Project Management Assignment C11PA Conference Project 2020 Development of project scope statement for a conference our team is supposed to organize and manage. The conference is to be based on emerging and innovative trends such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. Leadership Agile Project Management Strategy Project Success Factors We are required to write a Scope Statement for this project. PROJECT SCOPE STATEMENT Project Objectives: The primary objective of this project is to successfully execute this Event which is supposed to happen in the 2nd half of 2020. Now to achieve this primary goal, a chain of events needs to happen which is going to lead to its success. These include: Financial Aspect: As we are organizing this whole event, the financial side of organizing such an event is a priority. We must make sure no losses are achieved at the end of this event and the finances even out. Technical Aspects: So, to become a reputable organization, we need to execute this event technically along with financial execution. This means that a proper methodology is followed from the start of the project right till the end of the event. Scheduling: This part is most critical and crucial because scheduling is vital for any project. When selecting dates, its important to do a lot of brain storming and then reach a decision. Everything must be considered before choosing a specific date for the event. These include weather, publics holidays etc Quality: In order to execute a successful event, its inevitable for the participants to go home satisfied. The objective here is to make sure a standard event is set in place which will be right up there with other events that have happened or are in the pipeline. If these requirements are met, then the success of the project is inevitable. Project Scope Description: In this section we will discuss in detail what the project on hand is about, what its motives are and what can be achieved after the commencement of this event. So, basically this event is a kind of National Conference which is being held in the Uk in the 2nd half of 2020 which means after June of 2020. In this event there will be different workshops and seminars related to the emerging business strategies in Leadership, Project Management, Project Strategies, Project success factors and many more. The two-day event will include workshops and seminars as mentioned before, along with that, ice breaker events in which the delegates can interact with each other. Along with that many fun and entertainments are there for the delegates where they can relax and enjoy. Food will also be provided to the delegates and the guest speakers as well. The outcome of this event will be beneficial for the participants on so many different levels. First, the delegates can learn about different new innovations in the field of business management. Along with that the delegates will build good communication skills which they can use in their professional lives ahead. The delegates will also get a chance to meet role models of their own field during this event and I am sure they’ll get inspired by them at the same time. On organizational level this event will help improve our reputation and we can get offers after executing this event successfully. Project Requirements: The requirement of this project is very basic but important at the same time. First of all, the primary requirement is to conduct this event successfully. Along with that making sure every criterion is met is also very important. These criterions include logistics in which making sure everything happens as planned. Security, which is also a very important factor in events like these. Similarly, making sure technical aspects are fulfilled is also very important. In a nutshell, the requirement is to set the bar high and develop a standard for other organizations Project Deliverables: Each of the project deliverables is very important and equal. The Deliverables include the following: Logistics: Logistics as we all know is a detailed organization and implementation of a plan. This is probably the most important part of the deliverables because everything depends on this as it is a vital part of this event Sponsors: Sponsors will be an important part of this event too as without them, conducting this event will not be possible. We must make sure that the sponsors are satisfies with what we do for them. Transport for Guests: Guests are important too as mentioned in the previous sections. So, making sure they reach the venue safely is critical. Therefore, handling transport is also important. Hygienic Food: The food to be provided to the guest and the delegates should be hygienic and safe to eat and according to the set standards. Quality of Event: To make sure the event is conducted successfully; state of the art facilities is to be provided. Quality and reputable guest speakers to be invited as they will make it successful Project Boundary: In this section we are going to discuss aspects which are not included in the scope but are important to us when we look at the broader picture. These can include: Weather Public Holidays Religious Events Security Situation Any Virus/ Disease Weather can play spoil sport in such events. Similarly, public holidays can also affect this event therefore, care must be taken. Religious Events like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving happen every year so making sure the event does not coincide with any of these. Similarly, security situations can also halt this event therefore this is also something to look at. Last but not the least make sure no viruses or diseases are escalating just like corona virus these days where public gathering is halted indefinitely. Project Constraints: The project constraints are also important to look at because they’re equally critical. So, the project constraints in this project are Financial Constraints and Work Force Constraints. Making sure finances are managed properly and that not losses are recorded is very important. Similarly, Work Force constraints which is also related to costs, here hiring helpers for the events can be difficult for two reasons, because its going cost a fortune and will be difficult to find compatible members Project Milestones: In this part of the project, we will discuss the timelines of the event. We will discuss when the project will start and when it will end. Below are the timelines of the project: 15th March 2020: Beginning of planning and assignment of duties to each member where each member is asked to work on their role and come up with systematic plans 20th March 2020: Decision about the Venue, which should not be far from city center and easily accessible through public transport. 25th March 2020: Sponsor Head advised to start looking for potential sponsors and bring updates by the end of the week 31st March 2020: Media Head advised to design website and questionnaire for delegates. Social Media accounts to be made too. 20th April 2020: Official launch of event through social media and other platforms carried out by media head. Event planned on 1st of August. 30th April 2020: Treasurer advised to devise financial plan keeping in mind the sponsors and participant registration fees 7th May 2020: Registration starts after financial Plan is presented by treasurer. 15th May 2020: Updates brought by all team members 21st May 2020: Local band contacted for event entertainment. 30th May 2020: Logistics head advised to calculate costs, which includes food and transport etc 7th June 2020: Guest list finalized by team leader 15th June 2020: Local Vendors informed of requirements for food and drinks for the event 25th June 2020: Advertisement for hiring students to work at the event 10 p/h. 30th June 2020: Interview Conducted for student helpers 7th July 2020: Registrations closes for delegates 15th July 2020: Final plan presented by logistics and treasure head. 20th July 2020: Security Head assigned and given a team 25th July 2020: Venue visit, and updates taken from workers 29th July 2020: Decorations and crockery delivered and set up 1st August 2020: Event commences at 0900 hours. Project Assumptions: In this part of the project scope, we discuss the assumptions which are unexpected which means we have no idea about the quantity or type of thing it is but we simply assume and give it a certain value. In our project this included: Number of Delegates Number of Workers Required Food Required Size of the Venue Critical Success Factor: In this part we identify certain things from which we can say whether the event organized was successful or not. The critical success factors for this event are as follows: Financial: If after the event we find that the expenditure is equal or less than the earnings then that is considered a successful event because if one loses capital in an event, then that’s not a successful event Quality: An event can also be termed successful if all its goals are achieved. This means that all the requirement are met and a new standard is set. Feedback: This event can also be successful if we get good feedback from the participants. This can be done by good word of mouth and the number of participants in the next event. Project Closure: In this part of the project we summarize the whole project. Discussing the critical success factors, project completion and lessons learned from this project. So, the number of delegates who attended the conference were a lot more than expected. Around 200 delegates attended the conference which is great. Similarly, the attendees were given questionnaires at the end of the event in which they gave their input and I am glad to say that the response from the delegates was overwhelming. They described their experience as fun and learning. They learned a lot from this conference and wanted to come back next to reunite with the new friends they made during this 2-day event. The quality of the event can be judged by the fact that no hiccups were faced during this event. Everything went smoothly and no problems were faced during the conference. The feedback from the guest speakers was also positive. They really enjoyed this new concept and the fact that the young generation was exposed to the new, innovative and emerging business strategies and were happy that this would help the young lot grow on a professional and personal level as well. There were several lessons learned from this event for us too. We learned that if you work hard enough and dedicate yourself to the project, then nothing can stop it from becoming successful. Personally, we made new friends as well along the way. It was a tiring journey, but it was worth it because the experiences gained here are going to be with us for a long time. That sums up our whole project of National Conference on Emerging Business Strategies. Additional Supporting Documents Project Organization Breakdown Structure: WBS Accountable for Task Accountable for Task Accountable for Task Accountable for Task Sponsor Sponsor Drinks Food Role Media Head Logistics Head Security Head Treasurer Providing Finances Providing Finances Providing Drinks Providing Food Name Kuntla (Vk42) Veda (Vm70) Vikash (Vv33) He Zhangping (Zh30) O2 Boots High Spirit Drinks KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut Project Work Breakdown Structure: In this chart we have given in detail all the tasks that are done to make this event successful: Sr.No Activity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Deciding Venue Deciding Date Calculating Finances Approaching Sponsors Designing Websites Contacting Vendors for Refreshments Contacting Music Band Launching Event Opening Registrations Approaching Guest Speakers Closing Registrations Giving Order to Refreshment Vendors Hiring Student Helpers Decorating Venue Ordering and Installing Crockery Start of Event Risk management Plan: In this part we will analyze all the possible risks that we can face during or before the Conference. We will name the risk, its probability, its impact, its overall risk, its response and the risk owner who will be responsible to take care of it Risk Natural Causes Probability Impact 50% 50% Overall Risk 50% Accident PreEvent Accident During Event Technical Risk Security Risk 10% 50% 30% 15% 90% 60% 40% 20% 10% 91% 25% 50% Note: All the values are given as a percentage out of 100 Response Necessary Measures taken Accordingly Rescue Team Called Risk Owner No one Logistics Head Rescue and First Aid Logistics Called Head Technicians Called Media Head Emergency Security Authorities Head Contacted Cost Plan: This plan is to be divided into 2 parts. The first part will tell us about the earnings or the money IN for the event and the next part will tell us about the Money spent or money out for the Event. The difference between the two should come out to be 0.00 GBP. Money In: Serial No Description 1 1-day event ticket 2 2-day event ticket 3 Sponsor 1 4 Sponsor 2 Total Sum In Amount 2400 GBP 4500 GBP 2000 GBP 3000 GBP 1 2 3 4 5 Ticket for 2 day Event = 50 GBP Ticket for Single Event = 40 GBP Total Registrations = 150 60 Single Day Tickets 90 2-day even Tickets 11900 GBP Money Out: This section includes all the expenditures for this event. It will include work force cost, venue, decorations, refreshments, entertainment system, crockery etc. Serial No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description Amount Work Force 4000 Food 1500 Drinks 1000 Entertainment 500 Music Band 1000 Venue Rent 3000 Decorations 400 Transport 500 Total sum Out Total event hours = 20 Work force 10 GBP/hr for 20 workers = 4000 GBP 11900 So, net difference comes out to be 0 as mentioned. Project Schedule: This will be given in the form of a Gantt Chart: Serial No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Date Activity Duration 15/03/20 Planning Start 5 20/03/20 Venue Decided 5 25/03/20 Sponsor Search 6 31/03/20 Website and Social Media 20 20/04/20 Launch of event 10 30/04/20 Financial Plan Devised 8 7/5/2020 Start of Registrations 8 15/05/20 Team Meeting 6 21/05/20 Music Band Contacted 9 30/05/20 Costs Calculation 8 7/6/2020 Guest lists 8 15/06/20 Refrshments Ordered 10 25/06/20 Workforce AD Posted 5 30/06/20 Interviews for Workers 7 7/7/2020 Registrations Closed 8 15/07/20 Final Plans Made 5 20/07/20 Venue Visit 5 25/07/20 Security Team Made 4 29/07/20 Decorations 2 1/8/2020 Event Start 2 Duration in Days Decorations Venue Visit Registrations Closed Workforce AD Posted Guest lists Duration Music Band Contacted Start of Registrations Launch of event Sponsor Search Planning Start 0 5 10 15 20 25 Project Communication Plan: The project communication will tell us about the conversations and meetings that took place between the team and the stakeholders, which included the sponsors, the vendors, the venue mangers etc. So, the venue was initially decided, and a letter was sent to the venue management and after a few days it was approved after we received a reply from the management. After that the sponsor head was advised to approach different sponsors and tell them what was in it for them if they decided to sponsor our event. After a few disappointing replies, finally our sponsor team was successful in securing a couple of sponsors. Once all of this was done and as the event came closer, we decided to get in touch with different vendors to get contracts for food and drinks. That was easy because it wasn’t any public holidays or religious events so we got the deal done at a decent price. Once all of this was done it time to contact the local music band, and secured a deal as soon as possible. These were the conversations and meetings that took place pre event with the stakeholders. Team Name: National Conference for emerging Trends Name Vikash Veda Mattaparthy Kuntla Reddy He Zhangping Level of Contribution 100% 100% 100% 100% Signed vk vm kr Hz Appendices: Personal Summary (Vikash): As mentioned above, I was the security head in the project which concluded. Although I did not have much experience in the security department, I was motivated to do well and to not let my team down. I learned a lot from this experience and shall use it in the future project that we are going to do. I developed many skills and polished the skills I already possessed. These skills include communication, Leadership, Teamwork and so many more. This has been a wonderful experience for me and I am sure this will help me in my professional life. So, as the head of security, my main job or duty was to make sure that the event does not face any security issue and in the case of a security situation, necessary steps were taken to make sure the situation was under control. The event started back when the planning began and my main job was to make sure that the stuff we move in and out of the venue was not harmed in any way. This was done not alone by myself but with the help of a dedicated security team which I made prior to the start of the project. I am glad to say that under my leadership, no security issues were faced, and those minor ones were dealt with accordingly. Pre event, I di not have much to do because most of the work was done by the other teams to prepare for the event. My main duties were during the actual event because that is where security becomes very important. So, when the event started, the situation was under control. We had to make sure that protocols were followed, and the security plan made prior to the event was followed. The plan included not letting anyone in and out of the venue during event hours to avoid disturbances. Unless it was an emergency for the delegate or the guest or any member of the organizing team. Thankfully, no such situation came up and therefore everything went smoothly. Other than that, we had to make sure that the delegates stayed in their respective chosen sessions and not roam around the venue and create disturbances. I am glad to say that the delegates were very co operative and gave us no reason to complain about them. Overall, it was an amazing experience and I would love to do anything similar in the future as well.