EARTH SCIENCE Weather and Climate 2.4 Water in the Atmosphere March 16th, 2020 Objectives: Students will be able to: Describe humidity and how it is measured. Explain how clouds form. Name the three main types of clouds. Key Terms & Vocabularies • water cycle 水循环 • • • • • • • • • evaporation humidity relative humidity psychrometer condensation dew point cirrus cumulus stratus 蒸发 湿度 相对湿度 干湿表 冷凝 露点 卷云 积云 层云 Water in the Atmosphere Water cycle 水循环- movement of water between the atmosphere and earth’s surface. Water in the Atmosphere Evaporation蒸发 – the process by which water molecules in liquid water escape into the air as water vapor. • Humidity湿度 Humidity湿度 – a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air. • • Relative Humidity相对湿度 – the percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum amount the air could hold. Depends on temperature! Measuring Relative Humidity • Measured with a psychrometer 干湿表 How does it work? –The dry bulb tells the temperature –The wet bulb cools depending on the humidity in the air •If it is very wet, the water will not evaporate much…the temperature of the wet bulb is close to the dry •If it is very dry, the water will evaporate a lot…the temperature of the wet bulb will drop lower than the dry How Clouds Form • Clouds form when water vapor in the air condenses冷凝 to form liquid water or ice crystals冰晶. • Condensation冷凝- the process of molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid water • Two conditions required by condensation: Cooling of the air Dew Point The presence of particles in the air The Role of Cooling • Dew Point露点-The temperature at which condensation begins. Dew point > o 0 Dew point < 0o water droplets ice crystals • • • • The Role of Particles For water to condense, tiny particles must be present so the water has a surface on which to condense Particles are usually salt crystals, dust from soil, and smoke. Dew露水 is water that condenses above the freezing point冰点 and land on a solid surface such as a blade of grass. Frost霜 is ice that has been deposited directly onto a surface that is below the freezing point冰点 . How Clouds Form Types of Clouds • Scientists classify clouds into three main types based on their shape: Cirrus 卷云 Cumulus 积云 Stratus 层云 Clouds are further classified by their altitude海拔. Cirrus Clouds卷云 • Wispy, feathery clouds • High altitudes • Mostly made of ice crystals • No rain or snow Cirrocumulus卷积云-rows of cotton balls indicating a storm暴风雨 is on the way. Cumulus Clouds积云 • Means heap or mass • Look like fluffy, cotton piles • Indicate nice weather when not tall Cumulonimbus clouds积雨云 (nimbus means dark) produce thunderstorms雷阵雨. Stratus Clouds 层云 • Flat layers • Often cover the sky, dull gray color As they thicken, they may produce drizzle毛毛雨, rain or snow, then called nimbostratus clouds雨层云. Altocumulus and Altostratus 高积云和高层云 • Alto means high • Middle–level • Higher than regular cumulus积云 and stratus clouds 层云 • Lower than cirrus卷云 and other “high” clouds Fog 雾 Form at or near the ground Form when the ground cools at night after a warm humid day. More common in areas near bodies of water or low lying marshy湿地的 areas. Homework 作业 1.Please upload your notes which should be in Chinese and English. 上传笔记(中英文); 2.Finish the worksheet. 完成作业单。