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Effective Presentation - Rubric Guide

Biology 12 Presentation Rubric
Exceeds Expectations (A level)
Fully Meets Expectations (B level)
Students have chosen a topic that is well-related to the current Students have chosen a topic that is well-related to the current
content from class and consistently relate their presentation to the content from class. The material is all accurate. There is a
course content. The material is all accurate. There is an obvious
conclusion that summarizes the material. There is sufficient
conclusion that summarizes the material. There is sufficient
content to fit the time requirements.
Organization and Timing
Verbal Skills
Nonverbal Skills
Supplemental Material
Students present information in a logical, interesting sequence
that the audience can follow. An outline is used to aid with the
flow. The presentation is between 10-15 minutes long. The
presentation is not rushed or dragged out to meet the time
Meets Expectations at a Minimal Level (C level)
Not Yet Meeting Expectations (I level)
Students have chosen a topic that is related to the course
content. The material is all accurate. There is sufficient
content to fit the time requirements.
Students have chosen a topic that is weakly related to the
course. The material contains inaccuracies. There not sufficient
content to fit the time requirements.
Students present their information in a logical sequence that
There is some disjoint in the sequence of information of the
the audience can follow. The presentation is between 10-15 presentation. The presentation is between 10-15 minutes but
minutes long. The presentation is not rushed or dragged out to
has been rushed or dragged out to meet the requirement.
meet the time requirements.
The audience has difficulty following the flow of information.
The presentation is longer than 15 minutes or shorter than 10
Students demonstrate and generate interest in the topic during Students demonstrate some interest in the topic. Their voices
Students seem indifferent about the material they present.
Students show no interest in the topic presented. Students
the entire presentation. Voices are clear and correct with volume are clear and confident and they pronounce most vocabulary
Voices may be low or display a lack of confidence. Some
mumble, mispronounce many terms or speak so quietly that it
loud enough for the entire audience to hear. Terms are
correctly. The audience is able to hear the presentation.
vocabulary is incorrectly pronounced. The presenters maintain
is difficult to hear. Students lack of professionalism.
pronounced correctly. Students are highly professional
Students maintain professionalism throughout most of the
casual attitudes toward their audience and the presentation
throughout the presentation.
Students are able to hold the attention of the entire audience with
the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at their notes.
Movements seem fluid and help the audience visualize. The
students display relaxed, self-confident nature about themselves,
with no mistakes.
Students have consistent use of direct eye contact with the
audience, but still return to their notes. They make
movements or gestures that enhance articulation. There are
minor mistakes, but the students quickly recover from them.
They display little or no tension.
Students display minimal eye contact with the audience, while Students make no eye contact with the audience, as the entire
reading mostly from the notes. They make very little
presentation is read from the notes. There is no movement or
movement or descriptive gestures. There is mild tension and gestures. Tension and nervousness is apparent. Students have
students have trouble recovering from mistakes.
difficulties recovering from mistakes.
Graphics explain and reinforce the screen text. Font format and
text have been carefully chosen to enhance readability. Only
keywords/phrases appear onscreen - most information comes
from the speakers.
Graphics explain and reinforce the screen text. The text is easy
to read. Speakers elaborate on the content on the slides.
Graphics that relate to the text are used in the presentation. No graphics are used or they are unrelated to the presentation
Speakers read off the slides for the majority of the
content. Text is difficult to read because it is too small or a
presentation. The text can be read from the back of the room.
poor colour combination is used.
Several (>4) reputable resources have been used when
researching the topic. MLA format has been followed throughout
the presentation. All figures are accompanied by their source.
Citations are used for direct quotations and paraphrased facts. A
Works Cited page summarizes the reference information.
A few reputable resources (2-4) have been used when
One to two reputable sources have been used when
Non-reputable sources of information (e.g. Wikipedia, Forums)
researching the topic. Citations are used for direct quotations researching the topic. All reference material is summarized in a have been the main source of information for the presentation.
and paraphrased facts. A Works Cited page at the end of the
Works Cited page at the end of the presentation.
References are not included in the presentation. Some or all of
presentation summarizes the reference information.
the slides in the presentation include plagiarism.
Supplemental material is used to support the presentation
Presenters make use of the material to enhance their
presentation. Supplemental materials are professional.
Supplemental materials are provided but do not enhance the
presentation or are not used effectively. Supplemental
materials are good quality.
All group members contribute equally to the presentation. Group
The group members split the work equally by each person
members take on roles and responsibilities that play to their
being assigned an equal number of slides/presentation time.
strengths (research, slide design, speaking). Group members are The transitions between slides/presenters is seamless. Group
all equally familiar with the entire presentation. All group members members have some knowledge of one another's' portion of
are able to answer questions. Disputes are resolved in a respectful the presentation. Disputes are resolved in a respectful manner.
Supplemental materials are provided, but these are weakly No supplemental materials are provided or are unrelated to the
related to the project topic and are not used when delivering
project topic.
the presentation. Materials are hastily prepared.
The group members split the work equally by each person
One person in the group does the majority of the work
being assigned an equal number of slides/presentation time. researching, designing slides, and delivering the presentation.
Group members do not know enough about each others' topic Some group members are not able to answer simple questions
to answer questions from another person's section. Disputes
from the audience. The teacher has to intervene during the
are dealt with in a manner that does not require intervention
planning process to help solve group disputes.
by the teacher.
For more information about using MLA formatting in presentations, check out: http://libraryguides.bennett.edu/home/library-tutorials/mla-style-powerpoint-presentations
Biology 12 Presentation Rubric
For more information about using MLA formatting in presentations, check out: http://libraryguides.bennett.edu/home/library-tutorials/mla-style-powerpoint-presentations