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Cell Division Study Guide

Name: ________________________________Period: ___________
Chapter 10: Cell Division Study Guide
1. Label the cell cycle phases below and use one or a few words to describe what is
happening in each:
2. Why do different cells in your body divide at different rates?
a. Depending on their ______________, they have different rates of wear & tear
3. What happens to the surface area-to-volume ratio when cells get too big? It gets too ____.
4. List vocab words for the following:
a. A single molecule of DNA plus protein: ________________________
b. Loosely packed DNA and proteins during interphase: _______________
c. The proteins that DNA coils around: _________________________
d. One identical half of a copied chromosome: ____________ ________________
e. The protective ends of chromosomes: ____________________
f. The middle of a chromosome, where chromatids are attached to each other:
5. Sketch and label the four phases of mitosis below. Include one big and one small
i. Name of phase:
6. List the two parts of cell division (M phase) that need to happen to be complete:
a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
Name: ________________________________Period: ___________
7. Circle the correct answer: After cell division (mitosis & cytokinesis), are the two cells:
a. the same/different as each other?
b. the same/different amount of chromosomes as the parent cell?
8. How are external and internal factors different? How are they the same?
a. different because: __________________________________________________
b. alike because: _______________________________________________
9. Which two internal factors help cells advance in the cell cycle? ____________ & kinases
10.What are the two types of cell death? ___________________ & ___________________
a. circle the type of cell death that is a normal part of embryonic development
11.List the vocab word that goes with each statement:
a. tumor that stays put and is relatively harmless: ________________
b. a tumor that breaks away and spreads in an organism: ___________________
c. any disease classified by uncontrolled cell division: ___________________
d. a substance known to promote or produce cancer: ____________________
e. breaking away from a tumor and growing in another part of the body: __________
12.List two treatments for cancer:
___________________________ & ___________________________
13.List the right words for each short description. Some may not be vocab words:
a. the making of offspring from one or more parents: ____________________
b. reproduction done by eukaryotes using mitosis – involves only one parent: ______
c. asexual reproduction done by prokaryotes (2 words): ___________ ____________
d. reproduction done by eukaryotes involving two parents: ____________________
14.What are three different ways eukaryotes can reproduce asexually?
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. __________________________
15.Circle the correct answer: a changing environment would be better suited for organisms
that reproduce sexually/asexually.
Name: ________________________________Period: ___________
16.List the levels of organization from least to most complex: organism, tissue, organ
system, cell, organ
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
d. ________________________________
e. ________________________________
17.What is the term for how your cells develop into their mature form and function through
small changes during repeated rounds of mitosis? Mitosis & _______________________
18.In a developing embryo, cells differentiate based on their location in the embryo. What
will each become?
a. Inner (endoderm): ______________________________
b. Middle (mesoderm): _____________________________
c. Outer (ectoderm): _______________________________
19.What is a stem cell?
20.Classify types of stem cells according to their potential to become other cells in the body:
a. can become any cell type in the body: _______________________
b. can become nearly any cell type except for totipotent cells: ___________________
c. can become only cell types that are closely related: _________________________
21.List two sources of stem cells: _______________________ & ________________
22.List a couple of ways stem cells are being used to help people:
a. ______________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________