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Essay Writing Mistakes: Avoid These 9 Common Errors

Avoid These 9 Common Mistakes in Your Essays
You might be a genius, but even those students who believe they know everything might suffer from a single silly
mistake which may result in a lower grade. Each assigned essay has a significant impact on the student’s performance,
so one has to be really careful and attentive when writing an academic paper. There are a lot of rules to obey. Besides,
some of them depend on the type of your school, college, or university.
We hope that these simple tips will help you to avoid every mistake. Let’s write your paper together!
1. Missing essay part
It is crucial that you include every obligatory paragraph in your paper:
 Introduction (with a clear and precise thesis statement)
 Body paragraphs
 Conclusion (repeat thesis statement once again)
Some students often conduct a mistake when they ignore one of the must-have essay parts. Moreover, your readers
should understand where each new idea begins.
2. Attractive introduction paragraph
The first line of your paper may involve:
 A joke
 A quote
 A wisdom
 An idiom
Avoid overloading the first paragraph with too many details. A powerful thesis statement is what you need. You may
also make an interesting question, but you have to provide answers in your essay.
3. Absent example
To cover any topic better, the student has to add a vivid example or few. Avoid copy-pasting too much text. It would not
be a mistake to cite a phrase but inserting entire copied part would result in a lower grade or even worse. Write about
your own experience or any life situation that reflects your topic the best. It is especially important to include such kind
of example in the personal statement.
4. Ambiguous structure
Another common mistake is playing with your essay structure. To avoid problems, it is better to keep to the accepted
structure mentioned above and try not to fall off topic. That is why it is better to cover a single idea in a single essay.
Write down an outline or table of contents as a draft not to get lost.
5. Lack of time
Well, it’s not actually a mistake. However, it is better to write your essay ASAP. Start writing the paper as soon as you
receive the assignment to avoid missed deadline. Running out of time usually results into “F.” That is why you must do
everything ahead. If you feel that you cannot avoid this typical mistake, save your time and ask professionals to write
your perfect essay online.
6. Share personal experience
Make sure that you don’t lie about your life stories, skills, and experiences, especially when you write an admission
essay. Your personal statement must reflect your personal traits, but it’s a mistake to lie about your knowledge or talk
only about yourself. Dedicate some attention to your target college or university as well.
7. Always explain what you mean
Avoid using complicated terms or phrases that you are not aware of. If you have the smallest doubt which word to write,
turn to your dictionary. This way you will avoid conducting a silly mistake and enrich your English vocabulary.
8. Try to avoid informal language
Write an essay in classical English. Avoid slang or jargon words. It is important that you speak the same academic
language with your teacher.
9. Avoid long sentences
Do not write long and confusing sentences as they may lead to grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Wordiness
is a top student’s mistake. A paper should not be overloaded with complex phrases or huge paragraphs. In fact, it should
be no more than 500-600 words (except for the cases when your teacher asks for more!)