Uploaded by Douglas Heron

Text Analysis Worksheet: DAMP FIBS COST


Analyse your text using the table below:


Choice of words/emotive language? language style/


What is the mood? Does it change? Why has it been created?

Meaning / Message What is the writer trying to tell us?/What has made the author write the book?/Who is the audience?

Progression – What happens during the passage and how does this affect our understanding?

/Tense/time/place changes?


Figurative Language:

Metaphors/similes/Personi fication, cliché, hyperbole,

Why and how are they used?

Imagery: Language that appeals to the senses?

Why and how is it used?

What is the effect on the reader?

Big 5 W’s: What is happening? What has just happened / is going to happen? Where and when is the setting? Who is the speaker? To whom are they speaking?


Alliteration/Assonance/Co nsonance/Onomatopoeia/

How and why do these effects function?

What is their purpose?

Context: Writer’s background and social & historical context. How do they relate to our understanding of the text?

Organisation: How is the text structured? Short /

Long sentences? How is tension created? Which part of the novel is it?

What is the function of this section? Punctuation

(ellipsis… etc)

Symbols – What symbols are used? What are they meant to represent? What is their connotation? What is their effect?

Themes / Tone

What themes are present in the text? Where have they been explored in other parts of the book?

What is the writer’s attitude towards the subject / his or her audience?

What is the writer’s POV?

Personal Response

How do you feel about this text? Does it interest / annoy / confuse / delight you? Why?
