LAB 01: MS WORD – BASICS, CREATING TEMPLATE Exercise Word 1-1: Story writing Use Microsoft Word to perform the following task. Create a short story with at least three paragraphs. Give it a title. Center and underline the title. Each paragraph should have a different font. Insert a graphic after each of the paragraphs. Once the graphic is inserted, resize and Centre the picture. Under each graphic, insert a text box into the document. Type a little information about that picture. Make the text box bigger if you need to. Your page must have a page number, date and your name. The page number must be in the bottom right of the footer. The date must be in the header on the right side of the page. Your name must be in the header on the left side of the page Do a spell check and word count. Type the word count at the bottom of the page. Page 1 of 4 Exercise Word 1-2: Creating Template Create a template as shown below. Then create a Word document using the template you just created. Antique Arts 13 Mayfair Building, Jayamahal Extension, Banglore Invoice / Bill Customer Name Bill No. Customer Address Bill Date. Kind Attention Ref. No. S.NO DETAILS RATE QTY AMOUNT Taxes Delivery Status Warranty Period Payment Period For Customer Name Designation Company Seal For Antique Arts Name Designation Company Seal Page 2 of 4 Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4