Uploaded by Tiffany Mensah

Campaign checklist

Campaign checklist
Form to denote if the communicator will be also crafting copy that’s cmoning for the event or will they like to
request social media assistance in crafting the messaging
Link should important links to help craft messages
Let social -media team know if they are interested know if they’d like to repurpose social media messages with
high engagement from the year before or another event
Same thing for visuals - do they want know social media team to find image, repurpose image or have web team
create an image
Checklist to let social media team know what campaigns are being run – so they know what to write copy for
Doing social media for Dr. Messonoiar and CDC.gov so let
If you need copy crafted for any of these accounts check this box. And/or
Is this a campaign that porter is providing content on or can we leverage the social media team? Can social
media would like to know if they can edit Porter’s information. Good to know for pulling metrics later on. Porter
vs. internal social media team work.
Timing/Date/ Urgency