Uploaded by Sheila Harper


Response to Instruction (RtI) Tier 1 Interventions
❏ I have created a purposeful seating chart to address student behavior and
❏ I have initiated contact with the student and contributed to a positive relationship.
❏ I have eliminated an audience and discussed behavior one-on-one with the student.
❏ I have helped the student set a short-term SMART goal that is quantifiable.
❏ I have helped the student set a long-term SMART goal that is quantifiable.
❏ I have allowed mental and physical breaks or transitions to shift focus approximately
every 20 minutes of class.
❏ I have consistently implemented procedures in the same way I presented them to the
class at the beginning of the quarter/semester.
❏ I have contacted home with feedback and received a response.
❏ I have praised desired behavior and privately confronted negative behavior.
❏ I have contacted coaches or sponsors for extra-curricular activities.
❏ I have used visual cues to aid in behavioral procedures.
❏ I have contacted Resource teachers for individual assistance in managing student
❏ I have recorded at least three instances of repeated behavior and any contact made
with parents.
❏ I have provided opportunity to redo work for higher credit.
❏ I have provided students opportunities for informal self-evaluation during direct
instruction (i.e. thumbs up/down, fist-to-five, stoplight content markers, etc.).
❏ I have provided feedback of content knowledge on submitted formatives.
❏ I have designed and implemented a lesson based on students working with their own
❏ I have scaffolded instruction and assignments into summative assessments.
❏ I have explicitly modeled formative skills as my students will perform them.
❏ I have required total participation from students before moving to a new skill.
❏ I have provided multiple opportunities for practice with skills assessed before the
summative assessment occurs.
❏ I have provided specific, content-related feedback on skills before the summative
assessment occurs.
❏ I have showed and explained the summative rubric to students.
❏ I have completed the summative assessment to preemptively address any concerns
with understanding of content or procedure.
❏ I have chunked summative assessments into smaller, topical components.
❏ I have read instructions aloud to students.
❏ I have explicitly modeled my thinking while reading or doing an assessment in front
of students.
❏ I have taught skills and concepts with a purposeful sequence or scaffold.
❏ I have provided graphic organizers that visually align with taught skills.
❏ I have assigned specific roles during group work.
❏ I have intentionally grouped students according to a specific number and ability set.
❏ I have provided resources engaging learners in their audial, visual, and kinesthetic
❏ I have allowed students opportunity to read and relay instructions.
❏ I have used visual timers to make students aware of class and their individual pacing.
❏ I have posed open-ended questions to encourage deeper thinking.
❏ I have provided an opportunity to write, speak, and listen regarding each skill.
❏ I have provided written work to supplement listening during student or media
❏ I have provided a system for annotations on independent readings.
❏ I have defined and used consistent language to describe, introduce, and discuss skills
repeated across grading terms.
❏ I have provided wait time when posing a question or conducting an informal
❏ I have used multiple mediums to convey new skills or ideas.
❏ I have updated my digital gradebook to accurately reflect student content knowledge
for parents.
❏ I have appropriately marked assignments as submitted, late, missing, or graded in my
digital gradebook.
❏ I have updated my LMS to reflect current homework, grades, resources, and
upcoming assignments.
❏ I have contacted parents regarding all missing assignments and received a response
with a plan for student submission.
❏ I have met with the student outside of class to address questions and areas of
❏ I have initiated immediate contact with parents regarding worsening or missing
student academic performance.
❏ I have contacted former teachers to address individual student needs.
❏ I have contacted Resource teachers to address individual student needs.
❏ I have taken data on student behavior, performance, and adherence to academic
standards and communicated this to the Resource teacher.