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Solves Cost vs
Performance Problems
Aircraft requiring greater electrical power for an increasing num­ ber
of critical electri.cal loads are employing 270Vdc power. But to
make, break or change
the connection of elec­
tric circuits for the high
voltage poses а signifi­
cant challenge for the
manufacturers of relays
and contactors. Various
solutions exist, but one
succeeds in resolving ail
of the obstacles: weight,
high heat, safety, cost
and performance.
he "more electric aircraft" is
rapidly evolving. New aircraft
designs are increasingly forsak­
ing heavy, maintenance-intensive and
(in combat} vulneraЫe hydraulic and
pneumatic subsystems in favor of elec­
trohydrostat ic actuators (EHAs). EHAs,
which comblne electric and hydratIlic
power, are control systems designed
to enhance aircraft performance while
reducing weight Ьу eliminating miles of
tuЬing, pumps and valves required for
aircraft with traditional controls.
Тhese subsystems generally have
built-in test capabllity and require much
less maintenance than hydraulics and
pneumatics. For commercial carriers that
means less aircraft downtime, and for
military aircraft, а shorter logistics tail.
Electrics for control surfaces, such
(alternating cu rrent). But АС power has
appl ications, which are not weight- or
its own limitations. For example, mul­
size- sensi tive. For instance, scaling
tiengine aircraft wotIld require mtIltiple
up АС techno logy to accommodate
power generators, and this posed the
electrohydrostatic acttJators in place
proЫem of either coordinating frequen ­ of hydratJlics and pneumatics isn't а
cies, or tJsing t:he alternating current
viaЫe option. On, say, а Boeing 737,
from the generators for separate and
converting to EHAs and sufficiently
isolated busbars-not an elegant soltJ­
enhancing the existing 60-kilo-volt ­
tion! DC power, which is constant, does
ampere (kVA) fixed frequency per
not require devices that synchronize
channel would рrоЬаЫу cause power
power sources, which is why applica­
, generati
on and distribution to Ье
tions such as fuel cells, solar power
heavier and much more costly. The
systems, and electric & hybrid vehicles
viaЫe option is to employ 270 volts DC
other than in aviation also are turning
power derived f rom variaЫe frequency
more and more to high -voltage DC.
АС generators.
АС voltage in its raw form still is
used for nonessential systems оп
board aircraft; however, it doesn't meet
the requirements of EHAs, etc., which
demand sufficient power delivery that
is consistent and highly controlled. The
as flaps and ailerons, are the most
demanding and critical, but
Previous Sealing Technology
other subsystems require
greater electrical power, as
well. Forexample, air condi­
tioning in the caЬin and rotor
Ыаdе deicing оп а helicopter.
lt all adds up to а much greate
demand forelectrical power:
270 volts DC (direct current),
electrical power is more effi ­
cient in achieving this greater
electrical demand. With this,
less total energy is required
from the aircraft engines. Add
to this the fact that this greater
power at 270Vdc results in
smaller wires, and it becomes
readily apparent how high-
High-voltage 270Vdccontactors
were first used оп the lnternational
Space Station. High-vo ltage DC is now
employed in the F-22 combat aircraft
and will Ье used increasingly in the
Joint Strike Fighter. Тhе Airbus
Green indictates area
within the ernclosure
Green in,d ctates агеа
withinlhe endosure
Left dr·awing Ceram1c envelope- Costly, large, ancl li ard to shape. All o1,s1 tor higl1 pressu-r e 1nternal gases
tог optimal SN
' itching. Auxiliary contacts are not оп main armature and coil economizer must Ье outside
voltage DC contributes to opti- thes ea le d enc ols u r e _
mizing the power-to-weight
Right Drawing 1:роху Seal- Large, less rugged, lo\ er temperature rated, ar1d caлnot use hydrogengas
ratio of an aircraft.
tог optimal s1,it1ch1ng. Aux1l1 ary cont acts are not оп ma1 n arn1ature and co1l econorn 1zer 1s outs1de tl1e
sealed enclosure_
Growing Demand for Power
Applications of high -voltage DC power
at 270 volts and higher are not new
and go back as far as Тhomas Edison ,
himself. Trains and industrial facilities
have long used high-voltage DC. Air­
craft have used DC power since World
War 11, but the onboard generation and
distribution has been limited to 28 volts
for mалу years.
When larger, commercial airliners
entered the skies in the early 1960s,
the demand for power became greater,
and to avoid the consideraЬle weight of
larger 28Vdc generat ors and саЫеs, air­
craft began using 115volts, 400Hz АС
more electric aircraft, therefore, relies
more and more on high-vo ltage DC.
DC power also provides an addi­
tional advantage for aircraft that have
onboard batteries, which are employed
as redundant power sources, should
the primary source fa il. DC powercan
Ье used to charge the batteries, with
no need to convert the voltage from АС
to DC, as was required in the past.
Corn:actor Applications
The challenge, however, has been to
adapt to aircraft the high-voltage DC
power long enjoyed for ground-based
АЗВО is intr oducing high-voltage DC to
the commercial marketplace and the
Boeing 787 makes much greater use
of this power source. Future aircraft on
the drawing board will take the use of
270 volts DC to an even higher level.
The trend is obvious.
Challenge in Contactors
However, this trend posesa challenge
to the manuf'acturers of contactors
that must switch the power. (Contac­
tors аге similar to electrical relays but
are larger and have the higher over­
load rating needed for most critical
aircraft components.)
Any агс that occurs when switch­
produce an impervi-
ing DC current must somehow Ье
extinguished. The higher the voltage,
chamber. Ceramic mate­
rial, used to produce
contactors for the lnter­
national Space Station,
the more difficult this is to achieve.
(The proЫem does not exist when
switching АС because the voltage
passes through zero volts every
cycle; hence any агс is quickly extin­
guished automatically.)
Most ground-based applications of
high-voltage DC haven't had to face
the challenge because, in managing
the higher voltage, they do not have
tors, which аге not sealed and allow
the heat generated from the discharge
of an electric arc. Тhese contac tors
аге large and heavy, employing агс
chutes, ог baffles, that split the elec­
tric агс into metal plates to reduce
the voltage. (Тhе агс in а contactor is
an electrical discharge through а gas
producing the voltage drop required to
сап seal off all types of
gases accompanying
the arc, including hydro­
gen, which is the best
gas to break а high­
voltage DC current (see
cha rt).
But ceramics also
сап Ье cost prohiЬi­
tive; it initial ly takes on
to Ье concerned about the contactor's
weight and size. Light rail systems,
therefore, сап use open-air contac ­
New Higher-Performance EPIC Technology
ous ce ramic, switching
Green indictates area
within the enclosure
а semi-liquid f orm, so
making an exact -shaped EPIC Ceramic Header Lo1•1 cost. rugged, h1gh temperature
chamber to manage the rated ceramic header allo10/s high pres.sure internal gases tor
opt1 mal s>N1 tching Aux1l iary coпtacts аге оп maIn armatureand
arccan Ье tricky. The
coil economizer is l'riH1inthe sealed enclosure.
chambers don't always
plastics. lt allows the use of high ­
come out as planned.
An alternate solution is with an
ероху sealed contactor аnd use of
high-temperature plastics in the агеа
pressure gases and remains small
in size and weight. Called ЕР1стм
(Extended Performance lmpervious
interrupt t he cu rrent.)
Contactors f or aircraft must closely
maлage and seal the агс to prevent
that manages the arc. While much
less expensive, this type of con tactor
has its own limitations. The seal is not
as good as ceramic, so the contactor
Ceramic), this new technology has
been applied to а high-voltage con­
tactor design over the past two years
interference, yet also provide DC
switching at an ассерtаЫе heat level
and Ье small, lightweight and reason­
cannot use hydrogen gas, which pro­
vides the best switching environment
for 270 volts DC power management.
aЫy priced. ln an attempt to provide
these features, various technologies
have been employed. AII have limita­
tions-except one.
And the ероху seal is temperature­
limited (to about 150 degrees С) and
susceptiЫe to failure in severe over­
current situations .
ture plastics inside for the arc man­
agement . No thick layer of ероху is
Other Desigrns
The EPIC™ Solution
Contactors for aircraft must Ье sealed
to prevent electrical leakage and
interference, and the electric arc must
А new sealing technology exists that
produces а contactor comЬin ing the
required, yet the EPIC contactor has
а seal sufficient to contain high-p res­
sure gases such as hydrogen.
Ье isolated, as well as the magnets
that move the arc. One solution is to
benefits of high -temperature sealing
quality 0·1ceramics with the low cost
arc management of high-temperature
Gas and Contact Material Performance Comparisons for Switching Applicati ons
Сапу Only
But IIU1il guud
" 11ll ЩJl) I
But 1юt11 guud
,Ш::i ct ll w pp t: 1
Make Only Life
Make& Br eak Life
Verv High Overload
Make& Br eak
Вut not as good
as Moly/ Co pper
Вut not asgood
as Moly/ Copper
В111 11ut 1lli uud
as Muly/ Cupµei
But 1юt нs youd
as Moly/Cupp• 1
EPIС Вenefits
Тhе EPIC high-voltage DC contactor
provides all the benefits of an all-ceramic
c ontactor but at less than ha the weight
and about one-tenth the cost. Specifi­
cally, it offers the following advantages
over other high -voltage contactors:
• The inert gas in the controlled
environment of а sealed switching
contactor therefore сап Ье made
smaller and lighter and аЫе to oper­
ate with less coil powerthan with
But not as good
as Moly/Copper
high-voltage relays.
The EPIC high-voltage DC contac­
t or includes а ceramic header t hat is
welded to а can with high-tempera­
chamber will not cause oxidation,
and this allows the use о! low resis­
tance copper contacts. With the
excellent conductivity of copper, the
But not as good
as Moly/Coppe1
Ьу aircraft electrical component and
equipment manufacturer Leach lnter­
nati onal and GIGAVAC, а maker of
other metals.
• The low leakage of the contactor's
ceramic seal, compared to ероху,
means all types of gases, includ­
ing highly desiraЫe hydrogen, can
Ье used for high-current int.em1p ts.
lt also allows various comЬina­
tions of different gases and contact
materials, to accommodate difficult
switching app lications .
• The new contactor has а higher
temperature rating than contactors
sealed with ероху. lnitial EPIC tech­
nology products are rated at 175
degrees С, but а header can reach
well over 250 degrees С with out
damage to the seal or risk of fail ure.
• With а higher temperature rating,
there is much less risk of а contac­
tor failure or а fire, should а down­
stream circuit breaker fail in an
abnormal over-current situation.
• The thinner seal leaves room in the
contactor for built-in, dou Ые-t hrow,
auxiliary contacts that are driven off
the same armature as the main con­
tacts, and for а cutthroat, dual-coil
economizerwhen required. (With the
epoxy-seal contactor, the auxiliary
contact is а secondary activated
micro switch and the economizer is
located outside the chamber.)
ЕР/С11• 1 is а regbl ered trademar!r o f GIGAVAC .
А Collaborative Effort
This ncxl geneг11tioп o'l lнgl1-,·ol tagc DC co вt ac tors ,\11\s joiпt l y de \'elopcd Ьу
Le11 11 l11 te1ш 11 ioпn l. c oнsidcгe,i tl1e ··1'a tl1eг" о( a rospc1c c гciays. 11 B11e na r aгk.
Cali J:-based di,·1sio п ol' E steг line. a11 d GI GA\' AC. co пside гed toda·y s е, ре гt
111 l1iglн ollн ge rela ys. b11scd ш S11ntп Ва1· Ьп п1. Calit: А long гelп lioпs h ip lн1s
o.,1sted ,1111ong 0ГГ1с ш ls ш t hc rwo co111 p«nie s.
L.ea 11 1 пt e rп пt юn n l 1s п mпт 1Гас t11 ге r or elcc t гica l ро\\'с1· d1stг' 1b11 Lion а ·se111Ь11es a nd c o n1pon cn l s. s1.1c l1 пs relп ys a nd co11t <1c tors. a11d or Г:0111l1 с штс пt dctec­
to rs. 1 t ma nt1 (,1ct11 гсs co m pone n ts tо г Yп r1011 s пpp licn t юпs. 1 пcl11d1 пg lo,Yc1· ­
c u гrcn t _70\"dc so l1d st.1L c 1-c lays а nd роv. с г con t rollc r:; Го1· 270Ydc switc hin g.
То pl'Odt1cr п п a lTo гd r1Ыe. l igh1wc-ig1Jt. l11gl1-\'ol t,1gc co11t r1c t ш Гог n1il1 ta гy пnd
пе rоs рпсс пpp l1Cп tio11s tl1 пl с а п ,11,; onш юci a tc 0Уе1· 1 0 t1111t' S g1· cпl cr а111 рсгп gе.
Le11c l1 tеп111е,1 \vith GI GAYAC. Tl1e tеп1н th eп de, ·elopr d th c E.,tcnded Pcгro r­
n1п nc e I m peп 'io11 s Ccm111 ic 1E Pl C r" ) tec h 11ology llн н сн n Ьс 11scd witl1 t11gh­
Yol1п ge DC р о1\I СГ tlн ll res ol, ·c-s tl1 e р гоЫсп 1s оГ ,,·eigh t. sп Гсt у. l11gl1 h e11t п nd
c ost wh1 lc 1111 pг,o, in g peгГol'llш ncc .
• l n addition to increased coil effi­
ciency, the cutthroat, dual-coil
economizer сап Ье used to increase
coпtact pressure s in order to gain
additional contact current -carrying
capabllities. They also сап Ье used
to offset larger returп springs to
handle higher coпtact current, make
or break, fault conditions.
ogy coпtactors for 270 volts DC. The
contactors meet all military and aero­
space standa rds.
Accord ing to the companies that
jointly developed the EPIC techпol­
ogy contactor, the first airvehicle
to use the new contactors will Ье
Early Uses
an unmanned air vehicle (UAV). ln
addition to use in aircraft, potential
applications forthe 270 volts DC
contactors range from missiles to
Extensive qualification testing has
been completed on the EPIC technol-
naval ships to а hybr id Humvee for
the U.S. Army.