Comparing Cell Types ________________________________ Does not contain a ___________________________ Have genetic material called ____________ which is located in the ___________________ ___________________________________ Contains a ________________________ Two types: 1 single circular stand of chromosomal DNA and 1 smaller double circular strand called a _________________ Have genetic material called ___________ which is located in the ________________ Tend to lack membrane bound _________________ such as mitochondria and golgi bodies. Have _____________________ such as mitochondria, chloroplast and ER ____________ than prokaryotes (size) Usually __________ than eukaryotes(size) _______ Kingdoms : They are always _____________________ (# of cells) Cell division: ___________________ (asexual) Mostly ___________________, some are ______________ (# of cells) Cell Division: _______________ (asexual)_________________ (sexual) probably evolved from ______________________ _________________ (sexual) ____ Kingdoms: ________________ and ________________ Only know examples: ______________________________ Describe early forms: Both