watson Road, North Point, Hong Kong SPEC: 蘋果(APPLE)產品退換條款 1) 豐澤10天退款保證服 蘋果(APPLE)產品 2) 客人已檢查隨機配件全齊, 3)產品於 修及保養 及配件 , 損壞或任何功能失效包括主機及配件 . 客戶,須直接聯絡代"灧作 換其它型at或退款 4)代 如有故障,損壞或任何功能失效包括主機 5)如有須要,代理商直接與顧客安排更 6)代理商保留最終退換之決定權. 7)銷售單據已確定,不能 8)客戶到代理商接受保養as "eau出示由豐澤所發出的銷售 9) te理客服 查郁關貨品以確定品質情況 : 21120099 (APPLE) Product Exchange Terms 1) (APPLE) Product not applying to FORTRESS 10-day Money Back Guarantee 2) Customer has well inspected the product and comespondent parts during purchase 3) In case of any product defect, malfunction and damage on mainframe or accessories. customer must directly contact th supplier for warranty service 4) Supplier will inspect correspondent product on product quality issue 5) If necessary, supplier will contact the customer for handling the product exchange and repair matter 6) Supplier reserves the right for product exchange or not 7) No product exchange or refund is entertained after purchase 8) Customer must present FORTRESS sales memo to Supplier for warranty service 9) Supplier Service Hotline: 2112009 10) No product exchange or refund is entertained after purchase 11) Customer must present FORTRESS sales memo to Supplier for warranty service 備註REMARK(S) 客戶資料CUSTOMER INFO. NAME CUST NO MOBILE 顧客現確認同意及接受本頁列明及其背面列明之條款及細則. THE CUSTOMER CONFIRM THEIR AGREEMENT TO AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT STATED HEREIN AND PRINTED OVERLEAF 客戶服務 CUSTOMER SERACE HOTLINE 2555 5788 HOME OFFICE 本人不希望收到任何產品宜傳資訊 (收"閣下指示後 閣下的個人資料將在市塲MM名 單內剥除. )Ido not want to receive any promotional materials or messages. (Upon you instruction, we will take out your name from our marketing lisit). 顧客簽署/公司蓋印 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE / COMPANY CHOP 收款員(Cashier ID): 093094 SC51 Page 1 of 1 FQRTRESS,a division of A,S Watson Group(HK)Limited( a company incorporated in BVI) 濢 由屈臣氏集團(香港)有限公甯京群島注司)經營 A member of AS. Watson Group A Hutchison Whampoa Company 屈臣氏集團屬下楊構,和記黄埔集團成員 =