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Vocabulary Lesson 18: Definitions & Synonyms

Lesson 18
“There is a need to appraise existing
Appraise (v)
– set a price on; value
– Syn: price
– assess the value or quality of.
– Syn: evaluate
I thought it right to apprise Chris of what had
Apprise ( v)
– inform or tell (someone
– Syn: notify
There was a covenant between them that her
name was never to be mentioned
Covenant ( n)
– an agreement.
– Syn: pact
“The English staff were granted a meeting"
Grant ( n & v )
– agree to give or allow (something requested) to.
– Syn: allow
– agree or admit to (someone) that (something) is true.
– Syn: accept - admit
– a sum of money given by a government or other
organization for a particular purpose.
– Syn: scholarship
Holistic medicine attempts to treat both the
mind and the body
Holistic ( adj)
– characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking
into account mental and social factors, rather than just the
symptoms of a
– syn: inclusive .
“His target was the hypocrisy of fancy life"
Hypocrisy (n)
– the practice of claiming to have higher standards than is
the case.
– Syn: pretense
"you need to highlight the legalities of the contract"
Legality (n)
– The quality or state of being in accordance with the law.
– syn : obligation
His dream was to be a minister of the church
a member of
the clergy,
especially in
attend to the
needs of
Syn: clergy
Syn: nursetreat
( n& v )
“It is a course of policy and wisdom"
Policy ( n)
– a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an
organization or individual.
– A written contract
– syn: plan – guidleline
I hope I will attend the publication of his first novel"
Publication ( n)
– a book or journal issued for public sale.
– Title – book
– the preparation and issuing of a book, journal, or piece of
music for public sale.
– syn: printing
“it is web of restrictive regulations"
Restrictive ( adj)
– Forcing limitations of what a person does
– Syn: repressive
I do not like being a submissive, almost sheeplike people
Submissive ( adj)
– ready to conform to the will of others
– Syn: tractble