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Option Driver Assistance: Product Information

Option Driver Assistance
Product Information
Option Driver Assistance
Table of Contents
Overview .....................................................................................................................................................................................3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................3
Features and Advantages .........................................................................................................................................................3
Application Areas .......................................................................................................................................................................4
Further Information ...................................................................................................................................................................5
Creating the Configuration for Object Verification ...............................................................................................................5
Display and Evaluation ..............................................................................................................................................................6
Occupancy Grid Presentation in Video and GPS Window......................................................................................................6
Calibration of the Camera ........................................................................................................................................................7
Further Solutions for ADAS development ...............................................................................................................................7
Training .......................................................................................................................................................................................7
V2.1 07/2018 –Valid for CANape and vSignalyzer as of version 16.0
Option Driver Assistance
1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
Driver assistance systems acquire information about the vehicle’s environment via a wide variety of sensors such as video,
radar, LIDAR, etc. Warnings to the driver or (semi-) autonomous interventions in the driving situation are made based on the
results of object detection, such as the distance to the vehicle driving ahead. During the drive, measurement results are
indeed available, but it is not so easy to verify them. Option Driver Assistance serves precisely this purpose. It enables the
display of sensor data in the form of graphic elements such as rectangles and lines, or as point clouds.
In CANape, the option may be used either during the measurement or for later evaluation of the measured data. In
vSignalyzer, it is used to evaluate measured data offline.
1.2 Features and Advantages
Option Driver Assistance displays objects acquired by the sensors of a driver assistance system in a video image of a
reference camera that is recorded synchronous to the measurement. It is used for supplemental logging of the driving
situation and is needed as verification of the sensor data. Based on object data computed by the ECU, geometric symbols or
bitmaps are superimposed on the video image at specified points on the image. Verify the sensor’s object recognition
algorithms quickly and reliably by comparing recognized objects to the real environment.
Figure 1: Evaluation of objective sensor data and subjective impressions during in-vehicle tests. Display of objects from bird’s eye view and
superimposed on the video image of the Multimedia Window.
In the GPS window, you can display the associated position data and use it for evaluation purposes. Available map materials
include OpenStreetMap and Shobunsha Super MappleG. In addition, graphic objects can be displayed in the GPS window.
Option Driver Assistance
Figure 2: Graphic objects are superimposed in GPS and Video window
1.3 Application Areas
The flexible configuration capabilities of the Driver Assistance Option cover a wide range of application areas in the
development of driver assistance systems. They can be used to:
> Check object recognition algorithms for ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control), “stop and go” systems, and parking assistance
systems with the help of object overlaying
> Develop lane keeping systems or adaptive lighting for curves and display driving lanes as curves
> Provide useful testing support of traffic sign recognition systems with linking of bitmaps
Figure 3: Visualization of detected driving lanes and calculated trace as object overlay in video image and from bird’s eye perspective.
Option Driver Assistance
1.4 Further Information
Various documents are available online for CANape and vSignalyzer. With the demo versions, you get a detailed online Help
function in which all functions are described. Examples of Option Driver Assistance are not available, however. Furthermore,
you can benefit from valuable know-how in the form of technical articles, recorded webinars and application notes . For more
information, go to the Vector Download-Center.
2 Functions
The GFX Editor offers the convenience of associating detected sensor data (vehicles, road markings, traffic signs, etc.) with
graphic elements (polygons for driving lane detection and rectangles for vehicle identification), which are displayed as
overlays in the Video and GPS window. In addition, a user-scalable view is available in the Multimedia window. This window,
known as the “Grafx” window, shows the objects from a user-configurable bird’s eye perspective.
In addition, image processing algorithms can be linked in the form of DLLs in CANape. Video inputs and outputs are gated via
CANape. The results of the algorithm are visualized in CANape. This lets you optimize algorithm parameters like with an ECU
in online operation.
3 Creating the Configuration for Object Verification
The properties of objects to be displayed, i.e. the relationship between real objects and their display on the screen, are stored
in the Object Signal Mapping file. This file contains the flexible mapping of all parameters, i.e. measurement variables and
preset constant variables, to display objects (X, Y, Z coordinates, size, color, text and numeric fields, etc.).
Numerous standardized, predefined symbolic objects such as occupancy grids, sensor fields, parking assist objects, crosses,
squares, triangles, and lines are available for representing objects. Saved bitmaps may also be used to represent objects. For
more intuitive evaluation of the display it is possible to combine individual objects into groups. The GFX Editor supports the
user in creating and managing the object-signal mapping file.
Figure 4: Using the GFX Editor to conveniently perform object-signal mapping and grouping for object display
Option Driver Assistance
4 Display and Evaluation
Object data, which are either acquired as measured signals or exist as signals in measurement files, are shown as graphic
elements and are superimposed on other information:
> Perspective views and time-synchronous display of the evaluated object information in the video image
> Continuously adjustable object display (from side view to bird’s eye view) with variable grid size (X, Y, Z elongation)
> To achieve an optimum display during the measurement or measured data evaluation, objects can simply be selected by
numeric input (e.g. object numbers 1-5, 6, 8-10) or by preconfigured groups
> Objects, texts, and parameter values can be drawn as supplemental information at fixed or variable pixel positions
> Relative speed and lateral deviation can be displayed as horizontal and vertical excursion lines
> Text and numeric information on the object can be shown in the display
> Any desired zoom level in the Grafx window lets you display precisely that section that you need for your application
> For easy checking of intervals and angles, they can be continuously calculated during the measurement and shown in the
Grafx window
> Subsequent adjustment of all object parameters (size, color, text and numeric fields, etc.) for measurement data
> Measured data of the LIDAR sensors (e.g. Velodyne, Ibeo and Quanergy) are visualized in the Scene window which
displays the received point cloud objects in 3D. A range of views and rotation and zoom mechanisms are available to
permit optimum analysis.
Figure 5: Reliably acquire LIDAR sensor data (e.g. Velodyne, Ibeo and Quanergy) and visualize it meaningfully as a point cloud
5 Occupancy Grid Presentation in Video and GPS Window
For the development of autonomous vehicles, environment models of the vehicle's surroundings are required in the ECU. A
frequently used model is the "Occupancy Grid". In this process, the environment is divided up into small sections and each
section is assigned a probability that there is something in that section or not.
For this purpose, sensor data from around the vehicle are merged by special algorithms and are evaluated. The result is the
probability of an obstacle present at a clearly defined position in relation to the vehicle. The probability of presence is
represented by a standardized numeric value. These data are saved in a two-dimensional characteristic diagram which
reflects the environment. This is an enormously important factor for an autonomous vehicle in order to be able to make
decisions on the potential for further travel in a direction.
CANape handles Occupancy Grid measuring and processing using a 500 x 500 grid with one byte per grid point. By using color
functions and the new Occupancy Grid overlapping object you visualize and validate the captured environment of the vehicle
Option Driver Assistance
as determined by the analysis algorithm of the ECU. For this purpose the Occupancy Grid can be displayed in the video
window (three-dimensionally), in bird's eye view or in GPS window.
6 Calibration of the Camera
To display object data from the ECU as geometric elements in the Video window, it is first necessary to execute a coordinate
transformation from spatial coordinates to pixel positions. In Calibration mode, a grid – like that of a chess board – is
superimposed over the reference camera image, and multiple images are generated. The coordinate transformation is then
computed automatically. Fish-eye lenses are also supported here. The calibration procedure only needs to be performed once,
provided that the system configuration (camera type and position) has not changed.
7 Further Solutions for ADAS development
Vector offers comprehensive solutions for the various tasks involved in developing ADAS systems and systems for highly
automated driving (HAD) in the form of software and hardware tools and embedded components:
> From measuring instruments to acquire sensor data to complete ADAS logging solutions
> Checking and optimizing ECU functions
> Software components
> Algorithm design
vADASdeveloper provides an infrastructure for developing algorithms for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). The
tool reduces your workload in developing sensor data fusion applications. The runtime environment acquires sensor data, logs
it and can replay the data for stimulation. Here the sensor data and the results of algorithms are clearly displayed in a bird's
eye perspective and in the video image.
More information about Vector’s ADAS solutions: www.vector.com/adas
8 Training
As part of our training program, we offer various workshops and training events in our classrooms. It is also possible to
design customized training courses whose contents can be combined or extended to meet your expectations – and of course
they can be held at your business site if you wish.
For additional information on individual training events and schedules on the Internet go to: www.vector-academy.com.
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