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Addition of Thousands: Daily Life Problems Worksheet

1. Arissa went to the grocery stores. She bought 2040 candies
to fill in the goodies bag for her birthday party. Meanwhile,
her sister Dania also bought another 1286 lollipops for
additional goodies. How many candies and lollipops
altogether ?
Solution :
2. Farish has collected 4275 coins in his moneybox. Haziq
added another 3390 coins in that moneybox. How many coins
that Farish and Haziq have altogether ?
Solution :
3. There is a disease outbreak happening in our country right
now. In Kuala Lumpur, there are 3289 cases. Meanwhile, in
Seremban, there are 2129 cases. What is the total number of
cases in Kuala Lumpur and Seremban ?
Solution :
4. In March, Year 2 has collected 3890 points in Class Dojo On
the other side, Year 3 has collected 4712 points in Class Dojo.
How many points that Year 2 and Year 3 has collected for this
month ?
Solution :
5. Rihanna has 5534 blue marbles while Yasmin has 3472 red
marbles. How many marbles that Rihanna and Yasmin have ?
Solution :
6. In a running online game, Asadel has gained 4692 point
while his team Zachieve has gained 2576 points. What is the
total point for Asadel and Zachieve team ?
Solution :