Organization Delivery Purpose/Audience/Topic/Wor d Choice purpose or relevance of topic were unclear or inappropriate for your specified audience. purpose needs to be clearer or your topic or word choices more relevant to your specified audience. topic & purpose relevant and interesting to specified audience, using appropriate word choices and level of complexity. Eye Contact appeared to be reading to us a significant part of the time and/or had little eye contact. rely less notes and/or make better use of eye contact to enhance message and stay connected with audience. notes used as cues, not crutches, which added credibility and involvement. Eye contact was excellent in all areas of the room. Introduction/Message/Conten t Needed stronger attentiongetter and a clearer preview or purpose statement. Monotone, too quiet/loud, or the speed of the message was inappropriat e to deliver the message. vocal variety was effective overall, but message could be enhanced by use appropriate vocal patterns. loud enough to hear easily; used rate volume, pitch, and pauses effectively to enhance message. organizational pattern and/or transitions were unclear, making it difficult for us to follow and understand. good attentiongetter and a clear preview or purpose statement that led us smoothly into the speech. organizationa l pattern and transitions made your speech easy to follow Vocal Rate, pitch, volume Body and Transitions introductio n brought out the subject, but left out needed relevance, interest, or direction of content. main points need more clarity; reorganize information so it is easier to follow and/or give stronger cues. Vocal Quality, Articulation & Pronunciation Missing major components of speech; hard to understand or stay interested in based on lack of clarity. Needs more life/conversationa l tone; work on articulation and pronunciation, but maintained a level consistent enough to portray a message. Conclusion Speech lacked a close by summarizing Conclusion was obvious, emphasized main point(s) Nonverbal/Postur e /Gestures very few gestures, body Body Language and non-verbal cues worked voice was conversational , pleasant, and powerful which helped engage us in your message; articulation and pronunciation were clear. looked comfortable, using hands, Support/Explanation of Ideas Deductions: _____ -2 for each minute over or under Total: _____ Topic 5 You or reminding audience of main points. but lacked the needed enthusiasm or value to hold audience. and drew speech to a close with an effective memorable statement. Support was weak. Major components were lacking or information was primarily second hand / circumstancial . Support was useful, but did not always maintain direction, or data seemed improbable ; resources may not have been reliable. rhetorical support (illustrations, examples, etc.) and/or visual support was effective in making point(s). Preparedness, Composure, and Polish motions, or facial expressions; needed to be more animated; posture and gestures were distracting and/or unnatural. presentation seemed pretty rough. Needed more practice to increase confidence and credibility. overall, but lacked flair, or appropriate enthusiasm. May have been fidgety. body, and facial expressions naturally and effectively, without distractions. Seemed fairly comfortable and confident, which started to build credibility, but lacked command of the audience. Seemed to need a bit more practice to have a polished presentation. Appeared well prepared, confident and comfortable, which enhanced credibility; presentation seemed polished. 4 You 3 Your your credibility and build your confidence. _____ -15 for late speech Name __________________________