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Biology Test Study Guide: Cell Transport & Organelles

Instructions: Write definitions for any vocab that is listed and answer any questions as
preparation for the test on Tuesday. You will have the opportunity to ask any final
questions in the first five minutes of class before the test.
What is the theory of Spontaneous Generation? Which two scientists did experiments to prove
this theory wrong?
Eukaryotic Cell vs. Prokaryotic cell
What is endosymbiotic theory and what kind of transport does it rely on?
How did eukaryotic cells evolve?
Types of Transport
What is considered Passive Transport vs. Active Transport?
What is diffusion?
What is Brownian motion?
What factors affect the rate of diffusion?
Facilitated Diffusion
What is facilitated diffusion?
How is Cystic Fibrosis caused by issues with facilitated diffusion?
Which direction will particles move during facilitated diffusion?
Compare and contrast Facilitated Diffusion with Simple Diffusion
Compare and contrast Facilitated Diffusion with Membrane Pumps
How does an isotonic solution affect a plant cell? An animal cell?
How does a hypotonic solution affect a plant cell? An animal cell?
How does a hypertonic solution affect a plant cell? An animal cell?
What factors affect the rate of osmosis?
How do you use the vocab: Flaccid, Turgid, Plasmolysis, Cytolysis
What is a solute vs. solvent, and which one moves across a semipermeable membrane during
What is a semipermeable membrane and why is it necessary for osmosis?
Which direction are the molecules moving?
Membrane Pumps
What is ATP?
Why do membrane pumps use ATP?
Which direction do the molecules move?
What are vesicles and when are they used?
What is the role of exocytosis in adding proteins to the cell membrane?
How do coronaviruses exit a cell?
What is pinocytosis and when would it be used?
What is phagocytosis and when would it be used?
Explain the relationship between receptor-mediated endocytosis and coronaviruses.
Cell membrane
Transmembrane protein
Ion channels
Integral protein
Peripheral protein
Egg lab
What substance moved into the egg when it was placed in pure water? In vinegar? In corn
Why did the egg gain mass?
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Protein pathway
How is the golgi apparatus involved with protein secretion?
Where do the proteins on the membrane of a cell originate?
What organelles are involved in the protein pathway from DNA to cell membrane?