F-VTDI-ACAD-AST-1.1 Vocational Training Development Institute School of Education and Professional Studies Instructional Methods and Strategies ED103 Semester 2, 2019 - 2020 Pair Task Module No. 2 Assignment #2 Due: Week 10 Total marks: Date: 80 March 23 - 27, 2020 Lecturer(s): Linda Williamson and Knola Oliphant, Ph. D GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: (a) Working with a partner, select a grade and subject area of your choice. (b) Develop a lesson plan for FORTY-FIVE (45) minutes using the VTDI format. (c) Ensure that higher order objectives from all domains of learning are included. (d) Develop student-centred activities to achieve each objective. (e) Your lesson must show use of a visual aid designed and concepts mastered under the topic "Making the Presentation" on your course outline Other Instructions: (i) Develop, use and submit an instructional aid for the lesson. (ii) Present the lesson for which your plan is written. July 2009 Assignment Specification Template Page 1 of 2 F-VTDI-ACAD-AST-1.1 ASSIGNMENT RUBRIC Category Criteria Maximum Score 1 5 marks Preliminary data are offered, as well as information about employability skills, references etc. 2 Specific objectives for the topic are clearly outlined according to the topic. 10 marks Specific objectives reflect more than one domain and have the components of behaviour, standard and condition included 3 Teaching aids, materials and references are related to objectives 5 marks 4 Teaching/learning activities and strategies are relevant and varied 10 marks according to the objectives 5 Steps are outlined in a logical and cohesive sequence 5 marks 6 Evaluation activities assess achievement of objective formulated and 5 marks reflect varied techniques 7 Lesson delivery portrays knowledge of content 5 marks 8 Presents in a cohesive and sequential manner 3 marks 9 Provides learners with the opportunity to actively participate in the lesson 2 marks 10 Presents without reading verbatim and in an audible and clear voice 3 marks 11 Makes eye contact with the audience 1 mark 12 Uses a moderate rate of speech 1 mark 13 Gains and holds learners attention 1 mark 14 Aid used enhanced presentation, is suitable for context and is appropriate 15 marks based on objectives and ability levels of participants. Where applicable, aid used show appropriate font size, bordering, spacing between words and/or headings 15 Carefully manages and makes optimal use of class time 5 marks 16 Evidence of teamwork during presentation 4 marks TOTAL 80 marks END OF ASSIGNMENT July 2009 Assignment Specification Template Page 2 of 2