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Monoprinting Art Worksheet: Hepworth Sculptures

L.O. Inves.gate the use of posi.ve monoprin.ng What is mono-­‐
prin.ng? On your table Rank (from low to high) the 10 sculptures in rela<on to how difficult you think they might be to draw. Starter – Con<nuous line drawing of a piece of sculpture Reminder – Keep your pencil on the paper and look at what you are drawing. Challenge – Choose what you think is a ‘difficult’ sculpture to draw. Barbara Hepworth Watch the 3 minute video and be ready to share something about the ar<st, her work and influences. hEps://www.tate.org.uk/art/ar.sts/dame-­‐barbara-­‐hepworth-­‐1274/introduc.on-­‐barbara-­‐hepworth L.O. Inves.gate the use of posi.ve monoprin.ng Monoprin.ng is a very simple but effec.ve method of Printmaking. Mono means ‘alone’ in La.n. So you will be crea.ng single unique prints. Instruc<ons L.O. Inves.gate the use of posi.ve monoprin.ng 1. First tape around a piece of A5 paper. 2. Place a small amount of ink in the centre of your masked box. 3. Roll out the ink – you want it thin and even. 4. Use a piece of newspaper to take off the excess ink. 5. Write your name in pencil on the reverse of your paper. 6. Place your paper on top of your inked area. 7. Experiment with different types of pencil, pen, glue spreader or even your finger. They all make slightly different marks. brayer You will need an apron, newspaper, masking tape, ink, brayer (roller) a range of marking materials e.g. pencil, glue spreader, rubber, marker pens, L.O. Inves.gate the use of posi.ve monoprin.ng Tasks a) Experiments with different mark making tools. TIP Add simple lines first and then create shading with your fingers. The harder you press the darker the marks will be. What does success look like? 4+ I can work independently and my prepara.on of ink and use drawing implements is sophis.cated. I am very accurate in crea.ng shape, line and tone. b) Complete at least one monoprint of a Barbara Hepworth sculpture. Challenge Produce a monoprint of a challenging sculptural shape. Extension . Use the leb over ink and draw into it crea.ng a nega.ve print. 3 I some.mes need help to plan my work. My prepara.on of ink and use of drawing implements is confident and controlled. I am mostly accurate in crea.ng shape, line and tone. 1-­‐2 I always need help to complete my work. My prepara.on of ink and use drawing implements is mostly even. My shape, line and tone are partly accurate. L.O. Inves.gate the use of posi.ve monoprin.ng Tasks (if you missed the lesson) a) Experiments with different mark making tools. b) Complete at least 1 monoprint TIP Add simple lines first and then create shading with your fingers. The harder you press the darker the marks will be. What does success look like? 4+ I can work independently and my prepara.on of ink and use drawing implements is sophis.cated. I am very accurate in crea.ng shape, line and tone. of a Barbara Hepworth sculpture improving your use of line or use of pressure. Challenge Produce a monoprint of a challenging sculptural shape. Extension . Use the leb over ink and draw into it crea.ng a nega.ve print. 3 I some.mes need help to plan my work. My prepara.on of ink and use of drawing implements is confident and controlled. I am mostly accurate in crea.ng shape, line and tone. 1-­‐2 I always need help to complete my work. My prepara.on of ink and use drawing implements is mostly even. My shape, line and tone are partly accurate. Y9 Art & Design Homework Due Create a piece of art work in response to Andy Goldsworthy’s Land Art. Challenge -­‐ inves.gate the history/create a .meline include important piece of art work and the main ar.sts involved in the development of Land Art from the 1960s – present day 