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AI World Government 2020 Conference Program

Programs - AI World Government
Programs - AI World Government
Programs - AI World Government
Conference Co-Chairs: Eliot Weinman, Founder and Conference Chair, AI World & AI World Government, Cambridge
Innovation Institute
Scott Lundstrom, Group Vice President and General Manager, IDC Software Research
Keynote Speakers:
David A. Bray, PhD, At Atlantic Council, Incubating New Global Center & Senior Fellow, Institute for Human-Machine Cognition
Bob Gourley, Co-Founder and CTO, OODA LLC
Cheryl Ingstad, Director, Arti cial Intelligence & Technology O ce, U.S. Department of Energy
Ted Okada, CTO, FEMA
Anthony Scri gnano, PhD, Senior Vice President & Chief Data Scientist, Dun & Bradstreet
Ronald Stroup, Chief Systems Engineer, Federal Aviation Administration, NAS Enterprise Planning & Analysis
Robert Ames, Senior Director, National Technology Strategy, VMWare
Microsoft Executive to be announced
Closing Plenary Session
Moderator: Scott Lundstrom, Group Vice President and General Manager, IDC Software Research
Adelaide O’Brien, Research Director, Government Digital Transformation Strategies, IDC
David Schubmehl, Research Director Cognitive/Arti cial Intelligent Systems and Content Analytics, IDC
Shawn McCarthy, Research Director, IDC
Cynthia Burghard, Research Director, Value-Based IT Transformation Strategies, IDC Health Insights
Maureen Fleming, Program Vice President, Integration and Process Automation, IDC
Amy Loomis, Research Director, Future of Work, IDC
JUNE 22 | DAY 1
Morning Summit
Executive Summit: the Future of Data, AI, and Work
Co-Chairs: Scott Lundstrom, Group Vice President and General Manager, IDC Software Research
David A. Bray, PhD, At Atlantic Council, Incubating New Global Center & Senior Fellow, Institute for HumanMachine Cognition
Hosted by:
In the digital era, AI is at the center stage of business intelligence. Data is the core of the new digital economy and needs to
be managed from edge to core to cloud and analyzed in near real time for insights. Due to the complexity and resources
required for AI, model creation tends to be time intensive, expensive, experimental, and often "one-off" solutions. Most
organizations haven't made it beyond the incremental bene ts of a single business process to full production agency wide.
At AI World Government 2020 agency and industry executives with experience confronting the challenges of operationalizing
and scaling AI will discuss how they are dealing with roadblocks, lessons learned, strategies in play to move forward, and
taking responsible and ethical action to affect outcomes.
Full Day Seminar
Programs - AI World Government
Ronald Schmelzer, Managing Partner, Principal Analyst, Cognilytica
Kathleen Walch, Managing Partner, Principal Analyst, Cognilytica
Led by:
Arti cial Intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) are transforming the way we work, live, and interact
with each other. The emergence of these cognitive technologies is transforming the way public sector agencies and citizens
interact with each other. However, putting AI, ML, and DL into practice and getting beyond the buzzwords, as well as
procuring these technologies can be a challenge. This seminar focuses on bringing real world practices, use cases, and
methodologies to make AI projects a tangible success for public and private sector organizations. It will also help
procurement professionals to understand why procuring AI is different than procuring traditional application development
technology. Attendees will gain insight into what makes AI projects a success across a wide range of industries, learn about
the seven patterns of AI, and learn about emerging cognitive automation and intelligent automation approaches.
Click here for details (/seminar-putting-ai-into-practice-in-the-public-sector)
Co-Chairs: Bob Gourley, Co-Founder and CTO, OODA LLC
David A. Bray, PhD, At Atlantic Council, Incubating New Global Center & Senior Fellow, Institute for HumanMachine Cognition
Led by:
AI has injected new capabilities into government and is already improving the missions and functions of federal, state and
local governments as well as governments globally. If this were the end of the story, our task would be simple. We would
only need to accelerate AI into every facet of every government. But we live in a world where not all humans are angels and
not all nations respect the sovereignty of others. And with globally interconnected IT allowing criminals, fraudsters and
hostile nations to continuously innovate, we have to be mindful of the challenges of cybersecurity and countermisinformation.
Experience also shows that AI itself has unique security challenges because of the nature of the algorithms involved.
Enterprises are nding that their AI solutions need special protections. AI needs to be developed in the most secure manner
possible. Adversaries who can access training data can manipulate it to drive outcomes of ML. Algorithms themselves must
also be protected. Many AI solutions have been shown to be biased and/or bigoted. And in some cases, the solutions will
generate results that are unexplainable, making security and compliance even more complicated.
This half day seminar, led by two widely recognized AI experts, will bring together a range of experienced practitioners to
share lessons learned and best practices in mitigating these serious challenges so we can accelerate the elding of AI in
service to governments.
Led by:
Programs - AI World Government
Chair: Beth-Anne Schuelke-Leech, PEng, MBA, PhD, Associate Professor, Engineering Management and
Entrepreneurship, University of Windsor
Chair of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology Standards Committee (SSIT SC)
What do public and private sector o cials need to know about non-governmental efforts to develop standards for Arti cial
Intelligence? In this workshop, representatives from the IEEE standards association will introduce the ways IEEE is moving
into standards-making that addresses the social implications of technology. We aspire to introduce attendees to the IEEE
Society for Social Implications of Technology standards-making and the IEEE Ethically Aligned Design initiative. Components
of this workshop will include panels that discuss the issues in developing and implementing standards, as well as invite
participants to offer their guidance on the standards that their industry will need as they move forward to incorporate AI into
their work ow.
JUNE 23 | DAY 2
Chair: Adelaide O’Brien, Research Director, Government Digital Transformation Strategies, IDC
AI will prove to be a valuable asset for government agencies, but several challenges remain in moving beyond RPA and
chatbots to reach the goal of augmented intelligence. In this track, you will hear from agency and industry executives with
experience confronting these challenges, how they are dealing with roadblocks, strategies in play to move forward, and
outcomes achieved. Challenges and solutions discussed will include:
Reengineering agency work ows and processes
Workforce training on using and interacting with AI
Deciding who owns the data
Developing data management and governance strategies
Organizing stakeholders to determine roles of each team member
Creating policies to ensure responsible and ethical AI
Leveraging industry partners
Deploying best practices
Talk Title to be Announced
Steve Bennett, Director, Public Sector and Financial Services Practice, SAS, Former Director of the U.S. National
Biosurveillance Integration Center in the Department of Homeland Security
A Team Approach to Successfully Deploying AI – AI Strategy at NASA
Edward L. McLarney, A/CIO for Transformation; Data Science Strategic Lead, O ce of the Chief Information O cer, NASA
Langley Research Center
This talk will review the pillars of NASA’s AI strategy, to include focusing on practical application of AI, making AI platforms
available, AI training for different roles, and forming an Agency-wide AI community of action. Ed will also discuss insights
and lessons from team formation, strategy creation, early implementation, and interdependencies with other aspects of
Panel: Data Management and Governance Strategies
By November 2020, all agencies will have begun enterprise-wide data governance activities such as an agency data strategy
or road map, capital planning for enterprise data assets and infrastructure, priority data governance for such practices as
preparing data for use in arti cial intelligence, and a master data management program. In this session, agencies share
preliminary plans and best practices of data management and governance strategies.
Caryl N. Brzymialkiewicz, PhD, Chief Data and Analytics O cer, Department of Health and Human Services, O ce of
Programs - AI World Government
Inspector General ‘pending approval’
Panel: Sharing Agency Best Practices and Leveraging Other Agency Solutions to Implement AI
Key challenges in the use of AI in Government are how to use it effectively and how to educate colleagues about how it can
improve operations. This panel will focus on agency best practices, policy integration, and related AI issues. Some issues
include how to build a cross-functional team and what types of projects may be doable and useful to the agency mission. To
use AI effectively, it’s important to gure out and focus on project ideas in which AI can make a signi cant difference,
improve productivity or advance other key functions. Thinking through the process of moving forward with AI, and
discussing data requirements are also important steps. The audience will gain an understanding of the importance of
Arti cial Intelligence (AI) for government applications, obtain additional resources for further information, and hear about
some policy implications.
Moderator: Margaret Williams, Vice Chair, Learning and Development - USPS, Senior Executives Association
Jaime Anne Earnst, MPH PhD, ORISE Fellow/ Translational Scientist, Deputy Chief of Staff, G9, US Army, Department
of Defense
Elizabeth Varner, Women's Bar Association of DC, Co-Chair, 20+ Years of Experience; Adjunct Professor, Indiana
University, Robert H. McKinney School of Law
Catherine Pagano, Board Member, Women’s Bar Association of DC
Michael Fox, Senior Vice President, Product Management, Product, ElectrifAi
Creating a Culture of Innovation Around AI
Speaker to be announced, pending approval
The General Services Administration is spearheading the acceleration and adoption of AI related technology across the
federal government through our Centers of Excellence, Community of Practice, and government-wide services. This
presentation summarizes how those efforts can operationalize AI within an organization, including top down and bottom up
approaches, success stories, and organizational transformation techniques to support AI-enabled initiatives.
Designing Policies to Ensure Responsible and Ethical AI
Jessica Young, Director, Research and Analysis, National Security Commission on AI
Chuck Howell, Chief Scientist of Dependable AI, MITRE Corporation
In addition to adhering to NIST policies, agencies should seek industry partners that understand the ethical, legal, cultural
and social implications of AI, as well as those developing methods for testing AI systems for fairness. This session includes
an update from NIST as well as individual agency efforts in deploying responsible and ethical AI.
Chair: David Schubmehl, Research Director Cognitive/Arti cial Intelligent Systems and Content Analytics, IDC
AI is the means by which organizations are enabling and creating digital transformation and the government is working
toward becoming an AI organization. This track provides attendees with a roadmap for the evolution of AI technologies over
the next few years. Talks and panels will include:
Use Cases & Advances in Computer Vision and Facial Recognition
Language-based AI – Improved NLP and Translational Technology
AI for Autonomous Vehicles, Drones and Robotics
The role of AI in cyber and cyber-physical security
Machine Learning and AI Enabling the Investigation & Discovery Process through Knowledge Graphs
Cutting-Edge Topics: Quantum Computing, Training Data, AI Governance, Explainable & Trusted AI, Synthetic Data, AI
at Edge
Programs - AI World Government
Talk Title to be Announced
ALEX Executive
Applied Innovations using AI and Emerging Technologies
Pamela Isom, Deputy Chief Information O cer for Architecture, Engineering, Technology, and innovation, U.S. Department of
Energy, O ce of the Chief Information O cer
Digital transformation means nothing unless we are solving business problems and addressing mission needs. Learn how
arti cial intelligence and other emerging technologies are being applied in the government ensuring that innovations really
matter, including critical proof of concepts, pilot initiatives, and optimization of an innovation community center – a digital
hub that ignites innovation.
Small Data, Big Insights: Visual Learning from Sparse Data and Annotations
Raja Bala, PhD, Principal Scientist and Manager of Collaborative Visual Computing Group, PARC, a Xerox Company
While deep learning has de ned the state of the art for many computer vision tasks, its practical deployment is limited by the
requirement for large quantities of annotated image data. In many specialized applications such as medical imaging, data
acquisition and annotation is costly and laborious; hence analysis techniques must learn to draw useful interpretations from
small datasets. In this talk we highlight several approaches developed at PARC to tackle the “small data” challenge. This
includes incorporating domain-speci c constraints into deep networks, techniques to extract structure from unlabeled data,
and human-in-loop approaches for smart image acquisition and annotation.
Panel: AI at the Edge & Emerging Technologies
Moderator: Roberta (Bobbie) G. Stemp ey, Director CERT Division, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Summer Fowler, CIO/CISO, Argo AI
Joseph Raetano, Arti cial Intelligence Researcher, US Federal Government
Amy Henninger, Senior Advisor, Software & Cybersecurity, O ce of the Secretary of Defense
Talk Title to be Announced
REI Systems Executive
Panel: Strategic Development of Arti cial Intelligence Technologies
Arti cial intelligence (AI) is not an end in itself, but rather assists with success in real-world, human-centric problems. As
such, AI should be designed to supplement human efforts when AI can perform better and yield to human efforts when
humans perform better. In this presentation, I will review how human intelligence and AI can be mutually leveraged to
produce optimal outcomes to problems ranging from document editing to the battle eld.
Moderator: Daniel Cassenti, Research Psychologist, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Carl Rubino, Program Manager, IARPA O ce of the Director of National Intelligence
Thom Hawkins, Project O ce/Applied AI Lead, Technical Management Division, US Army Project Manager Mission
Michelle Vanni, Computer Scientist, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Chair: Shawn McCarthy, Research Director, IDC
Programs - AI World Government
As government IT organizations continue to explore ways that arti cial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning can
enable innovation, productivity, and e ciencies, a key question is how to build the right environment and infrastructure to
support these compute-intensive, next-generation applications.
From portable devices to edge computing nodes to cloud-based data centers, AI demands a tremendous amount of
resources. This track explores current use cases of how cloud-based infrastructure helps organizations capitalize on the
potential of AI and machine learning, and provides best practice examples of agencies on the cutting edge of AI and ML
Use Case Opportunities for the Application of AI in the National Airspace System Critical Infrastructure Sector
Jeff Lyons, Electronics Engineer, Manager, Federal Aviation Administration, National Airspace Engineering
Learn about the opportunities and challenges of applying AI in the National Airspace System (NAS) Critical Infrastructure
sector. The transformation must address both the planning and physical infrastructure environments. This session will
discuss the development of a proof-of-concept to apply AI to the NAS-impact Enhanced Strategic Awareness Toolbox
(NESAT) in order to exercise more effective planning, acquisition, and implementation of the NAS, deliver improved
performance to the NAS and minimize the impact to NAS end-users.
Talk Title to be Announced
Brian Drake, Future Capabilities and Innovation O ce, Defense Intelligence Agency
Panel: Infrastructure Transformation: Overcoming Challenges to AI Adoption
This multi-agency panel will discuss infrastructure considerations in establishing a scalable AI architecture such as
challenges around data management and access, cloud infrastructure implementation, and nding the necessary expertise.
Moderator: Shawn McCarthy, Research Director, IDC
Brian Thomas, PhD, Agency Data Scientist and Program Manager for Open Innovation, NASA
Daniel Morgan, Chief Data O cer and Acting Chief Technology O cer, US Department of Transportation
Zack Schwartz, Deputy Division Chief, U.S. Census Bureau
DataRobot Executive
Leveraging the Federal Data Strategy to Advance AI in Government
Nick Hart, PhD, CEO, Data Coalition
The Federal Data Strategy and the 2020 Action Plan chart a course for the federal government to better use and manage
data over the next decade. The Data Coalition – America’s premier voice on data policy -- partnered with the White House in
2019 to support development of a useful and realistic plan of action. The nal strategy provides the starting point for many
federal agencies to advance data governance, data quality, data discoverability -- all essential to the success of AI. This
presentation will focus on how agencies can leverage the new data strategy to meaningfully advance applications of AI
using government-collected data in 2020 and beyond.
How the Federal Government can Execute AI Strategically, Programmatically, and Tactically
Lee Becker, Chief of Staff, Veterans Experience O ce, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Anil Tilbe, Director of Enterprise Measurements & Design, Veterans Experience O ce, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
JUNE 24 | DAY 3
Chair: Cynthia Burghard, Research Director, Value-Based IT Transformation Strategies, IDC Health Insights
Programs - AI World Government
The application of arti cial intelligence to improve healthcare is a high priority for government, both because of the immense
spending and services represented by healthcare, as well as the enormous opportunities to use AI to accomplish more
e cient and better integrated care. Perspectives presented will include top-down policies and overarching strategies for
major departments and agencies, as well as speci c examples of smaller projects that can be implemented in collaboration
with partners. It is critical to demonstrate the potential for democratization of AI for healthcare, and emphasize that even in
smaller units that do not have huge budgets, there are excellent opportunities to apply AI relatively quickly and with positive
impact in the short-term. Competitions and challenges, which solicit collaborative entries from numerous academic and
commercial partners, are one of the ways of accelerating innovation and adoption in this eld.
Panel: Competitions, Challenges, Crowdsourcing and Partnerships for AI Applications in Healthcare
Talk Title to be Announced
Ken Thomson, Director, IT Special Projects, Mass Health and Human Services
Talk Title to be Announced
Charles Jaffe, MD, PhD, Chief Executive O cer, Health Level 7
Panel: Issues and Opportunities for AI in Biomedical Research
Keyvan Farahani, PhD, Center for Biomedical Informatics & IT, National Cancer Institute
Behrouz Shabestari, PhD, Acting Director, Division of Health Informatics Technologies, NIH
Jessica Mazerik, PhD, Special Assistant, O ce of the Principal Deputy Director, NIH
Chair: Maureen Fleming, Program Vice President, Integration and Process Automation, IDC
Government agencies face unprecedented operating challenges as they manage mounting budget constraints while trying to
become more agile, improve citizen experience and improve their overall process e ciencies. As agencies grapple with
these challenges, automation becomes increasingly important -- especially when budget restrictions prevent agencies from
hiring new employees while also needing to reduce or restrict use of contingent workers. Robotics Process Automation
(RPA) in combination with AI create the basis for intelligently automating repetitive tasks. This takes the strain off manually
intensive operations, improves the productivity and decision-making capabilities of an agency’s knowledge workers and
protects agencies from losing critical skills as members of their workforce reach retirement. Hear from thought leaders and
agency experts who will discuss the current and evolving uses cases of intelligent automation and how this set of
technologies will help resolve some of the burdens of scarce resources.
Overview of RPA and Intelligent Automation Market
Maureen Fleming, Program Vice President, Integration and Process Automation, IDC
Scaling Enterprise IT Capability through Enabling Citizen Developers
Kevin Tupper, Senior Cloud Solution Architect / AI Ambassador, Microsoft Corporation
Shawn Gorrell, Director and Principal Technology Architect, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Intelligent automation through low and no-code platforms help IT service providers scale their limited development
resources and provide great business value to the enterprise. Maturing tools allow for citizen development of intelligent,
automated workloads by business area personnel, in partnership with IT.
Programs - AI World Government
Join Kevin and Shawn as they de ne the playing eld, demonstrate examples, discuss best practices and challenges, and
explore how the Fed has approached the topic.
RPA: Rapid Adaptive Path
Kent Craig, Program Analyst, Commerce, USPTO
Government can adopt RPA rapidly and successfully by following an adaptive path that embraces knowledge and hands on
experience from the beginning and then communicates, collaborates, and coordinates continuously.
Chair: Amy Loomis, Research Director, Future of Work, IDC
As government agencies continue down the mandated path of AI adoption, fundamental questions revolve around ‘what
applications should be deployed’ and ‘what new skillsets are required'? The growth and adoption of AI and intelligent
automation solutions are giving rise to a new "digital worker" – automated technology that is rapidly changing the nature of
the human workforce and related skillsets. At the same time, our consumer experiences are driving new sets of expectations
for almost immediate (and intelligent) access to resources, anytime and anywhere. Members of our multi-generational
workforce have differing workstyles that must be accommodated. And broader macroeconomic, geopolitical and
environmental trends are also impacting the work environment.
Work transformation is about rethinking the way work gets done. It is a fundamental shift in the work model to one that
fosters human-machine collaboration; enables new skills and worker experiences and supports an intelligent and dynamic
environment un-bounded by time or physical space. This track will explore how work transformation impacts strategic
government functions today and in the future.
Talk Title to be Announced
Alion Science Executive
Panel: Work Transformation Best Practices
Discussion of work transformation best practices in other industries and how they can be applied to government, including
best practices for talent recruitment and retention.
Moderator: Amy Loomis, Research Director, Future of Work, IDC
Laura Furgione, Chief Administrative O cer, Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau
Workforce of the Future -- How Does the Digital Age In uence How We Recruit, Retain, and Develop Our Workforce?
Jason M. Brown, Colonel, USAF; Director, CSAF Strategic Studies Group
Culture: Transforming Work at the Intersection of Technology, Process, and People
Speaker to be announced, pending approval
AI and the Intelligent Digital Workspace: Drive Productivity and Improve Employee Experience
Laura Victorino Murdock, GM of the AI Software Venture, Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
Work environments are often characterized by manual and repetitive operations, gritty organizational friction, endless
context switching, and a lack of technology investments that have hobbled speed and agility. We now see new digital
workspace solutions developed to meet these challenges. In addition to improved productivity, the modern digital workspace
fosters a better employee experience, supporting talent acquisition and retention.
Programs - AI World Government
Programs - AI World Government
250 First Avenue, Suite 300
Needham, MA 02494
P: 781.972.5400
F: 781.972.5425
Programs - AI World Government