Antebellum Study Guide: Key Events & Concepts

Antebellum Study Guide
1. ____________ ____________ invented the cotton gin.
2. The ___________ political party disappeared in the years following the War of 1812.
3. The ____________ Nation won Worcester v. The State of Georgia, but President Jackson
__________ to enforce the court’s decision.
4. American migrating into ____________ led to an armed revolt against Mexican rule.
5. In 1803, Jefferson bought the ______________ _______________ from France for $15
6. _____________ was obtained by a treaty with Great Britain.
7. _____________ was acquired through a treaty with Spain.
8. Economic impacts of the War of 1812 include improvements in _____________,
______________, and _______________ as well as new technology.
9. The ____________ _____________occurred as a result of several tariffs being placed on
goods during the Jacksonian era.
10. The _________________ Doctrine said Europe must stay out of the Western
11. At the Battle of the ______________, a band of Texans fought against Santa Anna’s
superior forces.
12. _______________ was the very young woman who guided Lewis and Clark.
13. _____________ ______________ was the practice of rewarding political supporters
with public offices after a presidential victory.
14. The Jacksonian Era did not give rise to the equality of _____________ ______________.
15. Texas Timeline:
a. ____________ asks U.S. settlers to move to Texas.
b. Mexico denies further settlement from the U.S.
c. Texas declares their _________________ from Mexico.
d. U.S. made Texas a ______________.
e. The ____________ War starts because of an argument over Texas’ ____________.
16. The forced removal of Native Americans to Oklahoma was called the ____________ of
17. The _______________ opposed high tariffs because the price of imported
manufactured goods became much more expensive.
18. One cause of the War of 1812 was England trying to interfere with our trade with
______________ and forcing Americans into the British Army.
19. Andrew Jackson is associated with
a.______________ Removal Act and The Trail of Tears.
b. Vetoing the charter of the 2nd ___________ ____________.
c. Era of the ____________ Man – more participation in government.
d. Banks __________ could lead to Economic Panic.
20. The _______________ ________________ was a dishonorable system of government
21. The ______________ favored high tariffs on manufactured goods because it protected
them from foreign competition.
22. The ____________ _______________ occurred because of several tariffs being placed on
goods during the Jacksonian Era.
23. President _____________ _____________ was elected on a Manifest Destiny platform.
24. ______________ was the subject of the Monroe Doctrine.
25. The United States gained ______________ from Mexico, _______________ from Spain, and
the _____________ _______________ from France.
26. The Cotton Kingdom was located in the ____________ ______________.
27. The _____________ War resulted in the United States’ acquisition of California, Nevada,
Utah, and Arizona.
28. The Whigs and Know-Nothings were organized in opposition to the _______________
29. ___________________ is the belief that states can ignore or prevent the enforcement of
federal laws.
30. Three components of the Missouri Compromise were:
a. _______________ joined the nation as a slave state.
b. _______________ joined the nation as a free state.
c. Slavery was banned in the ________________ Territory north of 36 degrees 30
minutes parallel.