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MDRPI Prevention & Sanyrene: Benefits & Evidence

Medical Device Related Pressure Injury (MDRPI)
What are MDRPIs?
This describes an etiology.
Medical device related pressure injuries result from the use of devices designed and applied for
diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The resultant pressure injury generally conforms to the
pattern or shape of the device. The injury should be staged using the staging system.
(Definition from https://npiap.com/page/PressureInjuryStages)
Why do they happen?
Medical devices are made of rigid materials which can cause rubbing or create pressure on the
soft tissues. MDRPIs may occur because of poor positioning or fixation of the equipment or long
term use.
How do we prevent MDRPIs?
Correct positioning and care of the equipment. This includes appropriate fixation and
stabilization of the device
Use of protective dressings and other products underneath the device to reduce the risk
of damage
Fletcher J (2012) Medical device pressure ulcers made easy. Wounds UK. 8(2) 1 – 4.
What is Sanyrene?
Sanyrene is an oil composed of 99% hyperoxygenated glycerides of essential fatty acids, rich in
linoleic acid (60%) and Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) and 1% aniseed perfume. Sanyrene is
What is the mode of action of Sanyrene?
1) The skin directly absorbs the linoleic acid applied topically, and incorporates it in the
Ceramides 1 of the stratum corneum to guarantee its cohesion.
2) The action of hyperoxygenation by Corpitolinol 60 is the source of the oxidative changes
which affect the unsaturated fatty acids and principally linoleic acid.
Applied directly to the skin, these elements play a role in the regulation of cell division and
epidermal differentiation.
Are there any benefits in using Sanyrene for MDRPI prevention?
Yes, because it:
Improves microcirculation
Prevents skin dehydration
Strengthens skin resistance
Accelerates renewal of epidermal cells
Restores the protective hydrolipidic film
Soothes and protects skin at risk
Easy to use
Gentle and pain free application
Hypoallergenic and well tolerated
What does the evidence say regarding the use of Sanyrene for pressure injury prevention?
Restores skin’s barrier function:
o Single blind study showed significant decrease of skin dryness score
Elkhyat A. Mac MaryS. Et al. Evaluation of Sanyrene by cutaneous biometrology on hydration and epidermal
berrier function. Journal des Plaies et Cicatrisations, Special, Tome VIII, n°37, May 2003.
Increases Transcutaneous Oxygen Pressure
o Comparative study stated significant increase +12% in TcPO2 on the sacral zone after
Colin D., Chomard D. et al. An evaluation of hyperoxygenated fatty acid esters in pressure sore management. JWC
1998 ; 7 : 71-72.
Reduction of pressure injury incidence
o Randomized control trial involving 1128 patients with high or very high risk for pressure
injury (Braden Scale)
o Pressure injury incidence was reduced by 50%
MEAUME S., GIPPS Study Preventing the occurence of pressure ulceration in hospitalised elderly patients. Journal of
wound Care February 2005. Vol 14 N°2.