Advanced biology H.W.2 Question 1 choose the right answer: 1- How many nitrogenous bases are there in DNA? A- 1 B- 2 C-3 D- 4 2- Which of the following is not a nitrogenous base found in DNA? a- Adenine b- Cytosine c- Guanine d- Uracil 3- DNA is made up of Nitrogenous base pairs. The bases bond in which of the following patterns? a- Adenine – Thymine; Cytosine – Guanine b- Adenine – Cytosine; Guanine – Thymine c- Adenine – Guanine; Cytosine – Thymine d- Adenine – Guanine; Cytosine – Taurine 4- DNA looks like a “twisted ladder”. If the “rungs” of the ladder are made up of nitrogenous bases, what are the hand rails or backbone of the ladder made up of? a- Sugars and Salts b- Phosphates c- Sugars d- Sugars and Phosphates 5 - Where is DNA located in the cell? a- Mitochondria c- Nucleus b-Cell Membrane d- Golgi Body 6- How many chromosomes do we get from our mother? a- 46 b-23 c- 22 d- 20 7- Who is credited with discovering the structure of DNA? a-Crick and Neck b- Watson and Crick c- Watson and Franklin d- Holmes and Watson 8- A baby is XY for the gender or sex chromosome. That baby will be a a-Boy b- Girl c- Puppy d- Can’t tell 9- The experiments of Avery, Hershey and Chase provided evidence that the carrier of genetic information is ……. a-carbohydrate b-DNA c- lipid d-protein 10- What is the base-pairing rule in the DNA molecule? a- A—G and C—T b- A—T and C—G c- C—A and G—T c- C—U and A—G 11-What are chromosomes composed of? a- chromatin and histones c- DNA and lipids b- DNA and protein d-protein and centromeres 12- Which is not an enzyme involved in DNA replication? a- DNA ligase b-DNA polymerase c- hilicase d- RNA primer 13- Which shows the basic chain of events in all organisms for reading and expressing genes? a- DNA RNA protein b- RNA DNA protein c-mRNA rRNA tRNA d- RNA processing transcription translation 14- In the RNA molecule, uracil replaces ………………………… a- adenine b- cytosine c-purine d-thymine 15- The relationship between the sequences of bases in DNA and amino acids in protein would be best stated as : a- The sequence of nucleotides in DNA is determined by the amino acid sequence of DNA polymerase. b- The sequence of nucleotides in a DNA is determined by the amino acids in proteins. c- The sequence of amino acids is determined by the relative percentages of A, T, G and C in the DNA. d- The sequence of amino acids is determined by the sequence of nucleotides in a gene 16- Proof-reading during DNA replication refers to: a-removal of the RNA primer before connecting Okazaki fragments. b- pairing of A with T and G with C by DNA polymerase. c- removal of thymine dimers by excision repair. d- checking for correct base pairing by DNA polymerase. 17- .12 A. Which one of the following answers correctly shows the orientation of strands in the DNA double helix? a-- ’3ATGCATGCATGCATGC – 5’ - ’3ATGCTAGCATGCATGC – 5 ‘ b- - ’3ATGCATGCATGCATGC – 5’ - ’5ATGCTAGCATGCATGC – 3’ c- - ’3ATGCATGCATGCATGC – 5’ - ’3TACGTACGTACGTACG – 5’ d- ’3ATGCATGCATGCATGC – 5’ - ’5TACGTACGTACGTACG – 3’ e - ’3ATGCATGCATGCATGC – 5’ - ’5CGTACGTACGTACGTA – 3’ Question 2 - Ribosome Transcription Translation Nucleus Use one of the words above to complete each statement. 23.) RNA is “read” and turned into a protein during the process of ……………………………………………. This process occurs in the ………………………….. 24.) DNA is converted into RNA during the process of DNA ………………………………………… This process occurs in the ……………………………………………………..