The Simple Regression Model (1) 简单二元回归 y = b0 + b1x + u Intermediate Econometrics SILC 1 Chapter Outline 本章大纲 Definition of the Simple Regression Model 简单回归模型的定义 Deriving the Ordinary Least Squares Estimates 普通最小二乘法的推导 Mechanics of OLS OLS的操作技巧 Units of Measurement and Functional Form 测量单位和函数形式 Expected Values and Variances of the OLS estimators OLS估计量的期望值和方差 Regression through the Origin 过原点回归 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 2 Lecture Outline 讲义大纲 Some Terminology 一些术语的注解 A Simple Assumption 一个简单假定 Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件 期望零值假定 What is Ordinary Least Squares 何为普通最小二乘法 Deriving OLS Estimates 普通最小二乘法的推导 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 3 Some Terminology 术语注解 In the simple linear regression model, where y = b0 + b1x + u, we typically refer to y as the Dependent Variable, or Left-Hand Side Variable, or Explained Variable, or Regressand 在简单二元回归模型y = b0 + b1x + u中, y通常被称为 因变量,左边变量,被解释变量,或回归子。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 4 Some Terminology 术语注解 In the simple linear regression of y on x, we typically refer to x as the Independent Variable, or Right-Hand Side Variable, or Explanatory Variable, or Regressor, or Covariate, or Control Variables 在y 对 x进行回归的简单二元回归模型中, x通常被称为 自变量,右边变量,解释变量,回归元,协变量,或 控制变量。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 5 Some Terminology 术语注解 Equation y = b0 + b1x + u has only one nonconstant regressor x, it is called a simple linear regression model, or twovariables regression model, or bivariate linear regression model. 等式y = b0 + b1x + u只有一个非常数回归元。我们 称之为简单回归模型, 两变量回归模型或双变量 回归模型. Intermediate Econometrics SILC 6 Some Terminology 术语注解 The coefficients b0 , b1 are called the regression coefficients. b0 is also called the constant term or the intercept term, or intercept parameter. b1 represents the marginal effects of the regressor, x. It is also called the slope parameter. b0 , b1被称为回归系数。 b0也被称为常数项或截矩 项,或截矩参数。 b1代表了回归元x的边际效果, 也被成为斜率参数。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 7 Some Terminology 术语注解 The variable u is called the error term or disturbance in the relationship. It represents factors other than x that can affect y. u 为误差项或扰动项,它代表了除了x之外可 以影响y的因素。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 8 Some Terminology 术语注解 Meaning of linear: linear means linear in parameters, not necessarily mean that y and x must have a linear relationship. There are many cases that y and x have nonlinear relationship, but after some transformation, they are linear in parameters. For example, y=eb0+b1x+u . 线性的含义: y 和x 之间并不一定存在线性关系, 但是,只要通过转换可以使y的转换形式和x的转 换形式存在相对于参数的线性关系,该模型即称 为线性模型。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 9 Examples 简单二元回归模型例子 A simple wage equation wage= b0 + b1(years of education) + u b1 : if education increase by one year, how much more wage will one gain. 上述简单工资函数描述了受教育年限和工资之间 的关系, b1 衡量了多接受一年教育工资可以增加 多少. Intermediate Econometrics SILC 10 A Simple Assumption 关于u的假定 The average value of u, the error term, in the population is 0. That is, E(u) = 0 It it restrictive? (2.5) 我们假定总体中误差项u的平均值为零. 该假定是 否具有很大的限制性呢? Intermediate Econometrics SILC 11 A Simple Assumption 关于u的假定 If for example, E(u)=5. Then y = (b0 +5)+ b1x + (u-5), therefore, E(u’)=E(u-5)=0. This is not a restrictive assumption, since we can always use b0 to normalize E(u) to 0. 上述推导说明我们总可以通过调整常数项来实现 误差项的均值为零, 因此该假定的限制性不大. Intermediate Econometrics SILC 12 Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 We need to make a crucial assumption about how u and x are related We want it to be the case that knowing something about x does not give us any information about u, so that they are completely unrelated. That is E(u|x) = E(u)。 我们需要对u和 x之间的关系做一个关键假定。理 想状况是对x的了解并不增加对u的任何信息。换 句话说,我们需要u和 x完全不相关。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 13 Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 Since we have assumed E(u) = 0, therefore, E(u|x) = E(u) = 0. (2.6) What does it mean? 由于我们已经假定了E(u) = 0,因此有E(u|x) = E(u) = 0。该假定是何含义? Intermediate Econometrics SILC 14 Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 In the example of education, suppose u represents innate ability, zero conditional mean assumption means E(ability|edu=6)=E(ability|edu=18)=0. The average level of ability is the same regardless of years of education. 在教育一例中,假定u 代表内在能力,条件期望 零值假定说明不管接受教育的年限如何,该能力 的平均值相同。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 15 Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 Question: Suppose that a score on a final exam, score, depends on classes attended (attend) and unobserved factors that affect exam performance (such as student ability). Then consider model score =b0 + b1attend +u When would you expect it satisfy (2.6)? 假设期末成绩分数取决于出勤次数和影响学生现 场发挥的因素,如学生个人素质。那么上述模型 中假设(2.6)何时能够成立? Intermediate Econometrics SILC 16 Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 (2.6) implies the population regression function, E(y|x) , satisfies E(y|x) = b0 + b1x. E(y|x) as a linear function of x, where for any x the distribution of y is centered about E(y|x). (2.6)说明总体回归函数应满足E(y|x) = b0 + b1x。 该函数是x的线性函数,y的分布以它为中心。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 17 y f(y) 给定x时y的 条件分布 . x1=5 . E(y|x) = b + b x 0 1 x2 =10 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 18 Deriving the Ordinary Least Squares Estimates 普通最小二乘法的推导 Basic idea of regression is to estimate the population parameters from a sample Let {(xi,yi): i=1, …,n} denote a random sample of size n from the population For each observation in this sample, it will be the case that yi = b0 + b1xi + ui 回归的基本思想是从样本去估计总体参数。 我们用{(xi,yi): i=1, …,n} 来表示一个随机样本,并假定每一观测值满足yi = b0 + b1xi + ui。 。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 19 Population regression line, sample data points and the associated error terms 总体回归线,样本观察点和相应误差 y E(y|x) = b0 + b1x .{ y4 u4 y3 y2 y1 u2 {. .} u3 } u1 . x1 x2 x3 Intermediate Econometrics SILC x4 x 20 Deriving OLS Estimates 普通最小二乘法的推导 To derive the OLS estimator we need to realize that our main assumption of E(u|x) = E(u) = 0 also implies that Cov(x,u) = E(xu) = 0 Why? Remember from basic probability that Cov(X,Y) = E(XY) – E(X)E(Y) 由E(u|x) = E(u) = 0 可得Cov(x,u) = E(xu) = 0。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 21 Deriving OLS continued 普通最小二乘法的推导 We can write our 2 restrictions just in terms of x, y, b0 and b1 , since u = y – b0 – b1x E(y – b0 – b1x) = 0 E[x(y – b0 – b1x)] = 0 These are called moment restrictions 可将u = y – b0 – b1x代入以得上述两个矩条 件。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 22 Deriving OLS using M.O.M. 使用矩方法推导普通最小二乘法 The method of moments approach to estimation implies imposing the population moment restrictions on the sample moments。 矩方法是将总体的矩限制应用于样本中。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 23 Derivation of OLS 普通最小二乘法的推导 We want to choose values of the parameters that will ensure that the sample versions of our moment restrictions are true 目标是通过选择参数值,使得在样本中矩条件也可以成立。 The sample versions are as follows: n 1 y n i 1 n 1 n i bˆ 0 bˆ1 xi 0 ˆ bˆ x 0 x y b i i 0 1 i i 1 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 24 Derivation of OLS 普通最小二乘法的推导 Given the definition of a sample mean, and properties of summation, we can rewrite the first condition as follows 根据样本均值的定义以及加总的性质,可将第一个条件 写为 y bˆ0 bˆ1 x , or bˆ0 y bˆ1 x Intermediate Econometrics SILC 25 Derivation of OLS 普通最小二乘法的推导 n ˆ x bˆ x 0 x y y b i i 1 1 i i 1 n n i 1 i 1 ˆ x y y b i i 1 xi xi x n n i 1 i 1 2 ˆ xi x yi y b1 xi x Intermediate Econometrics SILC 26 So the OLS estimated slope is 因此OLS估计出的斜率为 n bˆ1 x x y i i 1 n y i x x i 1 2 i n provided that x x i 1 2 i Intermediate Econometrics SILC 0 27 Summary of OLS slope estimate OLS斜率估计法总结 The slope estimate is the sample covariance between x and y divided by the sample variance of x. If x and y are positively correlated, the slope will be positive. If x and y are negatively correlated, the slope will be negative. Only need x to vary in our sample. 斜率估计量等于样本中x 和 y 的协方差除以x的方 差。若x 和 y 正相关则斜率为正,反之为负。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 28 More OLS 关于OLS的更多信息 Intuitively, OLS is fitting a line through the sample points such that the sum of squared residuals is as small as possible, hence the term least squares。 The residual, û, is an estimate of the error term, u, and is the difference between the fitted line (sample regression function) and the sample point。 OLS法是要找到一条直线,使残差平方和最小。 残差是对误差项的估计,因此,它是拟合直线 (样本回归函数)和样本点之间的距离。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 29 Sample regression line, sample data points and the associated estimated error terms 样本回归线,样本数据点和相关的误差估计项 y . y4 û4 { yˆ bˆ0 bˆ1 x y3 y2 y1 û2 { . .} û3 û1 } . x1 x2 x3 Intermediate Econometrics SILC x4 x 30 Alternate approach to derivation 推导方法二 Given the intuitive idea of fitting a line, we can set up a formal minimization problem That is, we want to choose our parameters such that we minimize the following: 正式解一个最小化问题,即通过选取参数而使下列值最 小: n n ˆ ˆ ˆ ui yi b 0 b1 xi i 1 2 i 1 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 2 31 Alternate approach, continued 推导方法二 If one uses calculus to solve the minimization problem for the two parameters you obtain the following first order conditions, which are the same as we obtained before, multiplied by n 如果直接解上述方程我们得到下面两式,这两个式子等 于前面两式乘以n ˆ y b n i 1 n i ˆ x 0 b 0 1 i ˆ bˆ x 0 x y b i i 0 1i i 1 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 32 Lecture Summary 讲义总结 Introduce the simple linear regression model. Introduce the method of ordinary least squares to estimate the slope and intercept parameters using data from a random sample. 介绍简单线性回归模型 介绍通过随机样本的数据运用普通最小二乘法估 计斜率和截距的参数值 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 33 The Simple Regression Model (2) 简单二元回归 y = b0 + b1x + u Intermediate Econometrics SILC 34 Chapter Outline 本章大纲 Definition of the Simple Regression Model 简单回归模型的定义 Deriving the Ordinary Least Squares Estimates 推导普通最小二乘法的估计量 Mechanics of OLS OLS的操作技巧 Unites of Measurement and Functional Form 测量单位和回归方程形式 Expected Values and Variances of the OLS estimators OLS估计量的期望值和方差 Regression through the Origin 过原点的回归 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 35 Lecture Outline 讲义大纲 Algebraic Properties of OLS OLS的代数特性 Goodness of fit 拟合优度 Effects of Changing Units in Measurement on OLS Statistics 改变测量单位对OLS统计量的效果 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 36 Algebraic Properties of OLS OLS的代数性质 The sum of the OLS residuals is zero OLS 残差和为零 (p24) Thus, the sample average of the OLS residuals is zero as well 因此 OLS 的样本残差平均值也为零. n n ˆ bˆ x) 0 ˆ ˆ u ( y b i i 0 1 i 1 i 1 1 n and thus, uˆi 0 n i 1 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 37 Algebraic Properties of OLS OLS的代数性质 The sample covariance between the regressors and the OLS residuals is zero 回归元(解释变量)和OLS残差之间的样 本协方差为零 (p25) n x uˆ i 1 i i 0 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 38 Algebraic Properties of OLS OLS的代数性质 The OLS regression line always goes through the mean of the sample. OLS回归线总是通过样本的均值。 y bˆ0 bˆ1 x Intermediate Econometrics SILC 39 Algebraic Properties of OLS OLS的代数性质 We can think of each observation as being made up of an explained part, and an unexplained part, 我们可把每一次观测看 作由被解释部分和未解释部分构成. yi yˆi uˆi Then the fitted values and residuals are uncorrelated in the sample. 预测值和残差在样本中是不相关的 cov( yˆi , uˆi ) 0 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 40 Algebraic Properties of OLS OLS的代数性质 cov( yˆ i , uˆi ) E ( yˆ i E ( yˆ i ))(uˆi E (uˆi )) E (( yˆ i E ( yi ))uˆi ) E ( yˆ i uˆi ) yE (uˆi ) E[( bˆ bˆ x )uˆ ] 0 1 i i bˆ0 E (uˆi ) bˆ1 E ( xi uˆi ) 0 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 41 More Terminology 更多术语 Define the total sum of square as 定义总 平方和为 n SST ( yi y ) 2 i 1 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 42 More Terminology 更多术语 SST is a measure of the total sample variation in the y’s; that is, it measures how spread out the y’s are in the sample. 总平方和是对y在样本中所有变动的度量, 即它度量了y在样本中的分散程度 If we divide SST by n-1, we obtain the sample variance of y. 将总平方和除以n-1,我们得到y的样本方差。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 43 More Terminology 更多术语 Explained Sum of Squares (SSE)is defined as 解释平方和定义为 n SSE ( y i y ) 2 i 1 It measures the sample variation in the predicted value of y’s. 它度量了y的预测值的在样本中的变动 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 44 More Terminology 更多术语 Residual Sum of Squares is defined as 残差平方和定义为 SSR= 2 ˆ u i SSR measures the sample variation in the residuals. 残差平方和度量了残差的样本变异 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 45 SST, SSR and SSE The total variation in y can always be expressed as the sum of the explained variation SSE and the unexplained variation SSR, i.e. y 的总变动可以表示为已解释的变动SSE和 未解释的变动SSR之和,即 SST=SSE+SSR Intermediate Econometrics SILC 46 Proof that SST = SSE + SSR 证明 SST = SSE + SSR y y y yˆ yˆ y uˆ yˆ y uˆ 2 uˆ yˆ y yˆ y SSR 2 uˆ yˆ y SSE 2 2 i i i i 2 i i 2 2 i i i i i i Intermediate Econometrics SILC 47 Proof that SST = SSE + SSR Using ˆ ˆ u 0 , x u 0 i i i i 1 i 1 n n one can show yˆ y and n ˆ ˆ u ( y y ) 0 . i i i 1 Therefore, SST = SSE + SSR. We have used the fact that the fitted value and residuals are uncorrelated in the sample. 该证明中我们使用了一个事实, 即样本中因变量的拟合值 和残差不相关. Intermediate Econometrics SILC 48 Goodness-of-Fit 拟合优度 How do we think about how well our sample regression line fits our sample data? 我们如何衡量样本回归线是否很好地拟合了样本 数据呢? Can compute the fraction of the total sum of squares (SST) that is explained by the model, call this the R-squared of regression 可以计算模型解释的总平方和的比例,并把它定 义为回归的R-平方 R2 = SSE/SST = 1 – SSR/SST Intermediate Econometrics SILC 49 Goodness-of-Fit 拟合优度 R-squared is the ratio of the explained variation compared to the total variation. R-平方是已解释的变动占所有变动的比例 It is thus interpreted as the fraction of the sample variation in y that is explained by x. 它因此可被看作是y的样本变动中被可以被x解释 的部分 The value of R-squared is always between zero and one. R-平方的值总是在0和1之间 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 50 Goodness-of-Fit 拟合优度 In the social sciences, low R-squareds in regression equations are not uncommon, especially for cross-sectional analysis. 在社会科学中,特别是在截面数据分析中, 回归 方程得到低的R-平方值并不罕见。 It is worth emphasizing that a seemingly low Rsquared does not necessarily mean that an OLS regression equation is useless. 值得强调的是表面上低的R-平方值不一定说明 OLS回归方程是没有价值的 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 51 Goodness-of-Fit 拟合优度 Example 2.8 CEO Salary and Return on Equity CEO薪水和净资产回报 R 0.0132 2 Example 2.9 Voting outcomes and Campaign Expenditures 竞选结果和选举活动开支 R 0.856 2 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 52 Units of Measurement 测量单位 Suppose the salary is measured in hundreds of dollars, rather than in thousands of dollars, say salarhun. 假定薪水的单位是美元,而不是千美元,salarys. What will be the OLS intercept and slope estimates in the regression of salarhun on roe? 在Salarys对roe进行回归时OLS截距和斜率的估 计值是多少? Intermediate Econometrics SILC 53 Units of Measurement 测量单位 The estimated sample regression is changed from (estimated salarys)=963.191 + 18.501roe to (estimated salarys)=963191 + 18501roe In general, when the dependent variable is multiplied by the constant c, but nothing has changed for the independent variable, the OLS intercept and slope estimates are also multiplied by c. 一般而言,当因变量乘上常数c,而自变量不改变时, OLS的截距和斜率估计量也要乘上c。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 54 Units of Measurement 测量单位 If redefine roedec = roe/100, then the sample regression line will change from 如果定义 roedec = roe/100,那么样本回归线将会从 (estimated salary)=963.191 + 18.501roe to 改变到 (estimated salary)=963.191 + 1850.1roedec In general, if the independent variable is divided or multiplied by some nonzero constant, c, then the OLS slope coefficient is multiplied or divided by c, but the intercept will not change. 一般而言,如果自变量除以或乘上某个非零常数,c,那 么OLS斜率将乘以或除以c,而截距则不改变。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 55 Incorporating Nonlinearrities in Simple Regression 在简单回归中加入非线性 Linear relationships are not general enough for all economic applications. 线性关系并不适合所有的经济学运用 However, it is rather easy to incorporate many nonlinearities into simple regression analysis by appropriately defining the dependent and independent variables. 然而,通过对因变量和自变量进行恰当的定义, 我们可以在简单回归分析中非常容易地处理许多 y和x之间的非线性关系. Intermediate Econometrics SILC 56 The Natural Logarithm y log( x) 自然对数 log( x) 0 for 0 x 1 log(1) 0 log( x) for x 1 log( x1 x2 ) log( x1 ) log( x2 ) log( x1 / x2 ) log( x1 ) log( x2 ) log( x c ) c log( x) log(1 x) x for x0 log( x1 ) log( x0 ) ( x1 x0 ) / x0 x / x0 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 57 In the wage-education example, now suppose the percentage increase in wage is the same, given one more year of education. 在工资-教育的例子中,假定每增加一年的教育, 工资的百分比增长都是相同的 A model that gives a constant percentage effect is 能够给出不变的百分比效果的模型是 log(wage) b 0 b1 educ u If u 0, we have %wage (100 b1 )educ. Intermediate Econometrics SILC 58 Example 2.10 A log Wage Equation 将对数工资方程 log(ˆ wage) 0.584 0.083educ n 526 R 0.186 2 ˆ 0.90 0.54educ Compared to wage 和该方程相比 R 2 0.165 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 59 Another important use of the natural log is in obtaining a constant elasticity model 自然对数的另一个重要用途是用于获得弹性为常 数的模型 log( salary) b 0 b1 log( sales) u In the example of CEO Salary and Firm Sales, a constant elasticity model is 在CEO的薪水和企业销售额的例子中,常数弹性 模型是 log(ˆ salary ) 4.822 0.257 log( sales) n 209, R 2 0.211 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 60 Combination of functional forms available from using either the original variable or its natural log 变量的原始形式和其自然对数的不同组合 Model Dependent Independent variable Interpretation of b1 variable Level-level y x y b1 x Level-log y log( x) y ( b1 /100)%x Log-level log( y) x %y (100 b1 )x Log-log log( y) log( x) %y b1 %x Intermediate Econometrics SILC 61 The Simple Regression Model 简单二元回归 (3) y = b0 + b1x + u Intermediate Econometrics SILC 62 Chapter Outline 本章大纲 Definition of the Simple Regression Model 二元回归模型的定义 Deriving the Ordinary Least Squares Estimates 推导普通最小二乘法的估计量 Mechanics of OLS OLS的操作技巧 Unites of Measurement and Functional Form 测量单位和函数形式 Expected Values and Variances of the OLS estimators OLS估计量的期望值和方差 Regression through the Origin 过原点回归 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 63 Expected Values and Variances of the OLS Estimators OLS估计量的期望值和方差 We will study the properties of the distributions of OLS estimators over different random samples from the population. 从总体中抽取的不同的随机样本可得到不同的 OLS估计量,我们将研究这些OLS估计量的分布。 We begin by establishing the unbiasedness of OLS under a set of assumptions. 首先,我们在一些假定下证明OLS的无偏性。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 64 Assumption SLR.1 (Linear in Parameters): 假定SLR.1 (关于参数是线性的) In the population model, the dependent variable y is related to the independent variable x and the error u as 在总体模型中,因变量 y 和自变量 x 和残差 u 的关系可写作 y = b0 + b1x + u , where b0 and b1 are the population intercept and slope parameters respectively. 其中 b0 和 b1 分别是总体的截距参数和斜率参 数 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 65 Assumption SLR.2 (Random Sampling): 假定SLR.2 (随机抽样): Assume we can use a random sample of size n, {(xi, yi): i=1, 2, …, n}, from the population model. Thus we can write the sample model yi = b0 + b1xi + ui 假定我们从总体模型随机抽取容量为n的样本, {(xi, yi): i=1, 2, …, n}, 那么可以写出样本模型为 yi = b0 + b1xi + ui Intermediate Econometrics SILC 66 Assumptions SLR.3 and SLR.4 假定 SLR.3 和 SLR.4 SLR.3 , Zero Conditional Mean: SLR.3, 零条件期望: E (u | x) 0 Assume E(u|x) = 0 and thus in a random sample E(ui|xi) =0 假定 E(u|x) = 0 . 那么在随机样本中我们有 E(ui|xi) = 0 SLR.4 (Sample Variation in the Independent Variable): In the sample, the independent variables x‘s are not all equal to the same constant. SLR.4 (自变量中的样本变动): 在样本中,自变量 x 并不等 于一个不变常数。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 67 Theorem 2.1 (Unbiasedness of OLS) 定理2.1 ( OLS的无偏性) Using assumptions SLR.1 through SLR.4, we have the expected value of the OLS estimates of b0, and b1 equals the true values of b0 and b1 , respectively, for any values of b0 and b1 . 使用假定SLR.1到SLR.4,我们可以得到无论 b0, 和 b1 取什么值,它们的OLS估计量的期望值等 于它们各自的真值。 Proof: 证明: Intermediate Econometrics SILC 68 Unbiasedness of OLS (cont) OLS的无偏性(继续) In order to think about unbiasedness, we need to rewrite our estimator in terms of the population parameter 为了思考无偏性,我们需要用总体的参数重新写出 估计量 Start with a simple rewrite of the formula as 把公式简单地改写为 bˆ1 x i x yi s 2 x , where s xi x 2 x 2 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 69 Unbiasedness of OLS (cont) OLS的无偏性(继续) x x y x x b b x x x b x x b x x x u b x x b x x x x x u i i i 0 1 i i 1 i i ui i i 0 1 i 0 i i i i Intermediate Econometrics SILC 70 Unbiasedness of OLS (cont) OLS的无偏性(继续) x x 0, x x x x x i 2 i i i so, the numerator can be rewritten as 因此,分子可被重写作 b s xi x ui , and thus 2 1 x xi x ui ˆ b1 b1 2 sx Intermediate Econometrics SILC 71 Unbiasedness of OLS (cont) OLS的无偏性(继续) let d i xi x , so that 1 ˆ b i b1 2 d i ui , then sx 1 ˆ E b1 b1 2 d i E ui b1 sx Intermediate Econometrics SILC 72 Unbiasedness of OLS (cont) OLS的无偏性(继续) 由于bˆ0 y bˆ1 x b 0 b1 x u bˆ1 x b ( b bˆ ) x u 0 1 1 故而 E ( bˆ0 ) b 0 E[( b1 bˆ1 ) x ] E (u ) b0 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 73 Unbiasedness Summary 无偏性总结 The OLS estimates of b1 and b0 are unbiased b1 和 b0 的OLS估计量是无偏的 Proof of unbiasedness depends on our 4 assumptions – if any assumption fails, then OLS is not necessarily unbiased 无偏性的证明依赖于我们的四个假定--如果任何假定不 成立,OLS未必是无偏的 Remember unbiasedness is a description of the estimator – in a given sample we may be “near” or “far” from the true parameter 记住无偏性是对估计量的描述--对于一个给定的样本我 们可能靠近也可能远离真实的参数值 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 74 Sampling Variance of the OLS Estimators OLS估计量的抽样方差 Now we know that the sampling distribution of our estimate is centered around the true parameter 现在我们知道估计量的随机抽样分布以真值为中心 Want to think about how spread out this distribution is. 想知道的是这个分布散开的程度 This allows us to choose the best estimator among all, or at least a broad class of, the unbiased estimators. 了解这一点(分布的分散程度),将对我们如何能够在所 有的估计量中,或至少在无偏估计量这一类估计量中选 出最优的一个具有一定的指导意义。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 75 Sampling Variance of the OLS Estimators OLS估计量的抽样方差 Much easier to think about this variance under an additional assumption, so 在一个附加假定下计算这个方差会容易的 多,因此有 Assume SLR.5 (Homoskedasticity): 假定 SLR.5 (同方差性): Var(u|x) = s2 (Homoskedasticity) Intermediate Econometrics SILC 76 Homoskedastic Case 同方差的情形 y f(y|x) . x1 . E(y|x) = b + b x 0 1 x2 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 77 Heteroskedastic Case 异方差的情形 f(y|x) . . x1 x2 . x3 Intermediate Econometrics SILC E(y|x) = b0 + b1x x 78 Sampling Variance of OLS (cont) OLS的抽样方差(继续) Var(u|x) = E(u2|x)-[E(u|x)]2 E(u|x) = 0, so s2 = E(u2|x) = E(u2) = Var(u) Thus s2 is also the unconditional variance, called the error variance 因此 s2 也是无条件方差,被称作误差方差 s, the square root of the error variance is called the standard deviation of the error s, 误差方差的平方根被称作是标准误差 Can say: E(y|x)=b0 + b1x and Var(y|x) = s2 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 79 Heteroskedasticity in a Wage Equation 工资方程中的异方差性 When Var(y|x) depends on x we say there exists heteroskedasticity. 当Var(y|x)值和x 相关是,我们称误差项存在异方差。 If a wage rate equation assumes homoskedasticity, it means we assume Var(u|educ)=Var(wage|educ)= s2. 举例来说,如果我们假设工资一式满足同方差,那么就 意味着不管educ值为何水平,工资的分布相对于教育水 平而言都是相同的。 This may not be realistic since there with more education may experience larger variance in wages. 如果接受高等教育的人面临的机会更多,收入的差异可 能更大,在这一情形中,上述假定未必成立。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 80 Variance of OLS (cont) OLS的方差(继续) 1 ˆ Var b1 Var b1 2 d i ui sx 2 1 1 2 Var d i ui 2 sx sx 1 2 sx 2 2 2 d i Var ui 1 d s s sx2 2 i 2 2 2 2 2 d i 1 2 s2 ˆ s s Var b 2 2 x 1 s s x x 2 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 81 Variance of OLS (cont) OLS的方差(继续) Var ( bˆ0 ) Var ( b 0 ( b1 bˆ1 ) x u ) Var (( b bˆ ) x ) Var (u ) 1 1 Var ( bˆ1 x ) Var (u ) x 2Var ( bˆ ) Var (u ) 1 2 2 n x ( x x ) s i 2 s 2 x 2 s 2 sx n n ( x x ) i 2 x s2 i 2 ( x x ) n i 2 2 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 82 Theorem 2.2 (Sampling Variances of the OLS Estimators) 定理 2.2 ( OLS 估计量的抽样方差 ) Under Assumption SLR.1 through SLR.5, we have (2.57): 在假定 SLR.1 到 SLR.5 下,我 们有(2.57): s2 s2 Var bˆ1 s 2 x n 2 ( x x ) i i 1 and Var ( b 0 ) s2 2 ( x x ) i 2 x i Intermediate Econometrics SILC n 83 Variance of OLS Summary OLS估计量样本方差的总结 The larger the error variance, s2, the larger the variance of the slope estimate 误差方差 s2 越大,斜率估计量的方差也越大 The larger the variability in the xi, the smaller the variance of the slope estimate. Hence we should choose the xi’s to be as spread out as possible. xi 的变动越大,斜率估计量的方差越小.因此我们应该选 择 尽可能的分散开的xi Intermediate Econometrics SILC 84 Variance of OLS Summary OLS估计量样本方差的总结 This is sometimes possible with experimental data, but rarely do we have this luxury in the social sciences. 在实验数据中这一点(增大xi 的变动)有时是可能的,但在 社会科学中我们很少可以人为地增加xi的变动。 a larger sample size should decrease the variance of the slope estimate 大的样本容量能够减小样本斜率估计量的方差。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 85 Estimating the Error Variance 估计误差方差 We don’t know what the error variance, s2, is, because we don’t observe the errors, ui 我们不知道误差方差 s2 是多少,因为我们不能观 察到误差 ui What we observe are the residuals, ûi 我们观测到的是残差 ûi We can use the residuals to form an estimate of the error variance 我们可以用残差构成误差方差的估计 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 86 Estimating the Error Variance 估计误差方差 First, we notice s2=E(u2), therefore, an unbiased estimator of s2 is (1 / n)n ui 2 i 1 首先,我们注意到 s2=E(u2), 所以s2的无偏估 n 计量是 (1 / n)i 1 ui 2 ui is not observable, but we can find an unbiased estimator for ui. ui 是不可观测的,但我们找到一个ui的无偏 估计量 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 87 Error Variance Estimate (cont) 误差方差估计量(继续) uˆi yi bˆ0 bˆ1 xi b 0 b1 xi ui bˆ0 bˆ1 xi u bˆ b bˆ b i 0 0 1 1 Then, an unbiased estimator of s 2 is 那么,s 2的一个无偏估计量是 1 2 ˆ sˆ u i SSR / n 2 n 2 2 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 88 Error Variance Estimate (cont) 误差方差估计量(继续) sˆ sˆ 2 Standard error of the regression sˆ sˆ 2 回归的标准误 recall that sd bˆ s sx if we substitute sˆ for s then we have 如果我们用sˆ替换s,那么我们可得到 the standard error of bˆ , 1 bˆ1的标准误差, 2 se bˆ1 sˆ / xi x 1 2 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 89 Summary 总结 Unbiasedness of OLS (cont) OLS的无偏性 Sampling Variance of OLS (cont) OLS的抽样方差 The definitions of standard deviation and standard error 标准方差和标准误差的定义 Estimating the Error Variance 估计误差方差 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 90 Sample Problems, 2.8 样题,2.8 (i) From equation (2.66), n n 2 b1 = xi yi / xi . i 1 i 1 Plugging in yi = b0 + b1 xi + ui gives 代入 yi = b0 + b1 xi + ui 得到 n n 2 b1 = xi ( b 0 b1 xi ui ) / xi . i 1 i 1 After standard algebra, the numerator can be written as 通过标准的代数运算,分子可被写作 n n n b 0 xi b1 x xi ui . 2 i 1 i 1 i i 1 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 91 Putting this over the denominator shows we can write b1 as 把它除以分母,我们便可以把 b1 写成 b1 = n n 2 n n 2 b0 xi / xi + b1 + xi ui / xi . i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 Conditional on the x i, we have 条件于 x i,可得 n n 2 E( b1 ) = b 0 xi / xi + b 1 i 1 i 1 because E(ui) = 0 for all i. Therefore, the bias in b1 is given by the first term 因为 E(ui) = 0 对所有 i 成立。所以 b1 的偏差由这个方程的第一项给出。 in this equation. This bias is obviously zero when b 0 = 0. It is also zero when n x i 1 i = 0, n 当b0 = 0 时,这个偏差显然为零。当 xi = 0,即 x = 0 时,它也为 0。在后一种 i 1 which is the same as x = 0. In the latter case, regression through the origin is identical to regression with an intercept. 情形中,过原点回归等价于带有截距项的回归。 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 92 (ii) From the last expression for b1 in part (i) we have, conditional on the x i, 由部分(i)得到的 b1 最后的表达式,条件于 x i,我们可得 2 2 n 2 2 2 Var( b1 ) = xi Var xi ui = xi xi Var(ui ) i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 n n n 2 2 n 2 n 2 2 2 = xi s xi = s / xi . i 1 i 1 i 1 n Intermediate Econometrics SILC 93 n (iii) From (2.57), Var( bˆ1 ) = s / ( xi x ) 2 . i 1 2 n From the hint, x 2 i i 1 n 由提示 x i 1 2 i n (x x ) i 1 n (x x ) i i 1 2 i 2 , and so Var( b1 ) Var( bˆ1 ). 可得 Var( b1 ) Var( bˆ1 ). n A more direct way to see this is to write (x x ) i 1 n 2 i = x i 1 n 为了看清这一点,更直接的方式是写出 ( xi x ) = 2 i 1 2 i n x i 1 2 i n( x ) 2 , n( x ) 2 , n which is less than x i 1 2 i unless x = 0. n 除非 x = 0,它都小于 xi2 。 i 1 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 94 (iv) For a given sample size, the bias in b1 increases as 对于给定的样本容量, b1 的偏差随着 x 的增加而增大 x increases (holding the sum of the xi2 fixed). But as x (当 xi2 的和被取定时)。但是当 x 增加时, bˆ1 的方差相对于 increases, the variance of bˆ1 increases relative to Var( b1 ). Var( b1 )增大。当 b 0 较小时, b1 的偏差也比较小。 The bias in b1 is also small when b 0 is small. Therefore, whether we prefer b1 or bˆ1 on a mean squared 所以,是否我们在考虑均方误时偏好 b1 或 bˆ1 ,取决于 error basis depends on the sizes of b 0 , x , and n (in addition to b 0 , x , 和 n 的大小 n the size of x i 1 2 i n ).(以及 xi2 的大小) i 1 Intermediate Econometrics SILC 95