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CSR & OSH Report: PT Sumber XXX - Safety & Responsibility

4.1.2 Corporate Social Responsibility PT Sumber XXX
The company has carried out social responsibility well.
1) Social responsibility for workers :
a) Provide a reasonable wage in accordance with the labor and hours of work mobilized by
workers. Wages given to workers are Rp. 60,000 for piece workers and Rp. 50,000 for day
b) The company provides workers with overtime pay with an accurate and fair calculation.
c) The company applies proper working hours rules . The owner also deigns to give workers
the opportunity to rest and give time for worship.
d) Workers have the opportunity to take time off work and leave. Workers at this company do
this work 5 days a week, so the work gets a chance to get work off for 2 days.
2) Social responsibility to customers:
a) The company has a professional attitude in providing the best service to customers.
b) Provide information related to paving products such as those related to the type, material,
and quality to customers as well as other information that is true, clear and honest.
c) Taking paving orders or concrete buis from customers according to the criteria and desires
requested by customers.
d) Establishing reasonable product prices to customers.
e) Committed in providing quality concrete paving and buis products with guaranteed
3) Social responsibility to the environment and society
a) Do not make local residents restless and disturbed by the company's operational
b) Does not cause waste pollution that disturbs local residents.
c) Build and maintain good relations with local residents.
d) The concern of the company that provides teaching and training to people who come to the
company location who want to know how to make concrete paving or anesthesia.
4) Social responsibility to the government
a) the Company comply with the law, U ndang- U ndang and regulations.
b) The company has an official business license.
c) The company fulfills the obligation to pay income tax.
d) The company fosters a good, healthy and harmonious relationship with government
institutions, both the Regional Government and the Central Government.
4.2 Occupational Safety and Health
Researchers carry out identification of hazards and risks at the work site directly. The
results of the identification of hazards and their risks and controls by researchers in the
production of paving blocks at PT are as follows:
1) In the Material Collection Stage
(a) When workers move raw materials (sand, gravel, stone ash, cement, etc. ) using a shovel.
Risk of dust from raw materials that can enter workers' eyes. Control that can be
done is to use safety goggles (protective glasses).
Risk of dust inhalation of workers' noses. To overcome this, workers need to wear
Bending movements in bending materials can cause a risk of back
pain. Appropriate control is K3 socialized workers related to how to do the job with
good posture.
(b) When workers carry raw materials by pushing wheelbarrows .
The risk of slipping and tripping when workers push the wheelbarrows
is possible. Control is the use of safety shoes and the installation of an appeal.
Quality risks of the feasibility of the wheelbarrow that could cause workers to be
crushed by sand from the cart. Control that needs to be done is to check the feasibility
of the wheelbarrow periodically.
2) In the Mixing Stage
At the time of p roses using the material mixing machine mixer , may allow the
risk such as the following.
If workers are not vigilant when the machine is spinning, it can happen that a hand that
has fallen into the machine can cause the hand or other body parts to be injured as a result
of being cut, trapped, or pinched . Control needed is K3 socialization and the installation of
warning signs and appeals stickers.
Sprinkling of materials that can touch the eyes. To prevent this, workers can wear safety
goggles .
Risk of noise coming from the engine. Therefore, workers can use ear plugs to protect
3) In Printing Paving Stage Using a Press Machine
At the time of the printing process paving using a press machine, can enable the
occurrence of risk such as the following.
Risk hand pinched when m eletakkan dough on a pallet place machine press . To avoid
this, warning signs and appeals are needed.
Risk of smoke from diesel engines to start the press . This smoke is certainly not good for
breathing so a mask is needed.