Subject /Course Name of the Lesson Process of Communication in Education Communication Process and Model Topic Components of Basic Communication Skill Sub-Topic Develop Listening Component of Basic Communication Sub-Skill: Grade Level Duration Conducted by: No. of Participants Masters level 20 mins Ms. Rukhsana Khan 8 Listening for specific information: Listening actively to the keywords or for specific details. Activity Objective(s): 1. To help participants develop their listening skills by listening for specific information. 2. To help participants build up on effective communication through the activity. Resources: Chairs Activity Name: Food for Thought Starter: (5 mins) Start the activity with an energizer - Ask the participants to say “Spot spot spot spot spot – 5 times, and then ask immediately what does the green light say? Most of the participants will say stop! The answer is “go.” Then ask the participants to spell “coast” and “roast” and then immediately ask, what do we put in a toaster? Most of the participants will say toast! The answer is “bread” Then for the activity: 1. Have participants sit in a circle on chairs. Activity Procedure: (10 mins) Page 1 2. Each participant has to say their name and also a food they like that begins with the same first letter as their first name. For example, “My name is Rukhsana and I like Rasgullas.” 3. The next participant does the same, but also repeats the previous one. For example, “My name is Fatema and I like french fries. She’s Rukhsana and she likes Rasgullas.” 4. Continue till the first participant, who started the game, says the names of the participants and their favourite foods correctly. Activity Procedure: 5. The participant who makes a mistake has to come and sit in the first participant’s place. 6. And so on around the circle. It gets harder the more participants you have. Activity Strategy Evaluation/Feedback (5 mins) Individual Work What were the keywords you were looking for while listening during the whole activity? Discussion on listening for specific details and how it helps in communication process when you are supposed to listen to the communicator and look for only specific detail or keywords? Or words that are relevant to the information you are listening for. Eg: You are listening to a train announcement or a weather report. Page 2