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Covid-19 Worksheet: Vocabulary, True/False, Discussion

Dr. Peter Lin on the Covid 19 Virus
Watch the video here.
a. antibody
b. spew
c. paramedic
f. quarantine
g. sneezy
h. supportive care
____1. Infection in one or both lungs
d. incubation period
i. immune system
e. pneumonia
j. symptom
____2. Causing a sudden audible expiration of breath through the nose and mouth as a reflex act
____3. To come forth in great quantity.
____ 4. Evidence of disease
____5. To prevent or treat the symptoms of a disease and the side effects caused by treatment
____6. Body system that protects the body from foreign substances
____7. Any of a large variety of proteins producing an immune response, esp to neutralize an
antigen such as a bacteria or a virus
____8. A person trained to assist medical professionals and to give emergency medical treatment
____9. Isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of
the disease.
____10. The period between infection and the appearance of symptoms of the disease
True or False? If the statement is true, write T; if it is false, write F. Correct the incorrect
_____ Dr. Peter Lin is an epidemiologist.
_____ The common cold is a type of coronavirus.
_____ Covid 19 attaches to cells in your lung, which is why it can give you pneumonia.
_____ Covid 19 probably arose from animals eating humans.
_____ The most important thing we can do to prevent catching Covid 19 is to wear a
6. _____ Doctors have better masks than normal people that prevent the virus from entering
a mask.
7. _____ Symptoms of Covid 19 include shortness of breath, sneezing, and a fever.
8. _____ There is a cure for Covid 19, so there is a supportive process to help patients
9. _____ Don’t touch your hands to your face.
10. _____ If you think you may have been exposed to the virus, go directly to the hospital.
1. As far as you know, is everything that Dr. Lin said accurate?
2. What do you think about the Korean government’s response to Covid 19? Has it done
everything it could have done? Could it have done/ Could it do more?
3. What do you think the next few months will look like with regard to the spread of the virus?
4. Do you think that we will be having real classes in the classroom in April?
5. What do you think about all the people in Europe and the Americas who are panic-buying
things like toilet paper?