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History of Medicine Timeline: Ancient to 19th Century

History of Medicine
Ancient Times – Before 4000 BC
● People believed illness and diseases were caused by demons and evil spirits
● Treatments included attemptions to eliminate the evil spirits
Primitive Times – 4000 BC
● Herbs and plants were used as medicine.
● Still use Digitalis and Morphine today.
● Digitalis is for heart.
Morphine is for pain.
● Trepanation - drilling a hole in the head was the treatment for insanity, epilepsy and headaches.
● Average life span = 20 years
Ancient Egyptians – 3000 BC
● Earliest known people to keep accurate medical records.
● Physicians were priests who studied medicine and surgery in temple medical school.
● Called upon the god to heal people when disease occurred.
● First physician was thought to be Imhotep.
● Believed that the body was a system of channels for air, tears, blood, urine, sperm and feces.
● Bloodletting - the use of leeches to “open” a “clogged” channel.
○ Leeches are still used today for various conditions.
■ Venus congestion, reattach fingers
● First to use embalming techniques (known today as mummification).
○ Performed by special priests (not the same as priests who served as physicians).
○ Strong antiseptics were used to prevent decay.
○ The gauze that was used is similar to today’s surgical gauze.
○ Research on mummies has revealed the existence of diseases such as arthritis, kidney stones, and
● Some medical practices still used today:
○ Enemas
○ Circumcision - preceded marriage
○ Closing wounds
○ Setting fractures
Ancient Chinese – 1700 BC
● Believed in the need to treat the whole body by curing the spirit and nourishing the body.
● Believed monitoring the pulse to determine the condition of the body.
● Recorded a pharmacopoeia of medications based mainly on the use of herbs.
○ Book containing directions for the identification of samples and the preparation of compound
● Acupuncture is used to relieve pain and congestion.
● Moxibustion is used to treat disease by stimulating circulation and the body’s qi
● Began to search for medical reasons for illness.
● Average life span= 20 to 30 years
Ancient Greeks – 1200 BC
● Began modern medical science by observing the the human body and effects of disease.
● Believed illness was a result of natural causes.
● Stressed diet and cleanliness as ways to prevent diseases.
● Therapies we still use today:
○ Massage
○ Herbal treatment
○ Art therapy
● Important people:
○ Alcmaeon - biochemist; identified the brain as the physiological site of the senses.
○ Aristotle - dissected animals; called the founder of comparative anatomy.
● Hippocrates : called the Father of Medicine
○ Developed an organizational method to observe the human body.
○ Recorded signs and symptoms of many diseases.
○ Created a high standard of ethics, the Oath of Hippocrates , which is still used by physicians today
○ Average life span = 25 to 25 years
Ancient Romans – 753 BC to 410 AD
● Aqueducts to organize medical care for injured soldiers.
● Early hospitals took place in home the of the ill people.
● Hospitals were later housed in monasteries and convents and .
● Diseases were treated with diet ,exercise , medication .
● Average life span = 25 to 35 years
● Learned from the Greeks - Began public health and sanitary systems.
○ Aqueducts carried clean water to cities .
○ Sewers to carry waste away from cities.
○ Filtering system in public baths to prevent disease .
○ Drained marshes to reduce the chance of getting ______ .
● Important Romans
○ Claudius : Physician who believed the body is regulated by 4 fluids or humors:
■ _______________________________________________________________________________. An
imbalance in the fluids results in illness.
■ Dissected animals to determine ____________________ of ___________________, kidneys, and
■ Studied infectious __________________ and described symptoms of _______________________.
Dark Ages – 400 to 800 AD
● The study of _________________________ was prohibited.
● Emphasis was on ____________________________________.
● Illness and disease were treated by _________________________, ______________________________, and
● ______________ and ______________ provided care for sick people.
Middle Ages – 800 to 1400 AD
● Interested in medical practice of _______________ and _______________ was renewed.
● Physicians began obtaining knowledge at ___________________________________ in the __________ century.
● Major diseases were ________________________, diphtheria, __________________________, typhoid,
the ____________________, and malaria
● _____________________________ of the bubonic plague killed ¾ of the population of Europe and Asia.
● Arab physicians used their knowledge of _____________________ to advance _____________________________.
● Arabs began requiring physicians to pass examinations and obtain ____________________.
● Average life span = ____________________
● Important People:
○ __________________: known as __________ Hippocrates.
■ Based _________________ on ____________________ of __________________________________
of disease.
■ _________ AD, developed criteria for distinguishing between _____________________ and
■ Suggested blood was the cause of many infectious diseases.
■ Began use of _____________________ for sutures
● ________________________: physician in the _______ century.
○ Described the parasite that causes _______________________.
Renaissance – 1350 to 1650 AD
● ___________________ of the science of medicine.
● Dissection of the ____________ allowed for a better understanding of ________________________ and
● First chairs (____________________of _______________________) of medicine was created at
_____________________________ in Cambridge, England in _____________.
● ___________________________________________________________ allowed knowledge to be spread to others.
● Average life span = ____________________
● Important People
○ __________________________________ and _______________________________________
■ Used dissection to draw the body more realistically.
● ________________________
○ Published the first Anatomy Book.
● ________________________
○ Wrote the first book on Dietetics.
16th and 17th Centuries – 1501 to 1700
● Causes of diseases were still __________ known.
● Many people died from infections and puerperal fever (during childbirth).
● _________________________: (early pharmacists) made, prescribed and sold medications.
● Average life span = ____________________
● Important People
○ __________________________________: French surgeon known as the _____________________________
■ Established _____________________________ to bind arteries and stop bleeding.
■ Eliminated the use of boiling oil to _____________________ wounds.
■ Promoted the use of __________________ limbs.
● Anton ______________________________
○ Invented the ________________________ in 1666.
18th Century – 1701 to 1800
● Doctors based their _________________________________________ on the ancient beliefs of "humors," bodily
"tension," or other cruder practices.
● The practice of "____________________________" with leeches to cure illness was still common practice.
● The practice of medicine caused more _________________________________________ as doctors did not
sterilize their hands or instruments.
● __________________________________ were better doctors than learned physicians were.
● The most commonly used medicines were botanical.
● The most widely read material were the "herbals" catalogues, which explained where and how healing
herbs grew and explained their uses.
● The medicines prescribed for ailments were just as bad as the illness itself. In Europe anything and
everything was used in the mixing and making of drugs.
● Important People
○ Gabriel ____________________________: created the first ____________________________ in 1714.
○ ____________________________: English surgeon who established surgical procedures.
○ Benjamin ___________________________: invented bifocals for _____________________.
○ ______________________________: prescribed __________ juice and vitamin _____ to prevent
_______________ in 1795.
○ ________________________: developed a vaccine for ____________________ in 1796.
■ World’s first vaccine.
19th Century – 1801 to 1900
● The industrial revolution took place, resulting in major progress in _____________________________________.
○ Ready access to _______________.
○ ______________________________________________________________.
● Formal training for ________________________.
● ____________________ became active participants in medicine.
● Treatments became more specific ___________________________________________________.
● Practitioners focused on ____________________________ that was generally based on causative information.
● _____________________________________________________ until 1895 and were the first true diagnostic tool.
● Health care may have included a ________________________________________________, or just a trip to the
● _______________________________ was not used in hospitals until the 1870s.
● Two perspectives on the body in 19th century America
○ __________________________________________ were related to each other.
○ The inputs and outputs of the body were __________________________________________________.
● _________________________________________ were designed to help the body re-achieve its proper balance
by releasing bodily elements
● Important People
○ James ________________________: performed the first ___________________________________ in 1818.
○ Rene ____________________: invented the first _______________________ in 1819.
○ Gregory ______________________: established principles of _______________ and dominant/recessive
○ ________________________________________________: known as the Founder of
■ Began the professional education of nurses
■ Established nursing units during Crimean War in 1854.
■ Opened ____________________________________________for nurses at __________________
Hospital in London in 1860.
● Ignaz _______________________
○ Encouraged physicians to _________________________ with lime after performing _______________
and before delivering ____________ to prevent fevers.
● o Elizabeth ________________________
○ First female _________________ in the US in __________.
● ________________________: started using ______________________________ and antiseptics during surgery to
prevent infection in 1865.
● __________________________: founded the _________________________________________ in 1881.
● Louis ___________________
○ Proved microorganisms cause diseases,.
○ ________________________ milk to kill bacteria.
○ Created ______________________ vaccine in 1885.
● Dimitri _______________________________: discovered ____________________ in 1892.
● Wilhelm _________________________: discovered Roentgenograms (__________) in 1895.
● _______________________________: developed a vaccine for Typhoid Fever in __________.
20th Century – 1901 to 2000
● Average life expectancy went from _____________________________________.
● This dramatic increase in life expectancy is largely due to several _________________________________ during
this time
● First kidney dialysis machine was developed in __________.
● First heart-lung machine used for open heart surgery in __________.
● Physicians used ______________________________ to diagnose inherited diseases before birth in 1975.
The first baby was born using in __________________________________ in 1978.
● _______________ Immune Deficiency Syndrome (__________) was identified in __________.
● _______________ Immunodeficiency Virus (_____) was identified in __________.
● First __________ therapy to treat diseases occurred in __________.
● _________________ was cloned in 1997.
● ______________________________________ programs to prevent diseases
● Advances in __________________________________________ (MRI, CT scan)
● Human genome project will lead to a much better understanding of the _________________________________
● Health insurance plans were created to ____________________________________.
● Important People
○ _______________________: demonstrated that mosquitoes carry yellow fever in __________.
○ Carl ____________________: classified the______ blood groups in 1901.
○ Dr. Elie ____________________: identified how __________ blood cells protect against diseases.
○ ________________________: isolated radium in 1910.
○ ________________________: formed the basis for ____________________ and ____________________.
○ Frederick ____________________ and Charles __________: discovered and used __________ to treat
______________ in 1922.
○ Sir Alexander ____________________: discovered _______________ in 1928.
○ Dr. George ____________________: developed the Pap Test to detect ________________ cancer in
○ Frances __________ and James __________: described the structure of ________ in 1953.
○ Jonas ___________: developed the __________ vaccine using __________ polio virus in 1952.
○ ____________________: developed an oral __________ virus polio vaccine in the mid-1950s.
○ ____________________: performed the first successful _____________ transplant in 1954.
○ ______________________________: performed the first successful __________ transplant in 1968.
○ Dr. William _______________: implanted the first artificial __________, the Jarvick-7, in 1982.
21st Century (2001-Present)
● The potential for advancement is ___________________________.
Computers and rapid communication allows __________________________________________________
● Use of ________________________________________.
● Anti-Smoking Laws __________________.
○ ____________________________________ to secondhand smoke
○ ___________________________________ of cases of lung cancer
● Targeted Cancer Therapies
○ ________________________________________________________.
● Laparoscopic Surgeries Improved
○ ______________________________________________________.
○ Increase in natural orifice procedures
● Genetic research is becoming ______________________.
○ Human Genome Project
■ __________________________________ all the genes of the human genome
■ Completed April 2003 “___________________________________”
● Stem-Cell Research
○ 2006 - “mini-liver” generated from human cord blood stem cells in the UK
○ 2007 - Scientists discover how to use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells.
● 2005 - First partial ______________________________.
● 2010 - First full _______________________________.
● 2006 - Vaccine for _________ (human papilloma virus)
● 2006 - HIV treatment cocktail approved
● Combined ______________________________________________ and made treatment protocol easier to follow.
● 2014 - FDA approves human clinical trials in the USA for _______________________________________________