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Whales&Pinniped Quiz

Quiz #6 Whales & Pinnipeds
1. What is scientific name for whales? (1 pt) _____________________
(a) What kind of whale is this? (1 pt) _____________________
(b) Estimate its size in meters if the person is 1.5m in height. (2 pt)________
(c) How does the shape reveal about its swimming ability? (2 pt)
(d) How does this whale feed? (2 pt)
3. Name the group the following whale belongs too and why? (2 pts)
BONUS: Name the whale. (1 pt)
4. What technique do dolphins use to locate their prey and feed? Briefly explain how it works.
(3 pts)
BONUS: Name the extant land animal whales are most closely related to evolutionarily. (1 pt)
5. Who is this big guy and how do I feed? (3 pts)
6. Grey whales are animals we see close to our southern California coastline. Why do they
come so close? (3 pts)
7. (3 pts each)
Who am I and how am different
to the other guy?
Who am I and how am different to the
other guy?
8. I also belong to the above family of marine mammals, but I am special, who am I? (1 pt)
9. Which pinniped species is the biggest? (1 pt) ________________
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