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Passion Project Rubric: Term 3 Assessment Criteria


Term 3 Passion Project Rubric /24

Content &



Excellent 4/4 Competent 3/4

Content is very informative and accurate. There are many supporting details and the project is interesting to read/watch. There should be at least 3 facts that you previously didn’t know.

Content is informative and mostly accurate. There are at least 2 facts that you previously didn’t know.

Approaching 2/4 Insufficient 1/4

Content is not always related to topic. There are many inaccuracies and few supporting details.

Content is not informative and/or accurate. There are very little details.


& Planning


Report is well organized, with a strong introduction and conclusion.

The content is organized in a way that makes sense. It is clear what the student’s questions prior to researching were, what was known about the passion prior to work on the project, and what was discovered during research for the project due to included pre-writing.

Report has adequate organization with a clear intro and conclusion.

It is clear what was known about the passion prior to work on the project, and what was discovered during research for the project due to included pre-writing.

Mode of




The report can be confusing at times due to poor organization. There is an attempt at an introduction and conclusion, but they are weak. Pre-writing is present but incomplete or does not relate directly.

The report has no logical organization.

There is no apparent introduction and/or conclusion. Prewriting is not submitted.

The Passion project is displayed as a paragraph or essay, as a

Slideshow, as a video, or in another mode of delivery that can fulfill the requirements and is ideal for the topic.

The Passion Project is one of the modes outlined in the

Competent box, but the mode of delivery is not ideal for the topic and information.

The Passion Project is one of the modes outlined in the Competent box, but the mode of delivery is awkward for the topic and information.

The Mode of delivery is not appropriate and or/does not make sense for the topic and information.

Citations at the end are complete and correct. Content is either paraphrased in the writer's own

Citations at the end are complete and at least mostly correct. Content is either

There are citations at the end, but they are incomplete, or may not be

There are no citations present

Term 3 Passion Project Rubric




/4 words, or in quotation marks, with the source referenced within the main text.A minimum of 3 credible sources used; there are no questionable sources. paraphrased in the writer's own words, or in quotation marks. A minimum of 2 credible sources used. fully dredible. Content may be directly quoted without quotation marks.

A minimum of 1 credible source used.

The writing is formal (vs informal) .

There is no more than one spelling mistake. Capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct.

Quotation marks are used in regards to secondary sources.

Written work is mostly formal. There are minimal spelling, capitalization, punctuation and/ or sentence structure mistakes that do not interfere with understanding.

Written work is informal in tone.Some mistakes in conventions interfere with understanding, but the writer shows an attempt to use conventions correctly


Written work is informal in tone.

There is no attempt to use writing conventions, which interferes with the reader’s understanding.




The speaker has the audience’s attention and makes direct eye contact, rarely looking at notes. The speaker is able to answer questions confidently.

The speaker uses inflection to hold interest and emphasize important points, and can be heard by the entire audience with the aid of a mic and soundfield system. Tone and language are consistently formal.

Significantly increases the

There is consistent use of eye contact with the audience. The speaker answers most questions with ease.

The speaker uses satisfactory volume and inflection for most of the presentation. Tone and language are mainly formal.

Raises the audience's understanding of most points.

The speaker displays minimal eye contact with the audience,mainly reading directly from notes or the board. The speaker is only able to answer basic questions, and generally seems uncomfortable.

The speaker uses uneven volume and inflection.

Raises the audience understanding of at least

The speaker does not display any eye contact with the audience. The speaker cannot or does not answer questions.

The speaker uses a low volume or no inflection, leading to the audience becoming disengaged.

Term 3 Passion Project Rubric audience's understanding of the research topic. one point.


Fails to increase the audience’s understanding or knowledge on the topic.
