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English-Uzbek Vocabulary List

inextricably linked to
closely related to
living conditions
yashash sharoiti
local culture
native culture
ex: Our local culture is rich in a divergent variety of folk songs and traditions
internal conflict
ichki ziddiyatlar
ex: In some countries internal conflicts are not declared to the general public
main focus
asosiy e'tibor
military precision
judayam aniq
ex: She carried out the task with military precision
maintain contact
aloqa saqlamoq
major advantage
katta ustunlik/foyda
ex:The major advantage of studying abroad is making cross-cultural friends
make a prediction
bashorat qilish
marked contrast
sezilarli farq
make an assumption
taxmin qilish
narrow range
limited range
ex: Limited range of information found in newspapers makes it out of favor
major challenge
major difficulty
make a recommendation
tavsiya qilish
ex:Can u make me a recommendation about where to stay in America
newly emerging
yangi paydo bo'layotgan
ex: Newly emerging ways of curing illnesses has resulted in advanced medicine
numerous studies
bir qancha o'rganishlar
offer an opportunity
imkoniyat bermoq
peak hours
rush hours
off-peak hours
hours free of rush
ex: In my hometown peak hours occur between 7am and 8am , whereas off-peak hours can be
observed at 7pm or 8 pm
economic integration
iqtisodiy hamkorlik
ex: Economic integration among countries plays a vital role in eradicating financial inequality
throughout the world
make a choice
impressive expansion
judayam keng tarqalish
ex: Impressive expansion of mobile phones can be seen in every corner of the world
inject an (negative,positive) cultural influence
madaniy ta'sir o'tkazish
Ex: When western tourists come to UZB , they can inject a negative influence on our local culture
soaring numbers
increasing numbers
academic excellence
yaxshi o'qish
ex: Studying abroad highly requires students' academic excellence
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