Uploaded by Michael Albano


ALBANO, Michael Anthony, A.
March 16, 2020
Horney’s and Fromm’s Theories
Fromm’s Human Needs
The first need that is applicable to myself is the need of frame of orientation. Ever since
a serious misunderstanding came to my parents, I fell into a state of loneliness wherein I think
about the purpose of my life. To me it’s a big wake up call for reality that in time I will be gone
sooner than I could expect and everything I live upon this life will be worth for what? Those are
some of the questions I usually stay in bed upon and I’ve tried to search answers for it so I could
put my own mind at ease. The serious misunderstanding between my parents happened around the
beginning of my adolescent years, it left me scarred as I’ve seen other children live in a single
house while me and my brother are being passed around from one house to another. It made me
feel incomplete even though they provide me with the physical needs, the emotional ones’ lie
beneath. I’ve done many things to substitute that emptiness inside and through art I’ve filled it up.
I compose and play music with various instruments and it was a satisfying feeling to have as you
can express yourself through it. It gave me reason to push forward with life and find myself within
its premises of hope that something can be achieved more. By the end of my senior high school
years, I’ve thought my interests lie on Computer Sciences and Technology because that is where
I am good at, but I am more fascinated with understanding an individuals’ personalities which is
why I’ve chosen Psychology as a course to take in college. I’ve made it as a goal in life to help
people who have troubles in understanding one’s self because I don’t want them to be blinded by
the stigmas and fallacies that society and culture has. I want them to have a better understanding
of our own health and be more open-minded despite the biases on our parts. By doing this rational
goal, it gave my life an object of devotion wherein I focus my own strength on it and this will give
meaning to the life I will live upon until the end has come.
The second human need that can be found applicable to my own living is relatedness.
Being communicative with another individual is beneficiary as you are able to exchange
information and it gives you a sense of security, someone to trust, and someone to care for. In
terms of being nonproductive, I usually use domination in times I communicate with my younger
brother. To give you a situation is that I usually let him do the chores that I don’t have a keen
interest on, and that is washing the dishes, Since my grandparents believe in being “pasmado”, I
usually iron my laundry after a meal so that my grandparents will put the chore onto my brother’s
vicinity of work. With that done, I’ll be seating on the couch with the TV on while my brother is
still doing the dishes. In terms of being productive, I display love for example by taking care in
times my little brother is ill, I respond to his needs by giving him the appropriate medicine and
food to help him recover upon the following days. I also express love to someone I wholeheartedly
cherish by giving her someone that she can rely on, building foundations between relationship by
getting to know each other’s strength and flaws, and giving each other’s trust for it to function and
have a fruitful harvest in the future full of unknowns.
Horney’s Neurotic Needs
In my very own life, I have always been guilty of having the neurotic need for affection
and approval. Despite the academic achievements I had ever since my pre-school years, I’ve
never been acknowledged by my own father of my own achievements. He would always say that
“ you need to be at this level to impress me.” (which is a very high expectation that I can’t reach).
Despite lesser words of encouragement, I did my best somehow, and I’ve worked through it.
Throughout the span of years in the academe my confidence upon it has its ups and downs.
Sometimes I get the encouragement from my peers and sometimes I have it from near deadline
submissions and time pressure. But mostly, I lay down and think about things and it goes by asking
myself “have I done enough?” and it usually ends just me falling asleep. But through experiences
and maturation, I simply don’t care that much anymore. All I ever do up until is work my ass off
and wait for a certain result that may show up and whatever may it be, I shall accept the glory or
the consequences of my actions and move on with life itself.
The 2nd neurotic need I possess in living this life is to restrict one’s life within narrow
borders. Following the need for approval is me, yes me, restricting myself that I don’t deserve
any reward despite the effort and productivity I did in this life. I always settle less to none
expectations as I do not want to be disappointed of the output of my work. If I did well, then I
guess its fine, and if it fails, then its just another day wasted with my youthful energy. Everything
is a drag as one anime character would say (Shikamaru Nara) but through his character
development all over the Naruto Shippuden anime, he found a purpose and so it does for me right
now. Well I guess that’s my old self from my high school days until my 1 st year of college. The
reason for changing myself for the better is because I’ve found a purpose in living and I want to
fulfill it as much as I could. Without certain struggles, you’ll never learn, and without learning
something, you’ll never push forward in reaching success.